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Do you think we could see Pakistan offered a military base in Turkey like Qatar

There is no economical condition here as you put it and it is baseless.. I am not talking about a 100k base and neighbours what neighbours broski no neighbour will ever effect a local decision or otherwise it is breach of sovereignty so never ever go there.. Nobody is in the business of pleasing others but themselves a soverignty local decision is free of everyone so never ever ever mix your sovereignty with someone not relevant.. Whatever you build or whoever you invite is your right and concern...
Have you ever heard of the word offensive charm.. Look Pakistan will do anything that will strengthen herself for if it didn't There won't be a Pakistan in the next 30-40 years.. Pakistan has two choices either evolve or de-exist.. There is nothing in between for them unfortunely... You choice which one you take.. I would say climb every possible tree that will prolong you:coffee: The urge to advance is linked to survival hence the motivation is greater
That's it I gave up on you... evolving doesn't that word ring a bell? If not you than it is your loss in lacking understanding...... PK will be making alot of purchases from TR in the next 2-3 decades hence why the offensive charms but no you don't understand this basic stuff.. Nevermind just don't quote me anymore

Lets go from 1st Post
Imagine having a base in a faraway land, you will be stationing few hundred to few thousand personal depending on the type and size of that base
Majority of those personal will be purchasing majority of daily goods from that land so you will be paying them in Dollars or Turkish which will be converted via Dollar , Pakistan and Turkey doesn't have deal where you can use local currency in another country unless Pakistan is even sending food supplies via plane or Ships as Pakistan doesn't have direct Train route so those will be quite expensive.
Now Pakistan will be sending regular hardware supplies that will be sent via Sea or Air routes, making it even more expensive.
Pakistan has never been able to make a single decision without external influence you might wanna check history before stating that.
India,Us, China , Afghinstan, Iran & KSA have been always been involved somehow.
Pretty sure Pakistan doesn't face an existential threat so pretty sure there will be Pakistan in at least the next 50 years unless the whole world starts WW3

BTW do enlighten what is this offensive charm as
Pakistan having really stronger relations with turkey mean Pakistan isn't in KSA block,having stronger relations with KSA means Pakistan is against IRAN and Turkey unless Pakistan have a really strong economy based on its export to other countries Pakistan will need to be in some block

With uncle sam leaving you will have a big gap in Afghinstan Pakistan can have a pro-Pakistan people in power which will allow it direct access to Central Asian states which can fulfill Pakistani gas needs or Pakistan can have that from Iran which can provide both gas and oil.
instead of Pakistan getting it from Middle eastern countries
The reason Turkey gave Qatar military base was because it gave it a military base in return.. Could we see a same deal struck between Turkey and Pakistan...

-Where Pakistan deploys 30-35 warplanes plus 350 forces in a base in Konya
- Deploying JF17s, bombers and other equipments
- Nuclear warheads both tactical and non-tactical to Konya base

I know this is sort of not on the cards but do you think we could see this occur and in return Turkey gets a base in Pakistan, Punjab or Sindh
So you think a Western country, critical NATO member and pivot of Western military hedgemony will allow a Pakistani base on it's own soil? What you smoking? There is more chance of Israel allowing Pakistan a base in Tel Aviv then Turkey giving Konya.

On PDF honestly some people live in another reality. No wonder this place is butt of jokes.

@Yankee-stani read this.
Turkey is not possible. The best option for Pakistan would be a naval base in Oman.
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