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Documents reveal NSA’s extensive involvement in targeted killing program

Dude, be more decent and act your age, while quoting others. Your whole reply was just pure anger, try to breathe in and breathe out. Typical, once confronted with facts, you people deflect.
Just because you presented facts, that does not automatically make your argument credible.

Tough to beat institutionalized slavery in terms of inhumanity. The US was such a society. But look at US now. You really think that before an immigrant submit his papers to come to the US and eventually be a US citizen, he is going to search for past wrongs, found the US was a slave holding country, and change his mind? :lol:

You want to see anger? Look in the mirror.

I am fine with the way my country is NOW. Are you with yours?
I maybe the calmest person on the planet! :partay:

Nothing wrong with the general US population, they are pretty decent and nice people, as not contested by yourself either. It's the State Department, and the old guard, such as yourself that give it a bad reputation. You are a dying breed, you know it, so do I. America will once again rise from the ashes of it's recent inhumane history and be a great nation once again. Wait thirty or so more years for the old geysers to die out, and let the big oil, pharma, and armaments lobby give way to modern entrepreneurs. Your version of America was definitely not the one envisioned by the founding fathers.

Yes, you heard it right! :woot:

Just because you presented facts, that does not automatically make your argument credible.

Tough to beat institutionalized slavery in terms of inhumanity. The US was such a society. But look at US now. You really think that before an immigrant submit his papers to come to the US and eventually be a US citizen, he is going to search for past wrongs, found the US was a slave holding country, and change his mind? :lol:

You want to see anger? Look in the mirror.

I am fine with the way my country is NOW. Are you with yours?
Never said we are perfect. But this is typical of people like you who demand perfection from US but excuses everyone else. You think your Pakistan or Turkey is better than US?

Gambit, if I may ask, how do you explain these past actions of the U.S., then? Namely, the cited illegal experimentations conducted by the government? The article is no surprise to me, as I had come across it months ago, but even so, the claims they list, if true, are very serious.
Just because you presented facts, that does not automatically make your argument credible.

i am sorry but since English is not my native language, does the above statement means argument given backed by facts are not supposed to be credible? than what makes something credible? which comes on Fox or CNN?
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