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Do you fear death?


May 9, 2013
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Death is an inevitable truth of every living being. We are born to die but do you become horrified when you think you will one day die and your body will either be buried or burned according to your religious customs? You will either become a skeleton inside a grave or become ashes flying in air. How scary it is?


I sometime fear death so much. I saw my maternal uncle (my mother's sister's husband)'s skeleton in grave. It was too scary. I got so disturbed by seeing some bones in a hole. OMG! I will also one day become a skeleton. My parents will also become skeleton in grave. The thought is just too horrifying. I sometime wish Allah should take me before my parents but within seconds I get panic attack with the thought of becoming skeleton in grave. :sad:

Will we get any pain when our body start decomposing? Will we actually feel anything when we die? I sometime pray to Allah Almighty for not giving any physical pain after death. I am very pain sensitive. I think I will die once again after my death if he gives me pain ! Ohh... Allah please don't give any pain. If you want to punish me after death just give punishment without any physical pain. I can't handle pain. :(
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Even if you become a skeleton you will not know that you are a skeleton, so what are you afraid of? o_O
Death is scary shit, I fear disability more.

For example, when I had to get glasses in order to drive, I was devastated to a far higher degree than I am scared at the prospect of death which I've faced many times as well.
Not at all.when its time, it will happen. Fearing death will not stop it but it will complicate life.
As per my faith,I will gladly join my maker when he calls me,till then trying my best to follow the way of my maker.
Death is an inevitable truth of every living being. We are born to die but do you become horrified when you think you will one day die and your body will either be buried or burned according to your religious customs? You will either become a skeleton inside a grave or become ashes flying in air. How scary it is?


I sometime fear death so much. I saw my maternal uncle (my mother's sister's husband)'s skeleton in grave. It was too scary. I got so disturbed by seeing some bones in a hole. OMG! I will also one day become a skeleton. My parents will also become skeleton in grave. The thought is just too horrifying. I sometime wish Allah should take me before my parents but within seconds I get panic attack with the thought of becoming skeleton in grave. :sad:

Will we get any pain when our body start decomposing? Will we actually feel anything when we die? I sometime pray to Allah Almighty for not giving any physical pain after death. I am very pain sensitive. I think I will die once again after my death if he gives me pain ! Ohh... Allah please don't give any pain. If you want to punish me after death just give punishment without any physical pain. I can't handle pain. :(
Fearing death is natural so is not wanting it. Yet, death itself is natural. Use it to value life, love your parents to the maximum and life to the fullest.
I actually have fear of getting old. I am scare of helplessness and living in old age when you have to depend on someone else and become burden for them.
I fear death.. the grave... but what i fear most is losing my loved ones..
Its more likely that your body will poison the soil around your grave, all of that noxious lard bursting out and oozing into the substratum..:bad:
Was that like a tongue in BuTt's cheek kind of comment?
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