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Do you think we should need nukes !?

Should we armed ourselves with nuclear weapons

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Well the invasions did help Iran, but I don't think there is any behind-the-scene secret pact.

It seems what the West wants is an Iran strong enough to cause trouble in the neighbourhood (maintaining the power balance), while making sure it never crosses a red line so it doesn't challenge Western interests in the Middle East.

Which is a really smart approach. I think Iran understands this and they will never cross that red line. But it will continue to remain a pain in the *** for both Arabs and Israelis.
For the arabs yes, the israelis never..
I think Iran first get their conventional Capabilities more strong ..
they need better Tanks , Ships , Submarine's , Air Defense Systems, Fighter Jets, Attack Helicopters , Armored Vehicles , Better Equipped Infantry , Destroyers , Artillery , Howitzers , Armed Drones .. once all are modernized than go for the nukes ..

I think Iran first get their conventional Capabilities more strong ..
they need better Tanks , Ships , Submarine's , Air Defense Systems, Fighter Jets, Attack Helicopters , Armored Vehicles , Better Equipped Infantry , Destroyers , Artillery , Howitzers , Armed Drones .. once all are modernized than go for the nukes ..
Ayatollah Khameini, the supreme leader of the Islamic republic of Iran had issued a Fatwa against nuclear weapons..
What do you guys make of it?
Was is wise according to the context of the situation or not? All options might have been weighed against its other and the optimum solution must have led to this decision that was also made on religious principles opposed to mass destruction..

You don't know about Governmental Fatwa .... its can be change in overnight ...
You don't want to scare the US, lol. You will end up toasted, like Iraq.
lol, That's the whole idea of scaring Americans, to not getting toasted :-). If Iraqis were scary enough, they'd probably didn't get toasted.
Why not have a mutual defence treaty with Pakistan so we can have each other's back? You help us with the Kashmir fight, we'll help you become ME regional hegemon.
Well our Akhonds thanks to the brilliant strategists that they are managed to completely fvck our relationship with the west. So now we got stuck with China and India to buy our oil, and having a defense treaty with Pakistan means they have to flash our Oil down the toilet, so i don't see that's going to happen.
Some Iranians think the US is scared of them. Nothing can be further from the truth. The US doesn't invade Iran only because the costs of long-term occupation cannot justify one.
If thats the case then why didnt the usraelis/nato just simply attack iran and destroy its nuclear program instead of pissing about with years of sanctions and then finally backing down and agreeing a deal that not only recognized irans right to enrich uranium but also left iran with a substantial enrichment capability as well.Why didnt they just fire off a few cruise missiles and be done with it that way they`d be no need for any occupation..right?
If thats the case then why didnt the usraelis/nato just simply attack iran and destroy its nuclear program instead of pissing about with years of sanctions and then finally backing down and agreeing a deal that not only recognized irans right to enrich uranium but also left iran with a substantial enrichment capability as well.Why didnt they just fire off a few cruise missiles and be done with it that way they`d be no need for any occupation..right?

The US is not a single individual driving all policies - most US policymakers don't think it's worth it, but the threats and sanctions are imposed occasionally to keep the anti-Iran lobbies happy. It's the opposite of what you think: the US is not backing off because it's scared BUT actually they are being forced to sanction Iran by certain lobbies every now and then.

That's my understanding, maybe there's more to it.

having a defense treaty with Pakistan means they have to flash our Oil down the toilet, so i don't see that's going to happen.

Correct. Trade wealth for security.
I wouldn't worry, Iran is prepared. If the devil comes he shall make it regret it ever came
A simple question from my fellow country men .....
Do you think we should have nuclear weapons !?

Answer the question and explain your reasoning ....
do u consider pakistan as friend or enemy most of us think iran as friend but now this is changing with raw using iran as base to interfere in blochistan annd occasional border skirmishes
do u consider pakistan as friend or enemy most of us think iran as friend but now this is changing with raw using iran as base to interfere in blochistan annd occasional border skirmishes
First , we don't support any separatists in our neighbors ....

But Pakistan actively act as LSA foot soldiers ....

lol, That's the whole idea of scaring Americans, to not getting toasted :-). If Iraqis were scary enough, they'd probably didn't get toasted.

Well our Akhonds thanks to the brilliant strategists that they are managed to completely fvck our relationship with the west. So now we got stuck with China and India to buy our oil, and having a defense treaty with Pakistan means they have to flash our Oil down the toilet, so i don't see that's going to happen.
You see west as God and worship it , so you can be slave and no more
Turkey is already a nuke power. We hope Iran is also one. Egypt and Indonesia should also join the Muslim Nuclear Club.
A simple question from my fellow country men .....
Do you think we should have nuclear weapons !?

Answer the question and explain your reasoning ....
Simple ! we made against India no doubt and you definitely need against Israel.pure n simple
Considering the prohibition of killing civilians in Islam and Iran being a theocracy. Wouldn't the Iranian ruling scholars object to it in principle? Because nukes are suppose to target cities. Maybe tactical nukes is more consistent with Islamic principles.

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