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Do Pakistanis like America?


Jun 26, 2011
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In the aftermath of NATO's attack on Pakistani soldiers, I was having a discussion with one of my friends who has recently immigrated to Canada from Lahore. I was trying to tell him that how majority of Pakistanis must hate America due to America being so ungrateful to Pakistan regarding war on terror.

Instead of agreeing with me he told me that I was far from reality. He argued that on one hand people from Middle east countries and Pakistan etc would oppose America so vehemently but on the other hand if America opens her borders tomorrow then almost all of them will immigrate.

I could not really argue against this point that he made. So I m opening this thread to know the truth---

1. First of all is it true that majority of Pakistanis want to immigrate to America?
2. If it is true then why is that? Does money takes precedence over everything?Is it hypocrisy?
America, or more accurately, the US (and of course Europe) has been building their countries for centuries through slavery, stealing of resources from around the world and exploiting all the people from invaded countries, all of which has resulted in a very rich and highly developed country back home, and all at the expense of the world (non-western). Who wouldn't want to immigrate there? But let me tell you, if Pakistan was just was developed and rich, NO Pakistani or anyone else for that matter would want to leave their country due to any other reason other than for leisure. That's a fact.

Do Pakistanis like America? Let me ask you this, how would you like a country which routinely bombs your country with drones, which does not respect your national integrity (Osama raid), which calls you 'terrorist', which insults your people through mainstream media, etc etc. I am not a Pakistani so I can not answer for them, but you don't even have to be a Pakistani to understand.
We have no problem with the poor people of america. The american govt lies to them as well. We must remember that American is only a democracy in name in reality a small group of disciplined jews control american foreign policy. We reserve our hatred for american govt who kills our innocent people
Nop..Nothing personal here.
We don't hate American people or general public...why should we..they are humans like us...going about their everyday lives.
In fact we have sympathy for the average American who is being brain washed and lied to by their Rulers and their money being spent on the Financial benefits of their elite.
But American war machine and foreign policy is what we hate...
well the bottom line is you cant kill some country's people on regular basis and still hope to be famous and liked over there..
In the aftermath of NATO's attack on Pakistani soldiers, I was having a discussion with one of my friends who has recently immigrated to Canada from Lahore. I was trying to tell him that how majority of Pakistanis must hate America due to America being so ungrateful to Pakistan regarding war on terror.

Instead of agreeing with me he told me that I was far from reality. He argued that on one hand people from Middle east countries and Pakistan etc would oppose America so vehemently but on the other hand if America opens her borders tomorrow then almost all of them will immigrate.

I could not really argue against this point that he made. So I m opening this thread to know the truth---

1. First of all is it true that majority of Pakistanis want to immigrate to America?
2. If it is true then why is that? Does money takes precedence over everything?Is it hypocrisy?

same goes for saudi arabia and india, indians may come here and curse a lot to saudis, arabs and middle east, but reality is millions of indian life line depends on middle east and how they cry every now and then that saudiarab doesnt have policy of permanent immigration

more thn americans pakistanis are themselves responsible for their shitthole, because they elected poor leaders, govt represent the mentality of its country
America, or more accurately, the US (and of course Europe) has been building their countries for centuries through slavery, stealing of resources from around the world and exploiting all the people from invaded countries, all of which has resulted in a very rich and highly developed country back home, and all at the expense of the world (non-western). Who wouldn't want to immigrate there? But let me tell you, if Pakistan was just was developed and rich, NO Pakistani or anyone else for that matter would want to leave their country due to any other reason other than for leisure. That's a fact.

Do Pakistanis like America? Let me ask you this, how would you like a country which routinely bombs your country with drones, which does not respect your national integrity (Osama raid), which calls you 'terrorist', which insults your people through mainstream media, etc etc. I am not a Pakistani so I can not answer for them, but you don't even have to be a Pakistani to understand.

So its all about money then....

And western countries are not the only invaders .just read the history of India before britishers came...

---------- Post added at 02:50 AM ---------- Previous post was at 02:50 AM ----------

same goes for saudi arabia and india, indians may come here and curse a lot to saudis, arabs and middle east, but reality is millions of indian life line depends on middle east

That is exactly what i do not understand....

---------- Post added at 02:51 AM ---------- Previous post was at 02:50 AM ----------

We have no problem with the poor people of america. The american govt lies to them as well. We must remember that American is only a democracy in name in reality a small group of disciplined jews control american foreign policy. We reserve our hatred for american govt who kills our innocent people

But american govt is elected by americans
i don't think most Pakistanis ''HATE'' ordinary Americans.....it's only the foreign policy makers and the bigot types (like those who burn Qurans or vilify Muslims) who cause tensions.....on both sides there are war-mongerer types and fanatics

but by and large, Pakistanis' main grievance is the foreign policy of the US, and the arrogance in some of their policies --especially those in the region, and in Middle East
Nop..Nothing personal here.
We don't hate American people or general public...why should we..they are humans like us...going about their everyday lives.
In fact we have sympathy for the average American who is being brain washed and lied to by their Rulers and their money being spent on the Financial benefits of their elite.
But American war machine and foreign policy is what we hate...
well the bottom line is you cant kill some country's people on regular basis and still hope to be famous and liked over there..

Bush who started WOT was re-elected if u remember
for this pal, you should understand human nature

Can u please elaborate on that

---------- Post added at 02:56 AM ---------- Previous post was at 02:54 AM ----------

People should remember that American govt is an elected govt.... Obama categorically stated in his pre election rallies that he will bomb terrorist targets in Pakistan if Islamabad does not do anything and still he got elected by overwhelming majority...

[/COLOR]People should remember that American govt is an elected govt.... Obama categorically stated in his pre election rallies that he will bomb terrorist targets in Pakistan if Islamabad does not do anything and still he got elected by overwhelming majority...

if obama fullfilled his promises then he might be looking forward for a comfortable win

"Americans" are not the original inhabitants of U.S. They stole the land from "Red Indians", also known as "Native Americans", who now dont even make 1% of U.S. population because most of them have been killed.

Talk to these white Americans, they will tell you their great-great grandfather came to U.S. from Ireland on a boat.
Talk to these black Americans, they will tell you their great-great grandfather came to U.S. from Africa in a slave ship.

So who gives them the right to be called Americans and not the Asians who settled in the U.S.

By the way, even most white and black Americans dont agree with their government's policies.

Why should the good people in America accept all the atrocities their government and army is doing around the world.

Polls Show More Americans Favor Withdrawal From Afghanistan - NYTimes.com

Most Americans Blame Cost of Iraq, Afghanistan Wars for Soaring U.S. Debt « Poll Watch Daily

Poll: Most Americans Want Out of Afghanistan

By the way there are only 250,000 Pakistanis living in U.S. while there are over 1 million Indians living in U.S.
Yes and we all know how he was re-elected.
Took them weeks to manipulate the vote count.
U can do better than that

---------- Post added at 03:32 AM ---------- Previous post was at 03:32 AM ----------

"Americans" are not the original inhabitants of U.S. They stole the land from "Red Indians", also known as "Native Americans", who now dont even make 1% of U.S. population because most of them have been killed.

Talk to these white Americans, they will tell you their great-great grandfather came to U.S. from Ireland on a boat.
Talk to these black Americans, they will tell you their great-great grandfather came to U.S. from Africa in a slave ship.

So who gives them the right to be called Americans and not the Asians who settled in the U.S.

By the way, even most white and black Americans dont agree with their government's policies.

That is not true......
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