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Feb 6, 2013
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Yesterday, they found the dead body of a Turkish naval infantryman in Istanbul. I just saw it at couple of news site. Didn't see anything regarding him. While, that day was full of celebrity news. So today I wanted to write down what I feel about us. Kinda background or sth. Piece by piece, later merge it and publish.


Before getting started. Close your eyes just for a minute. Think about the brave sons and daughters of your country. Think like what I say, just do it. You closed your eyes. Think of a young man, he has a fiancee and good parents waiting for him at his hometown far away. But now, currently he's guarding the gate of the nearest military installition to your house, just now. Think of a woman, who has her baby at home. But now he's at the scramble post at the closest air base to you. She thinks of his baby. But she's all ears on the tactical telephone at her desk. She waits, just for a ring, then she and her aircraft will be airborne within 5 minutes for you. Just for you and your people. That she'd fire the every single goddamn missiles she had, just for you. Don't dig in too deep. Just only think about them, nothing more.

Now, open your eyes. What did you see? Patriotism? Love? Trust to people that you've never met? Well, let me say. None of them. I believe you'd say patriotism dear reader. In fact, no word can describe it

Following many centuries, the term always changed. From man with sticks and stones to pikeman, from panzertrooper to forward air controller. But the definition remained. No one can actually explain the feel and trust that comes with it. And how it becomes something greater than patriotism, after some point. But there's only one way to know. I guess you can figure it out huh.

Every person has his own reasons to join up. But usually it's merged at few particular reasons. Either the person didn't have any other options or patriotism. There are also other main reasons but at the end I believe they merge with one of the two above.

Generally, the legal definition of military training is the education of military personnel at needs of the armed force and in support of manpower. Besides that there are also some other things that trainers aim to teach. In fact, it's part of the doctrine at some countries such as Turkey. Teaching love to country, being a good person to the force and the country.

Actually, we didn't take lessons for that. But after a few years, you realise that you already done that.

It's not something that you can teach to the cadet&private. Again, it's not patriotism. It's actually the thing that you adopt it after a long time of doing what you are supposed to. To make it simple, patriotism makes you a serviceable person to your country, but "that strange feeling" my friend will make you a helpful person to the whole World. I hope that could have shown you the difference between them.

I look at myself 4 years ago. I can surely say that there's a change. But there's no doubt that it entirely changed me. Even my passions, the things I knew as the sole backbones of my personality. This is not about what they show you. This is about what you witness inside the white, green or whatever.

Generally if we look into newly recruited soldiers. They are full of patriotism, which's not a bad thing at all. But they are like "Let's blow the sh.it out of them!". And when you look at the ones whom had enough time to see what it's about. They won't talk nor become Captain America. But they gave you the trust that they'd be in front of what's in front of you.

We're not differing them here. They were just examples. When you leave it, it does not leave you. If today after all those crisises I had personally, I do still think that I belong there. It proves yourself that you achieved your goal. It proves that you could be sth greater than yourself, to you. When I surf on casuality threads at Arabic Defence Forum, I see people swearing to the dead. You may not like that country, you may not like it's people, you may not like it's policies, you may not like their way of solving things. But it never and ever gives you the right of insulting them nor blaming them. This time no resources no informations. I just wanted to tell what I really think. What the World is up to now for soldiers. Do you believe that you respect them? If you are one of those that say "death to the invaders" at a thread, and congradulate your troops at another thread. Well, trust me, your soldiers would hate you even more than their enemies.

Also, we have a Veterans&Fallens Day at almost every country. You have time and money to freak out at newyears day. But really, I always wondered to know what people really did at Remembrance Days, Veterans? When was the last time you interacted with a Veteran, are tried to collect funds to a fallens family? Or have you ever done that?

They say Humanity is above all. And we all accept that the most wonderful creature in this universe is the humanity. But also it's the most sick one because of reasons like this. I'm writing all these. Some people will get it like those people beg for respect and care. Never get such a thing. What I mean is, they at least deserved that. What would happen if you just find a Veteran, and just talk to him and thank him for his service. Will we loose anything. No we won't. We, as muslims have failed to pass the class at this. Muslims I believe don't really care about our own unless it was for religion.

On facebook and forums such as the PDF, everyday I see people mourning their soldiers, at net. But did they really done something for them. Or at least did they tried?

People believes that the world is a big red apple candy that it never ends. But do they really know that the they would be fuvcked up if those people had left what they do. This year, do something for a veteran or the family of a fallen.

I have been planning to write this article. But after seeing nothing at media nor people yesterday, the day when the seas took the life of a sailor. I believe moderation lacks at insults against military people, as some members had mentioned it before.
Even if you hate that country more than anything, never and ever insult soldiers. They're not politicians, but nothing more than men and women loved their country more than anything.

I beg you to do something for your veterans&fallens this year.
Respect is always earned and can never be demanded.

Well. As I said, I didn't "beg" for respect them. If all people had gone with that mentality, nobody could "earn" anybody's respect. When you want to share a part of yours, yourself to your nation, and accept all consequences. That means the person already "earned" my respect.

Most of the people saying the "earn it before demanding it" are the ones that couldn't "earn" respect by being disrespectful to others, in our case the military...:coffee:
I respect every country's men and women who serve in the military.

In my country The Armed Forces ranked number 1 in trust by the public in every poll since 1990 ,even though currently the equipment isn't so shiny and the funds are laking.

I was actually the first generation who was exempted from conscription and i couldn't serve in a professional army because i have a mild case of color blindness (got rejected at the Police Academy for this).I currently donate via a tax donation program 2% of my profit income tax towards the military.
I respect every country's men and women who serve in the military.

In my country The Armed Forces ranked number 1 in trust by the public in every poll since 1990 ,even though currently the equipment isn't so shiny and the funds are laking.

I was actually the first generation who was exempted from conscription and i couldn't serve in a professional army because i have a mild case of color blindness (got rejected at the Police Academy for this).I currently donate via a tax donation program 2% of my profit income tax towards the military.

Thats very nice of you. As said, muslim majorty nations aren't much good at that as I believe #2 proved it. There's no other foundation for Veterans/Fallens Affairs in Turkey other than the Mehmetcik Foundation which's selfly-owned by TAF. Finding a private foundation for that is one of my few future plans.
This is a status taken from Facebook, written just today:

"When I drive on the roads I feel that I am an alien in my own country. Every where I go I see guns trained on me, and the public. I see the uniformed defenders of my soil pointing their rifles and automatic weapons at their own brothers. Pick-ups go up and down roads with men in civvies and uniforms with guns poking out of their vehicles. We are a threatened nation, and there may be a need of a show of force to have gun tooting goons frightening the hapless public, at least the guardians of the soil can move discretely, without pointing their guns insolently at the public at large. a good soldier can draw and fire his weapon if needed, even if it is lying at his feet in a moving vehicle, why flaunt your weapons, some day those who keep seeing the muzzles may also arm themselves and retaliate."

So what does "Respect a soldier" mean in this case?
Last time when we were discussing addiction of military environement,you stated that you write whatever comes in your mind,but today I see that you are spreading these colours of patriotism and devotion straight ahead from your heart.
Military and respect?Well,I have no idea about Turkish point of view,but I can tell you that every Pakistani is born with idealizing and respecting army as their role model and it is well sequenced within our gene pattern.We are the strength of our armed sectors and they are ours,but we are intersected by dirty politics of some lowclass individuals.
This is a status taken from Facebook, written just today:

"When I drive on the roads I feel that I am an alien in my own country. Every where I go I see guns trained on me, and the public. I see the uniformed defenders of my soil pointing their rifles and automatic weapons at their own brothers. Pick-ups go up and down roads with men in civvies and uniforms with guns poking out of their vehicles. We are a threatened nation, and there may be a need of a show of force to have gun tooting goons frightening the hapless public, at least the guardians of the soil can move discretely, without pointing their guns insolently at the public at large. a good soldier can draw and fire his weapon if needed, even if it is lying at his feet in a moving vehicle, why flaunt your weapons, some day those who keep seeing the muzzles may also arm themselves and retaliate."

So what does "Respect a soldier" mean in this case?

Give me more info about that status, and a link if the user doesn't have much privacy restrictions.

So does that mean that you don't respect the ones that risked their lives for you just because of a sarcastic status where we don't even know where it came from or whom it was given to?

As I said, You "demand" them to respect you, so that they do to you, that they'd "earned" your respect. Well, let me tell you. Don't bother yourself. You mister is gonna wait for a very looong time. By being disrespectful&insulting to soldiers, neither you are earning respect nor you demand it. It just shows your mood. In fact, you are loosing the respect that people have to you.
Give me more info about that status, and a link if the user doesn't have much privacy restrictions.

So does that mean that you don't respect the ones that risked their lives for you just because of a sarcastic status where we don't even know where it came from or whom it was given to?

As I said, You "demand" them to respect you, so that they do to you, that they'd "earned" your respect. Well, let me tell you. Don't bother yourself. You mister is gonna wait for a very looong time. By being disrespectful&insulting to soldiers, neither you are earning respect nor you demand it. It just shows your mood. In fact, you are loosing the respect that people have to you.

That user status clearly shows that alienation between the Armed Forces and the population of its own country is a real danger and that unquestioned adulation cannot never be taken for granted. That is all.

Another way to look at this is that "respect has to be earned and cannot be demanded - or even taken for granted. It must be earned".
Thats very nice of you. As said, muslim majorty nations aren't much good at that as I believe #2 proved it. There's no other foundation for Veterans/Fallens Affairs in Turkey other than the Mehmetcik Foundation which's selfly-owned by TAF. Finding a private foundation for that is one of my few future plans.

As I understand in Pakistan the Armed Forces have invested in a number of Commercial Enterprises which provide gainful employment to retired military personnel & the profits are used for Army Welfare Purposes such as retirement benefits, providing housing to the widows & orphans of those martyred during service, rehabilitating those who've lost limbs from IEDs, education to the sons & daughters of lower cadre ex-servicemen & public welfare projects for civilians etc.

But more needs to be done ! :(
Last time when we were discussing addiction of military environement,you stated that you write whatever comes in your mind,but today I see that you are spreading these colours of patriotism and devotion straight ahead from your heart.
Military and respect?Well,I have no idea about Turkish point of view,but I can tell you that every Pakistani is born with idealizing and respecting army as their role model and it is well sequenced within our gene pattern.We are the strength of our armed sectors and they are ours,but we are intersected by dirty politics of some lowclass individuals.

Ahh you know me. I am not a patriot and never will be again. I wanted to talk a little about the difference between the patriotism and "that strange feeling". I am not patriot, I am kind of a comrade'ist or brother-at-arms'ist.

The real reason I wanted to write it at PDF is, we have an increasing bad attitude&insult pools against military personnel here.

As I understand in Pakistan the Armed Forces have invested in a number of Commercial Enterprises which provide gainful employment to retired military personnel & the profits are used for Army Welfare Purposes such as retirement benefits, providing housing to the widows & orphans of those martyred during service, rehabilitating those who've lost limbs from IEDs, education to the sons & daughters of lower cadre ex-servicemen & public welfare projects for civilians etc.

But more needs to be done ! :(

exactly, we too have those services. But there's a lack for Readoption into civilian life and veterans salary. While an officially accepted Syrian refugee gets 800TRY per month, a veteran gets around 380TRY. Besides that all seems well. But as you said, more needs to be done.
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That user status clearly shows that alienation between the Armed Forces and the population of its own country is a real danger and that unquestioned adulation cannot never be taken for granted. That is all.

Another way to look at this is that "respect has to be earned and cannot be demanded - or even taken for granted. It must be earned".

Well, pls tell me about his country so that I can explain it better. There's a difference between soldiers and militia, which fits with that users definitions.
Well, pls tell me about his country so that I can explain it better. There's a difference between soldiers and militia, which fits with that users definitions.

That status belongs to a senior and respected person in Pakistan.
@Rashid Mahmood : Rashid Bhai perhaps you can shed greater light on what the Army & her Sister Services do in terms of their Commercial Interests servicing Army Welfare Programs ! :)
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