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Do you think we should need nukes !?

Should we armed ourselves with nuclear weapons

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those who don' t have nukes and want to live at peace according to their free will are killed like dogs.
lol. we are already badnaame zamana due to them and Gaddafi, you want to repeat this shit? seriously?

i would like to see them armed to teeth though but Pakistan should stay away from proliferation.

Maximilian, when the time comes that the US wants to invade/seriously de-stabilize Pakistan, they will invent a reason (like they did with Iraq.)

Therefore, I believe we need to get away from our highly defensive posture (diplomatically), point out hypocritical Western policies and help Iran get nuclear (secretly of course) --- all the while keeping some leverage over the West, like helping them get potential terrorists from our region who are planning attacks in Europe / the US (we've done this in the past too, but the MI5 didn't give the ISI its due credit in one of the major breakthroughs.)
Of course but it's too late now for Iran. Nuclear triad is most to avoid foreign intervention for what ever reason.
Anyone who thinks we don't have nukes is wrong. we bought 24 nuke bombs from China during Iran-Iraq. every of them are several times more destructive than the nukes US used in Hiroshima and Nakazaki. during Iran-Iraq war Iran hardly was developing it's missiles capabilities to ward off Israel threat. Israel showed us it's teeth to scare us. we told them if you invade Iran and use your nukes we will use nuke on your soil. we told them you are too small even with one nuke you'll get destroyed on the other hand Iran is several times bigger than your soil. They got our message. we never talked directly btw.

such information are very secret. probably US and Israel know this information however they can do nothing cause finding 24 nukes in a big country like Iran is very hard. however our nuclear programs are completely peaceful.

Iran has prepared itse for possible wars for years. thanks China Iran is not that dumb to rest and say say death to Israel daeth to America.

such information are very secret. I red them in a professional Iranian forum few years ago. however I asked them about performance of those nukes they said hissssss please don't be radio (don't spread information). two weeks later they deleted thier posts and locked that thread. I don't know is it good or bad saying this information after 6 years in this forum. anyway today is not 6 years ago and Iran has full nuclear capacity only for peaceful purposes plus enrich uranium as a npt country. however we could be a way stronger if we hadn't dealt jcpoa with 5+1. I don't say Iran is after nuke bombs but having nuclear capacity in a huge scale bring deterrence. guess why Iran has been very very tough about it's nuclear programs especially enriching uranium in Iran unstoppable. For 12 years Iran hasn't stopped enriching uranium even for a minute. I think Iran has really really tough balls if we consider multiple American Israeli threats in 12 years especially during ahmadinejad's era. when ahmadinejad was in power we hadn't stepped even one step to back fortunately and those threats never came in action!

today we tell Americans if you think era of iniquity (bezan dar ro, / attack, ruin a country, lie off easily and be safe in your country like nothing happened]
is not over you're wrong.

shaheed tehrani moghaddam built missiles to reach US few years ago and Americans know it. Not to mention we have submarines and some more surprises. Iranian leader stressed: if they threat us, they should know they won't be safe in their countries. era of 'bezan dar ro' is over. [if they really decide to attack] we will reveal some of our capabilities that will amaze our enemies. >> I don't remember speech of Iranian leader word by word but his speech's content in 2 years ago in a praying ceremony is what I wrote with no distorting. As long as we have Seyyed Ali Khamenei and likes of General Qasim Soleimani we should be sure we have enough power to fight back our enemies.

Iran won't ever get defeated.

Americans and it's little child Israel know thousands of our missiles and some more surprises are ready to quake them. Coward Americans know hail of hellfires are ready to wipe their naval toys in Persian gulf once and for all... They clearly know it.
I likely think Iran should get the Nukes forget about sanctions these are always thrown at Iran anyways just look at what is happening in Syria

Completely stable country now ruined and refugees all over Europe dieing in sea or land or other horrible scenarios

All those debators , Nobel peace award winners or those posh Educated type guys in high society they won't be found anywhere when you will ask them how to save Syria they are all gone in hiding after war starts it is only your own country men/women and what ever weapons you made till that point

World is a dangerous place with guy like Trump with authority running around Tweeting and bombing places

The time is here where people of Iran really have to throw away their differences and make Nuclear weapons their #1 Priority

Get in a Nuke for Oil trade with North Korea , give them free oil and get 10-20 Nuclear weapons from them , simplest and easiest deal

Iran - North Korea (Nuclear - Oil Deal ) works for both countries
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Considering that the sole superpower USA has threatened to invade Iran multiple times, shot down their passenger jet (among other horrific acts), and invaded the country to the right of Iran (Afghanistan) and invaded the country to the left of Iran (Iraq), I would say yes.
Invasion if Iraq came handy for Iran though.
Military perspective :
1- we can't compete with our neighbors and our enemy through normal weapons ....
2- our potential threat outnumbered us ...
3- they have more weapon and they are better in quality and quantity ...
4- we have to face them from multiple front
5- our main threat , has enormous resources and is main land isfar away from us so we can't compete with her force in long fight ( even if we manage to wipe out all of her forces in region )
6- some of our enemies have nuclear weapons
You are pretty much in the situation that we are.IMO, nukes are vital for Iran, but as some members pointed out, it will be hard to develop nukes on your own.USA and their client states will do whatever they can to stop you as you already know...
And now, after the nuclear deal I really don't see your government going for nukes again.
You should join CSTO and go for nuclear share with us.:cheesy:
Military perspective :
1- we can't compete with our neighbors and our enemy through normal weapons ....
2- our potential threat outnumbered us ...
3- they have more weapon and they are better in quality and quantity ...
4- we have to face them from multiple front
5- our main threat , has enormous resources and is main land isfar away from us so we can't compete with her force in long fight ( even if we manage to wipe out all of her forces in region )
6- some of our enemies have nuclear weapons
Again our current situation proves what I've said before, The 1979 Revolution was probably the worst fvck up that we could ever come up with in our history.
5- our main threat , has enormous resources and is main land isfar away from us so we can't compete with her force in long fight ( even if we manage to wipe out all of her forces in region )
Dude having nukes isn't going to scare the US. We are too far away from them and with these missiles that we have and all of their missile defense systems, we won't be able to deliver a nuclear bomb to the Continental United States. But i have a better plan on how to scare Americans, instead of having Nukes, we should have full detailed blue prints and instructions on how to build centrifuges, enrich Uranium and build a nuclear weapon, and also some nasty biological and chemical WMD. And we should threaten the US that if you attack us, we will release them to the public on the Internet. This will scare them as hell.
Ayatollah Khameini, the supreme leader of the Islamic republic of Iran had issued a Fatwa against nuclear weapons..
What do you guys make of it?
Was is wise according to the context of the situation or not? All options might have been weighed against its other and the optimum solution must have led to this decision that was also made on religious principles opposed to mass destruction..
Dude having nukes isn't going to scare the US. We are too far away from them and with these missiles that we have and all of their missile defense systems, we won't be able to deliver a nuclear bomb to the Continental United States. But i have a better plan on how to scare Americans, instead of having Nukes, we should have full detailed blue prints and instructions on how to build centrifuges, enrich Uranium and build a nuclear weapon, and also some nasty biological and chemical WMD. And we should threaten the US that if you attack us, we will release them to the public on the Internet. This will scare them as hell.

You don't want to scare the US, lol. You will end up toasted, like Iraq.

Why not have a mutual defence treaty with Pakistan so we can have each other's back? You help us with the Kashmir fight, we'll help you become ME regional hegemon.
You don't want to scare the US, lol. You will end up toasted, like Iraq.

Why not have a mutual defence treaty with Pakistan so we can have each other's back? You help us with the Kashmir fight, we'll help you become ME regional hegemon.
Oh buuh, they are back stabbers these iranians, they sold us out the last time, these kameenis talk big like india but when push came to shove they buckled under pressure and agreed like obedient lityle children not to make one lol, i say again u need to have guts like pakistan to go nuclear, they put even worse sanctions on us n guess what did we say"ghaas kha len ge lekin nuke bany ga", we dont need help of people who have sided with india, created terror in balochistan, karachi, and lol enough with that scaring the Us vlah blah talk huh kids, when they want u gone they will come n slap u like children in a matter of days, making a nuke is not the key, creating delivery systems is the real bitch, anyways u missed ur boat in the 80's n 90's, no way the Us gonna let u make nukes now, try it n they will blmb u to oblivion...

Pakistan obviously.
Our nukes are not for sale, stupid pompus indian,

Saudis can't make a screw. so no concerns there
They cant make a screw now but they made u into muslims, enough with ur anti arab bigotry..
Oh buuh, they are back stabbers these iranians, they sold us out the last time, these kameenis talk big like india but when push came to shove they buckled under pressure and agreed like obedient lityle children not to make one lol, i say again u need to have guts like pakistan to go nuclear, they put even worse sanctions on us n guess what did we say"ghaas kha len ge lekin nuke bany ga", we dont need help of people who have sided with india, created terror in balochistan, karachi, and lol enough with that scaring the Us vlah blah talk huh kids, when they want u gone they will come n slap u like children in a matter of days, making a nuke is not the key, creating delivery systems is the real bitch, anyways u missed ur boat in the 80's n 90's, no way the Us gonna let u make nukes now, try it n they will blmb u to oblivion...

Some Iranians think the US is scared of them. Nothing can be further from the truth. The US doesn't invade Iran only because the costs of long-term occupation cannot justify one.
Some Iranians think the US is scared of them. Nothing can be further from the truth. The US doesn't invade Iran only because the cost of long-term occupation does not justify one.
The Us doesnt attack iran because everything is not as it seems, all this blah blah for the media yet every Us invasion in ME has helped iran gain greaterfoothold, think on that..
The Us doesnt attack iran because everything is not as it seems, all this blah blah for the media yet every Us invasion in ME has helped iran gain greaterfoothold, think on that..

Well the invasions did help Iran, but I don't think there is any behind-the-scene secret pact.

It seems what the West wants is an Iran strong enough to cause trouble in the neighbourhood (maintaining the power balance), while making sure it never crosses a red line so it doesn't challenge Western interests in the Middle East.

Which is a really smart approach. I think Iran understands this and they will never cross that red line. But it will continue to remain a pain in the *** for both Arabs and Israelis.
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