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Do you back Russia or Ukraine? And why?

I don't understand the difference between the Ukraine vs Russia

Russia is mother , Ukraine is sibling and so ... you know ...

I think when someone look at the issue from Un Biased prespective Russia was always the GOOD guys , and you know
they were portrayed wrong but its not too late to admit that Russia is the true honest broker

Honest - caring nation that it is Russia ..

That is why its called MOTHER russia ....
I think when someone look at the issue from Un Biased prespective Russia was always the GOOD guys , and you know
they were portrayed wrong but its not too late to admit that Russia is the true honest broker

Honest - caring nation that it is Russia ..

That is why its called MOTHER russia ....
you need some serious dose of inspiration my brotha. pls go through all episodes of wake up pakistan.
Look at Iran during the reign of the Shah before the Mullahs came to power:

You should do some research on the Shah. A cruel man such has him is very rare. Iran may be poorer and more isolated now but at least they dont have to suffer under the Shah.

His secret police wasn't less than Gestapo in anyway. Dont judge a book by its cover.
Such a sick person that @Superboy is to want death and destruction , especially when it doesn't even concern him or his ethnic group.

What do you think @Skull and Bones ?

My family have undergone the tremors of 1971 wars, so we know the long lasting effect of such events even decades after the war. These low IQed chimps aren't capable enough to know or feel about that.

I'm an antiwar person, i do not want even enemies to suffer through that. Last time in a discussion, i proposed a world without religion or countries, got bashed by both sides. :D
The Taliban is a terrorist organization in Afghanistan and Pakistan. If one wants to understand how to battle these forces, one should study how the Pakistan Army has dealt with them these some 20 years. They are one of the most battle hardened forces out there that deals with terrorists on a daily basis. Its a combination of strategic strikes as well as 'win hearts and mind' campaign on the populace.

Lastly. Please do not involve the Name of the Almighty in these discussions. Thanks.

How? by being one of two countries to officially recognize Taliban(other being KSA) ?
Or by sending PAF to provide air support to Taliban ?

Please dont be ignorant before talking about these things.
How? by being one of two countries to officially recognize Taliban(other being KSA) ?
Or by sending PAF to provide air support to Taliban ?

Please dont be ignorant before talking about these things.

The Pakistan Army has waged a long war with Taliban, period. Thousands of Pakistan soldiers have died fighting for the country and destroying these terrorists named Taliban. So please, do not dishonor the names of those Pakistan soldiers who gave their lives for defense of their country.

Pakistan expands war with Taliban in North Waziristan - The Washington Post
The Pakistan Army has waged a long war with Taliban, period. Thousands of Pakistan soldiers have died fighting for the country and destroying these terrorists named Taliban. So please, do not dishonor the names of those Pakistan soldiers who gave their lives for defense of their country.

Pakistan expands war with Taliban in North Waziristan - The Washington Post

I don't disagree about that.
Why are you putting words in my mouth and then arguing with yourself ?
I pointed out Pakistan's actions over past 20 years are anything but a good case study on how to deal with Taliban.
Good bye.
The Pakistan Army has waged a long war with Taliban, period. Thousands of Pakistan soldiers have died fighting for the country and destroying these terrorists named Taliban. So please, do not dishonor the names of those Pakistan soldiers who gave their lives for defense of their country.

Pakistan expands war with Taliban in North Waziristan - The Washington Post

I think you might be confusing TTP with the Taliban. Both have Taliban in their name but they are completely different organizations. PA's war against the Taliban is pretty recent. There wasn't any animosity towards them before now. Don't take my word for it. Ask the Pakistani members here. I don't know anyone well enough to tag them but as TTA, I'm sure you know some of them well enough to tag.
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