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Does India Have An E-Bomb(Electro Magnetic Bomb)?

High altitude nuke burst will also generate EMP that effect a huge area. Smaller EMP weapons can be made using off the shelve hardware...it has a localized effect to un-shielded sites. I think a regular bomb would be more effective in a conventional war scenario.
Yes, it is. You can use a nuclear detonation as an intended EMP weapon, but no one is going to buy that argument. If you use a nuclear detonation, it WILL be interpreted as a nuclear attack, not an EMP attack. Physical destruction is the primary effect of a nuclear weapon.

Thanks :tup: its just that nuclear fallout overshadow the EMP effects of it .
So next time there is a Kargil or a LoC violation, you may not hear gunshots or mortar shells, because the electromagnetic bomb will throw life out of gear
EMP bombs do not kill mortar shells or guns, it only disable electronic equipment, therefore one will not able to communicate with outside world but it can't disable them from firing.
EMP bombs do not kill mortar shells or guns, it only disable electronic equipment, therefore one will not able to communicate with outside world but it can't disable them from firing.
Beside EMP will not differentiate between friend or foe so unless their own equipment is insulated and protected they too will be at risk.

Let us assume they have one and they want to use again Pakistan on LOC. They either have to risk their own equipment as collateral or they have to move it out of the area, hence it will give clear indication to PA as to what is coming and they can be prepared for it. Something like Tsunami ie water goes out and than comes back in.
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