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Do you think we should need nukes !?

Should we armed ourselves with nuclear weapons

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My understanding is any type of it is banned. And I have not heard any of the officials ever talk about building one.

However the opinion of people of the streets in Iran is that Iran should have it.
ما به آزمایش های هسته ای کره شمالی دسترسی داریم؟
ما به آزمایش های هسته ای کره شمالی دسترسی داریم؟
راستش من خبرای مختلفی در این رابطه خوندم. بعضی از خبرگزاری ها حتی اعلام کردن که بعضی از آزمایشات هسته ای که در کره شمالی انجام شد، ناظر ایرانی داشته. این باعث شد که یک سری حتی احتمال بدن که شاید بعضی از اون بمبها ایرانی بودن که در کره شمالی آزمایش شدن.
راستش من خبرای مختلفی در این رابطه خوندم. بعضی از خبرگزاری ها حتی اعلام کردن که بعضی از آزمایشات هسته ای که در کره شمالی انجام شد، ناظر ایرانی داشته. این باعث شد که یک سری حتی احتمال بدن که شاید بعضی از اون بمبها ایرانی بودن که در کره شمالی آزمایش شدن.
خوب اگر این گزاره صحیح باشد به این معناست که نه تنها ما چرخه کامل سوخت هسته ای رو در کشور ایجاد کردیم ... در زمینه طراحی و ساخت بمب اتم و ازمایشش هم اقدام کردیم و دانش لازم را داریم ...
ولی سوالی که هست این هست که اگر ایران در آزمایشات هسته ای کره درگیر هست چرا آمریکایی ها چیزی بروز نمیدن؟
خوب اگر این گزاره صحیح باشد به این معناست که نه تنها ما چرخه کامل سوخت هسته ای رو در کشور ایجاد کردیم ... در زمینه طراحی و ساخت بمب اتم و ازمایشش هم اقدام کردیم و دانش لازم را داریم ...
ولی سوالی که هست این هست که اگر ایران در آزمایشات هسته ای کره درگیر هست چرا آمریکایی ها چیزی بروز نمیدن؟
شاید حقیقت نداشته باشه. ولی اینطور هم نیست که آمریکایی ها همه چیز رو بدونن. کل مساله هسته ای ایران رو منافقین راه انداختن تا قبل از اون کسی در اروپا یا آمریکا خبر نداشت.
chemical weapons may have been commendable morally but it was a very,very poor decision militarily as it allowed saddam to continue the use of chemical weapons against iran with absolutely no fear of retaliation
That's one stark difference b/w a religious and secular system. Religious state never compromises on its morals, a lot of innocent Iranians were killed by chemical weapons but religiously "every one has a set time to die" and they died a martyr standing true to their principles. A secular state in essence has no morals it does what's most convenient.
شاید حقیقت نداشته باشه. ولی اینطور هم نیست که آمریکایی ها همه چیز رو بدونن. کل مساله هسته ای ایران رو منافقین راه انداختن تا قبل از اون کسی در اروپا یا آمریکا خبر نداشت.
به نظر من ایران هم دانشش رو داره هم بمبش رو.
و غرب هم این رو میدونه و به این خاطر علنیش نمیکنه که کشورهایی مثل عربستان بهانه ای برای اتمی شدن نداشته باشن
اگر یادتون باشه یه مصاحبه با یکی از دانشمندان در تلویزیون نشان دادن که از قبل از انقلاب در این رابطه در فعالیت بودن و ایشون گفتند که ما تمام تحقیقات لازم رو انجام دادیم تا اگر یک زمانی شاه دستور اتمی شدن داد ما آماده باشم
Seeing Pakistani reaction i think Iran should make nukes soon and too in large numbers
Both Ayatullah Khameiny and Ahmadinajad were wise to say no to the making of nukes in Iran.. for the simple reason that they can not make enough nukes and ICBMs in time to counter/deter the US Nuclear arsenal..unlike North Korea who shares borders with China and Russia, Iran has none of that virtual protection, and can be targeted with Nuclear weapons much easier, with both Iraq and Afghanistan in shambles it makes it a lot easier..So wisdom had to prevail..
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Both Ayatullah Khameiny and Ahmadinajad were wise to say no to the making of nukes in Iran.. for the simple reason that they can not make enough nukes and ICBMs in time to counter/deter the US Nuclear arsenal..unlike North Korea who shares borders with China and Russia, Iran has none of that virtual protection, and can be targeted with Nuclear weapons much easier, with both Iraq and Afghanistan in shambles it makes it a lot easier..So wisdom had to prevail..

I would usually agree but think about it from a practical view.

In recent years the use of nuclear weapons have more less been changed in the military doctrines of Iran's enemies. The US and Israel both use nukes of a smaller scale to respond to conventional threats. I remember there was a bomb that went off in Yemen hitting a weapons Depot but from the video that multiple nuclear experts looked at you see particles on the video indicating a nuclear explosion of some sort. Kind of makes you think doesn't it?

Religion or not nukes are a plus. Either that or Iran has a lot of missiles ready to fire in order to compensate.
I would usually agree but think about it from a practical view.

In recent years the use of nuclear weapons have more less been changed in the military doctrines of Iran's enemies. The US and Israel both use nukes of a smaller scale to respond to conventional threats. I remember there was a bomb that went off in Yemen hitting a weapons Depot but from the video that multiple nuclear experts looked at you see particles on the video indicating a nuclear explosion of some sort. Kind of makes you think doesn't it?

Religion or not nukes are a plus. Either that or Iran has a lot of missiles ready to fire in order to compensate.
Well I think the one that went off in Yemen was actually a bunker buster hitting underground Scud missile fuel tanks . Creating some kind of thermobaric explosion .
Every nuclear explosion even the weakest/smallest one ( Davy Crockett device with a yield equivalent to just 10 and 20 tons of TNT ) has some kind of initial brilliant flash of light . I couldn't see it in the depot explosion .
Now go check some space rocket failures and explosions on YouTube and you will find more similarities to the Yemeni case .
The logic that why pursue a weapon that cannot be used under any circumstance is sound. They can't be used, period! If nobody can or will use them, then why bother?

Iran is at break out capability. It can assemble nukes quickly if required, similar to Japan in doctrine. However the political will is not there for such a decision.
Better try to reduce sanctions than get nukes for now. Iran needs to modernize its conventional forces and the economy than obsessing over nukes.
Iran needs to keep advancing in civilian Nuclear tech and there are also other military uses like Depleted Uranium that doesn't involve nukes.

Iran should try to keep the ability build nukes in case of emergency. Iran will at least be able to create dirty bombs
Again our current situation proves what I've said before, The 1979 Revolution was probably the worst fvck up that we could ever come up with in our history.

Dude having nukes isn't going to scare the US. We are too far away from them and with these missiles that we have and all of their missile defense systems, we won't be able to deliver a nuclear bomb to the Continental United States. But i have a better plan on how to scare Americans, instead of having Nukes, we should have full detailed blue prints and instructions on how to build centrifuges, enrich Uranium and build a nuclear weapon, and also some nasty biological and chemical WMD. And we should threaten the US that if you attack us, we will release them to the public on the Internet. This will scare them as hell.

USA will have a field day and is known for false flags. They will use this opportunity and just make up dodgy dossier like they did on iraq.
After that iran is going to get tagged teamed by nato.

Nukes are not the only thing banned in islam, if you say so, what about usury/imf credit cards etc rothschild. This is why saddam had to go he changed to euros, gaddafi switched to oil for gold and halal currency gold and silver he had to go, assad of syria does not have rothschild central bank now its his turn.

guess who else does not have r.c.b yes north korea, isnt usa trying to provoke a war with it these days?

Iran does not have a r.c.b that why it is a target. two weopens that can be used against usa the nukes or drop the dollar switch to gold and silver currency and barter international you know like oil for gold or goods/services.

The dollar wil collaspe bringing down all paper money end game.
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