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Do you think that the attack on PNS Mehran was an inside job???



New Recruit

May 24, 2011
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Do you think that the attack on PNS Mehran was an inside job???
please give ur own opinion on this
You Indians are full of ,investigations are still going on,
i cant even be sure who is it
dont listen to this Indian looks like he has been living in his own fairyland
when i asked to give ur opinion i didn't ask to tell ur story :pakistan::rofl:
Well SWAT next time if you start a thread then plz define every word because this Indian cant define words him self
It's simply impossible to conduct such a raid at a military base without inside help. How did the terrorists know which spot to pick to enter? How did they know the location of the planes? How could they just walk inside a base which is supposed to be protected by some 1100 or 1600 guards?

There's truth being hidden from the public since, I believe, the Pakistani military doesn't want to come out in the open with its dirty linen.
It's simply impossible to conduct such a raid at a military base without inside help. How did the terrorists know which spot to pick to enter? How did they know the location of the planes? How could they just walk inside a base which is supposed to be protected by some 1100 or 1600 guards?

There's truth being hidden from the public since, I believe, the Pakistani military doesn't want to come out in the open with its dirty linen.

So you r claiming that they are RAW agents:sniper:

Oh yeah baby! Anytime.

If 4 RAW agents can do this to Pakistan, I cannot even imagine what a million strong Indian army could do.

Thanks for the compliment. :lol:
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