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Does China have what it takes to be a Superpower - Bloomberg opinion

That's true, however in pragmatic terms it is no longer possible for any one country to become the "global hegemon".
History is dynamic. What you see in 2018 might be entirely differant in 50 years time. So you can't make a future prognosis in such absolute terms based on present day realities. In 1700s who would have thought a bunch of settlers in the new world from England were laying the foundation of something that would go on to be a global hegemon. When Chinese per capita exceeds $20k I expect China to begin flexing it's muscles ...
Assalamu Alaikum

China will only be a superpower when it has as much cultural influence as the US does.

When the entire world openly laughs at us in the United Nations we will finally be a superpower. :enjoy:

But hopefully that will never happen, it would be my worst nightmare for China to replace the USA as the global policeman. Let the USA keep the job for as long as possible until they get laughed right out of the UN.
That's true, however in pragmatic terms it is no longer possible for any one country to become the "global hegemon".

The USA in 1991 had a level of relative power vs. the entire world that allowed it to become the global hegemon. This is no longer true in the modern world, the USA of today can't even bully North Korea and Iran, let alone any other country. And the USA is openly laughed at in the United Nations, where once they were either liked or disliked (but at least respected) now they are openly treated as a joke.

If China today decided to turn its massive industrial engine solely towards the building of the largest military force the world has ever seen (since the Soviet Union), China might be able to cause terrific havoc and destruction but still would not be able to become the world hegemon, maybe not even the hegemon of the Asia Pacific region.
I would have to agree with you. When USA was the world hegemon in 1991 there were unique circumstances that allowed USA to dominate the world only till now.

I doubt there will ever be a sole superpower again. The times are changing rapidly now.

Now it is a multipolar world now.

Assalamu Alaikum

China will only be a superpower when it has as much cultural influence as the US does.
Walaikum Salaam.

Not only that. But it is also about Economic and military strength as well.
China is has the very ability to become a super power, but we are not interested in doing so.
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