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Do you back Russia or Ukraine? And why?

Yes, everything is CIA conspiracy.

One of the functions of CIA is starting trouble in countries hostile to the US. China is the US's #1 rival. If CIA could start a riot in China, it would. It can't because China isn't Syria or Ukraine, China is a superpower at over 9.6 million square kilometers :-)

being part afghan I believe that the soviets were revolutionising afghanistan's agriculture and infrastructure whilst america was destabilising it with radicals who ultimately destroyed the country.
I back Ukraine cause they don't have a voice to be heard , they are victims of a fake revolution that not even the US backed it , they are tools in a Russian game of neo-Nazi wargames.
The question is incorrect, as Ukraine is not holding war with Russia. The right question should be: "Do you support Ukraine or Novorossia (New Russia)?"
The question is incorrect, as Ukraine is not holding war with Russia. The right question should be: "Do you support Ukraine or Novorossia (New Russia)?"
How is new Russia different from old Russia? most of the infrastructure was built in soviet times , there are only brand new Korean cars to be added to the streets of new Russia
How is new Russia different from old Russia? most of the infrastructure was built in soviet times , there are only brand new Korean cars to be added to the streets of new Russia
"New Russia" (Novorossia, Новороссия) - is the historical name of the southern and eastern Ukraine, due to a misunderstanding included by Bolsheviks into the Ukrainian Soviet Republic.
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