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Documentary on Emam Khomeini

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those all were Iranians
and mullah is not Islam

i am not saying all the Iranians are muslim. 60-70 percent of our population are muslim. what i said was: if you are looking for muslim iranians you can't find them easily in eu.

mullah is a person, Islam is a religion.:what:
i am not saying all the Iranians are muslim. 60-70 percent of our population are muslim. what i said was: if you are looking for muslim iranians you can't find them easily in eu.

These all r inside 60 -70 %, at least according to Iran

mullah is a person, Islam is a religion.:what:

both r opposite things, that's what I mean
Mullah is part of ur country but not Islam
till now I haven't seen even single Irani in Europe who calls himself Muslim

lets not exaggerate. I'm an objective person. 43% of Iranians in Netherlands are muslims/call themselves muslim, according to a recelt poll/research from 2012. I know some who even pray and fast.

Iranian so called Islamic republic calls them Muslim but not they themselves

Turks, Iraqis and Afghans claim themselves Muslims even if their character negates

lets not exaggerate. I'm an objective person. 43% of Iranians in Netherlands are muslims/call themselves muslim, according to a recelt poll/research from 2012. I know some who even pray and fast.

He is not an imam, and goes down in history as one of the worst Iranian leaders ever. A mass murderer, as Montazeri already knew.

Your opinion.
lets not exaggerate. I'm an objective person. 43% of Iranians in Netherlands are muslims/call themselves muslim, according to a recelt poll/research from 2012. I know some who even pray and fast.

According to Elsevier 66% of Iranians in the Netherlands are atheists or agnostics. And the others are only 'Muslim' in name.

Your opinion.

No, the opinion of the majority of the Iranians. And you know that as well.
@Surenas . But if Iranians are not Muslim for the majority, why do we see some pretty serious s.hit Muslim stuff in your country, like the dress code for your women and the public hangings and the stoning of women half buried into the earth and stuff? Not to mention you rabid hatred of Israel and Jews and your Hezbollah fighters in Palestine and Syria? Is this imposed upon your majority by a minority? If so, what does it say about you as a people? Scared, powerless, immune, indifferent? Or do you see Egypt and Syria and have decided to grit your teeth and endure rather than suffer a similar fate?
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like it or not Islam is a part of our country.

Islam is not part of our country if you say that.thats mean you spit on Cyrus and Darius tombs
You are traitor who accepted the religion of the arab terrorist who raped your women put the sword on your neck threated to behaeded you if you don't convert to thiere religion.
Mullah is part of ur country but not Islam
till now I haven't seen even single Irani in Europe who calls himself Muslim

Islam is religion came from arab invaders who use the sword to spread thier ****** cult why would iranians call themselves Muslims and they have history better than that terrorist cult
If islam the true way why would need wage a war to spread their bloodthirsty cult????????
ur stuff is useless for me
try to sell this to ur Iranian fellows
they r trying to prove every Irani as muslim not I

Islam is religion came from arab invaders who use the sword to spread thier ****** cult why would iranians call themselves Muslims and they have history better than that terrorist cult
If islam the true way why would need wage a war to spread their bloodthirsty cult????????
Be strong and ruthless muslims of iran,,,

A word of warning the kaffirs amongst you are a danger to you, if they get a chance they will hurt and slaughter you.

Get them before they try to get you

Islam is the only valid faith left in this world it will be the bulwark against all disbelief

Islam is religion came from arab invaders who use the sword to spread thier ****** cult why would iranians call themselves Muslims and they have history better than that terrorist cult
If islam the true way why would need wage a war to spread their bloodthirsty cult????????

Islam is the fastest growing faith in the world, dont get bent out of shape because you got stamped upon

Your a jew your nature is two faced, your decite and actions left millions of you dead once the germans found you out, dont make the same mistake in iran
Islam is not part of our country if you say that.thats mean you spit on Cyrus and Darius tombs
You are traitor who accepted the religion of the arab terrorist who raped your women put the sword on your neck threated to behaeded you if you don't convert to thiere religion.

Jew is also semitic religion if you are so nationalist why did you not become Zoroastrian instead of jew? Your Zionist leaders are the real terrorists.
Jew is also semitic religion if you are so nationalist why did you not become Zoroastrian instead of jew? Your Zionist leaders are the real terrorists.

I nationalist Judaism is not 100% Semitic all the abrahamic religion came from Zoroastrian
Faith in fact Persians are the founders of Greek wisdom when Alexander the Great invaded iran he took many books with him and these books played important role in Greek civilization and Europe
@Serpentine Will you delete this sh!t^?
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All iranians hate him and hate islam and becoming atheists

its not only iran mullahs and extremist Islamic forces producing more atheists in muslim world then anything else . its become hot trend now dear .
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