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Does any one want Indo-Chinese friendship?

Interesting. In 1992 we were in a terribe balance of payment crisis & all your lock & stock politicans were against reform, you know the typical IMF/World Bank conspiracy theories (Ya we've had our share of that too). 'Devaluaing the Indian Rupee is like devaluing India's pride' and such nonsense.

By then and in the next few years China's reforms were very extensively discussed. I think that by 1992 you had sufficiently proved your system works. And ya, I'm aware of Jiang Xemin's second thoughts and Deng's tour shoring up support for the reforms. That was quite historic.

Well, China did not fully devalue RMB until 1994 (8.62) which was th lowest and pegged against $ in 1997 (8.27).

I don't think it was that Jiang Zemin was having a second thought about the reform himself, it was that there was not enough support from the party, and he has not consolidated enough power within the party to fight those oppositions until Deng stepped out. After that Jiang's support for Deng helped himself to consolidate the power in the government and the party.
Well, China did not fully devalue RMB until 1994 (8.62) which was th lowest and pegged against $ in 1997 (8.27).

I don't think it was that Jiang Zemin was having a second thought about the reform himself, it was that there was not enough support from the party, and he has not consolidated enough power within the party to fight those oppositions until Deng stepped out. After that Jiang's support for Deng helped himself to consolidate the power in the government and the party.
Oh yeah. My mistake. Wasn't Jiang himself but there was a feeling that reforms were leading to problems.
It's all well and nice to talk about what can be but there's still a very serious trust issue.

India and China are poised in almost every single way to work together economically and perhaps geopolitically that could benefit both sides immensely. But most Indians are still wary of China because of what happened in 1962. The war made people angry and confused, and is still hurtful today. The politicians dare not talk peace and cooperation if the people are not behind them and right now the people are not behind them when it comes to settling the border.

What's more trouble is the current situation. India is rearming the border and the media constantly reports chinese incursions into Indian territory, while the CCP protests vehemently about this build up. This is history repeating again.
Count me in 4 Chino_India friendship and possible alliance as well.
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