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Diversion of US aid - Indian propaganda exposed

here is another interesting read for my fellow Indian's

Jaswant Singh’s talk

THE BJP leader and former Indian foreign minister, Mr Jaswant Singh, made some assertions while speaking at the Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies in the US (Dawn, Nov 3.)

First, that India will have to live with the fact that the US will continue to rely on Pakistan as a key ally in the war against terror. Not content with this apparent display of jealousy, he pretended that India was somehow being victimised as a consequence, by saying that the US has no other option and “therefore India would have to continue to pay a price.”

Second, that Washington must not act as an “external equaliser in South Asia but should leave the region alone.

Third, that “the US often loses interest and Pakistan on its own begins to flounder and when it flounders, there are difficulties for India.”

Finally, “One of the failures of India’s diplomacy has been its inability to manage its relations with all its neighbours,” he said, and “if I don’t admit it, then I am denying the existing reality.”

The first contention appears to reflect India’s unhappiness that soon after 9/11 the US had refused to avail New Delhi’s lightning fast offer of helping Washington in its plans to invade Afghanistan. Also, that accepting India’s, rather than Pakistan’s collaboration would have strengthened the former’s position and influence, at the cost of the latter.

The second point aims at keeping the US from involving itself in the affairs of the region, which would enable India to freely exercise its hegemony that it simply loves to do.

The third assertion regarding Pakistan’s ‘floundering’ has more to do with India’s behaviour towards this country than any other reason.

This, in reality, is the major cause of most of Pakistan’s problems. A couple of years ago the British Medical Journal (BMJ) had published a report stating that the people of India, Pakistan and other South Asian countries are in a dramatically poor health, both physically and mentally. It had made a special mention of Pakistan and said that about 34 per cent of the interviewees (and presumably, all Pakistanis) suffered from depressive disorders and anxiety, which was apparently the highest in the region.

The BMJ report considered the root cause of all this South Asian trouble to be socio-political instability, economic uncertainty, violence, regional conflicts and dislocation for the past three decades. One would add that in case of Pakistan the problems aren’t restricted to just these factors. At independence, nearly one million Muslims were massacred and nine million made refugees, whereas the corresponding figure for the Hindus was only a fraction of this.

This was followed by several wars; dismemberment of the country by India in 1971; the frightful Soviet invasion of Afghanistan when Pakistan had seemed the next target; arrival of four million Afghan refugees along with the ensuing gun and drug culture and the severe social and economic problems that caused enormous mental stress.

The single biggest stressor has been India’s constant bullying because we are only one-seventh in size and its unwillingness to accept the partition. The large defence spending necessitated by the Indian attitude and behaviour, including its nuclear status since 1974, compelled us to divert scarce resources away from health, education, poverty eradication and social welfare. Not only Pakistan but every neighbour of India has had grievances against it, which gets reflected in Mr Singh’s final remark.

As the largest country in the region, India owes it to its own poor people — who are themselves suffering, as is obvious from the BMJ report — and to its neighbours to treat everyone fairly and compassionately so that their lives can get better. To begin with, New Delhi must grant the rights of the Kashmiris and the northeastern states’ residents, the Dalits, Muslims and other minorities, which will eliminate all of the self-created militancy in India, for which it conveniently keeps blaming Pakistan.


A cheap attempt at playing the victim card.

Pakistan's problems are of its own making and has no one to blame but itself for its current predicament. Pakistan's economic policies, feudal political culture, and over zealous generals are all equally responsible for the mess.

Pakistan has denied itself the opportunity to trade with a regional economic power. Instead of gloating at the economic hurdle Pakistan has imposed on itself, Pakistan should readdress its policy of confrontation and cultivate a strong and sincere relationship with India.

Even after 60 years of independence, Pakistan's political atmosphere is inherently unstable. Pakistan's politicians are busy increasing their influence at the cost of the GoP's credibility. The military is of course above all else, and this is completely acceptable in Pakistan because it seems people have lost faith in civilian politicians. Constant mud slinging has damaged not only the credibility of Pakistan's leaders, but has negatively impacted the ordinary Pakistani and left him frustrated and helpless.

India still has its fair share of hurdles to overcome, but we have managed to establish credible institutions, stable governments, and an over all sense of maturity in politics. The BJP sat down and analyzed the reasons for its defeat instead of running riot across the country. Slowly but surely, things are becoming transparent and people are being held accountable. Over all India has managed to chart a course for itself, it has a sense of direction, and is working towards its goals. Pakistan has yet to wake up in this regard.

Its pathetic how Pakistanis seem to be more than willing to dump their problems on India. There seems to be this shared mentality of inferiority/defensiveness/victimization, so much so that 'sticking it to India' seems to be higher on the priority list than analyzing the root causes for the proliferation of Islamist ideology across the length and breadth of the country, or better yet simply blame India for it.

Pakistan's flawed strategic outlook, shortsightedness and irresponsible behavior has damaged it's credibility the world over.

Too many people believe that they are being targeted because of their religion. It's unnerving to think that this culture of victimization is perpetuated in order to keep the social fabric from coming apart.

Khan for his part did get one thing right, the confrontation is exacting a heavier price on Pakistan than it can bear. Here's an interesting read for you,

Net Pakistani Kashmir : - Hidden Cost of Kashmir Conflict
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Mushi is trying his best to get attention, he's desperate to make a come back :disagree:...

Mam i dont know how this statement by mush will help him come back. He must be out of his mind to say such a thing when pakistan needs aid from america. We knew aid for pakistan goes against india but it was shocker that mush admitted it in public and that too just before pakistan getting aid mam.
i have seen the interview. Am shocked watching mush saying how he not only will use america weapons against india but he also already used it in past. Yes pakistan can use american weapons against india but i think there were some secrete agreement that pakistan had with america which now broken by pakistan. Now lets wait for america's reaction on it.
You guys need to remember that this is the Indian media we're talking about. No one else has independently reported or confirmed it, the Indian media can be shockingly biased and unreliable when reporting news of this nature. I think I've seen the interview and like what taimikhan said its not been so much as taken out of context as intentionally raped, distorted and blatantly and intentionally misreported. Its quite pathetic actually because this 'Musharraf admitted that he had violated rules governing the use of the military aid' didn't happen anywhere and Musharraf actually stated the opposite. There are no such 'rules' and its impossible and unreasonable to have them given its the same Pakistan Army regular units facing off India and fighting terrorists. These guys are desperate to go out of their way to get 'one over' Pakistan and assure their local consumers that Pakistan is a despicable nation thats obsessed with India and what not (which is quite ironic coming from them).
I dont know what Mushi is trying to do, he gave another irresponsible statement today... May be just want to attract attention

Brig. Imtiaz has died trying to gain few points by all those revelations he made before the Nation and at the end of the day, lost the remaining bit of credibility. Musharraf moron thinks he is living in the 16th century where people would forget and forgive his every humanitarian and judicial crime because US aid was spent on purchasing Military Hardware against India. Even if is the case, this must not be his individual decision that he dieing to be appreciated for. And I am sure there wont be a cry from the USA on this statement because this would've been settled already. America knows its stooge needs some fireworks to get into the limelight again.
See how patriotic he is...:devil: He did the 'right thing' for Pakistan and on top of that:taz: he is not afraid of the US. What more can an average Pakistani ask for?:cheesy::argh:

Pakistani are a lot mature then these politicians think they would be. People didn't buy Musharraf's policies in the last elections although he had used government resources and looted money on election campaigns and there was no medium of communication that wasn't chanting his slogans.. but in-spite of that, Musharraf got historic defeat. 70% people in Pakistan are asking for his trial, and 30% who do not are not necessarily dieing in love for him. The time he left his presidency, his popularity was not more than 8%. What does he think will this Nation will buy baseless claims of one runaway American stooge? He needs to win a war against India single-handedly to prove competent this time. And even then he would have to face allegations of misusing his position and breaking the Law which he has admitted already.


"Pakistan has denied itself the opportunity to trade with a regional economic power. Instead of gloating at the economic hurdle Pakistan has imposed on itself, Pakistan should readdress its policy of confrontation and cultivate a strong and sincere relationship with India."

Its sad that you wrote whole article but couldn't prove enough grip over this subject to make your readers read till the end.
Another non reliable source, bring me some BBC or WSJ news dude. we all know indian news paper are worthless or may I say penny less until there is some Pakistan bashing involve in it.

'अमरीकी पैसे से भारत का मुक़ाबला'

पूर्व राष्ट्रपति परवेज़ मुशर्रफ़ ने कहा है कि पाकिस्तान ने तालिबान से लड़ने के लिए अमरीका से मिलने वाली फ़ौजी मदद को भारत के ख़िलाफ़ मज़बूती हासिल करने के लिए इस्तेमाल किया.

ये पहली बार है जब किसी पाकिस्तानी नेता या फ़ौजी अधिकारी ने इस बात को स्वीकार किया है.

तालिबान के ख़िलाफ़ पाकिस्तान के ढुलमुल रवैये की आलोचना करते हुए पिछले कुछ सालों में अमरीकी कांग्रेस में कई बार ये कहा गया है कि जो हथियार या पैसे आतंकवाद के ख़िलाफ़ लड़ाई के लिए जारी किए जाते हैं उनका इस्तेमाल पाकिस्तान अपनी पूर्वी सीमा यानि भारत के साथ लगती सीमा को मज़बूत करने में लगा रहा है.

भारत ने भी इस तरह के आरोप लगाए हैं लेकिन पाकिस्तान अबतक इससे साफ़ इंकार करता रहा है.

पूरी दुनिया और अमरीका इस बात को समझ ले कि हम अपनी सुरक्षा से कभी समझौता नहीं करेंगे और इन हथियारों की जहां ज़रूरत होगी इस्तेमाल करेंगे.


मुशर्रफ़ के इस बयान पर फ़िलहाल पाकिस्तानी सरकार की तरफ़ से कोई बयान नहीं आया है.

परवेज़ मुशर्रफ़ ने एक पाकिस्तानी टीवी चैनल, एक्सप्रेस न्यूज़, के साथ बात करते हुए साफ़ कहा है अमरीका से मिलने वाले हथियार को हर उस जगह इस्तेमाल किया जा सकता है जहां से पाकिस्तान को ख़तरा है.

उनका कहना था, ``अगर ख़तरा तालिबान और अल क़ायदा से है तो इनका इस्तेमाल वहां होगा, अगर ख़तरा भारत से है तो इस्तेमाल भारत के ख़िलाफ़ होगा.’’
पाकिस्तान के हित में

मुशर्रफ़ का कहना था कि उन्होंने जो किया वो सही था और पाकिस्तान के हित में था.

जो मदद तालिबान के ख़िलाफ़ लड़ाई के लिए मिली उसका इस्तेमाल कहीं और हुआ.

उन्होंने कहा कि अमरीका से मिले हथियारों को स्टोर में कभी नहीं रखा गया.

उनका कहना था, ``इन हथियारों को कबायली इलाकों से लेकर भारतीय पंजाब की सीमा तक इस्तेमाल किया जा सकता था.’’

उन्होंने कहा कि उनके इस बयान से अगर अमरीकी नाराज़ होते हैं तो होते रहें.

उन्होंने कहा,`` पूरी दुनिया और अमरीका इस बात को समझ ले कि हम अपनी सुरक्षा से कभी समझौता नहीं करेंगे और इन हथियारों की जहां ज़रूरत होगी इस्तेमाल करेंगे.’’

बुश प्रशासन के दौरान जब पाकिस्तान को और फ़ौजी मदद देने का प्रस्ताव रखा जाता था तब कई कांग्रेस के सदस्य इस बात को उठाते थे कि पाकिस्तान इन पैसों से एफ-16 विमान और दूसरे ऐसे हथियार खरीद रहा है जो भारत के ख़िलाफ़ इस्तेमाल कर सके.

कहा जा रहा है कि संयुक्त राष्ट्र महासभा के दौरान भारत-पाकिस्तान के विदेश मंत्रियों की मुलाक़ात से ठीक पहले मुशर्रफ़ का ये बयान तनाव को और बढ़ा सकता है.

मुशर्रफ़ ने ये भी कहा है कि पाकिस्तान अपनी परमाणु क्षमता को और बढ़ाने के लिए प्लूटोनियम संवर्धित हथियार बनाने की तरफ़ बढ़ रहा है.

उनका कहना था कि दक्षिण एशिया में परमाणु हथियारों की होड़ के लिए भारत ज़िम्मेदार है.

मुशर्रफ़ इन दिनों लंदन में रह रहे हैं और कुछ ही दिनों में अमरीका के लिए रवाना होंगे जहां उनके कई भाषण होने हैं.

वो पाकिस्तान कब तक लौट सकते हैं इसपर स्पष्ट रूप से उन्होंने कुछ भी नहीं कहा है.

although it's in Hindi but from BBC

link: BBC Hindi - ???? ?? ????? - '?????? ???? ?? ???? ?? ????????'
why cannot Pakistan get money from china rather than from troublesome america:undecided:
U.S. aid was used on defence against India, says Musharraf

ISLAMABAD: The former President, Pervez Musharraf, has said the military aid the U.S. gave Pakistan for the war against terror during his tenure was used to strengthen defences against India.

Gen.(Retd.) Musharraf admitted that he had violated the rules governing the use of the military aid, but justified his action, saying he had “acted in the best interest of Pakistan.”

He did not want to compromise on Pakistan’s interests, he said.

In an interview to a news channel, he said he “did not care” whether the U.S. would be angered by his disclosure.

India and several influential lawmakers in the U.S. have been accusing Pakistan of having used the U.S. funds to strengthen its defences against India.

However, Pakistan has denied any wrongdoing.

Gen. (Retd.) Musharraf said that had he not supported the U.S. in the war on terror after the September, 2001 attacks, American forces could have entered Pakistan to capture its nuclear assets; it was also possible that the U.S. and India could have jointly attacked the country. — PTI

Yup, Another Flip-Flop exposed. Earlier it was claimed that US aid was "pittance" and was all "accounted for" the Gen. Musharraf. Now we know why the Aid money was never sufficient and Pakistan always wanted more.

Lets hope he also quantifies how much of the aid money has been diverted to Anti-India account, so that it can be compensated / adjusted in the next package.

. .
Its good Pakistan made good use of fund to defend against indian aggression. If one recall indian not once but more than twice massed troops in Pakistan border with threat of war.

Rest is history, indian troops just blown up amo depo and killed themselves. So this fert is just solace for indians for their losses.
He done it, it is good BUT, why to publicize it?

i wasn't expecting such state been publicize by him.. Bad step indeed..
None of these pathetic leaders has any current Issue but past "achievements" that they want to sell to the public again. And this is rather a crime which Musharraf wants to be taken as achievement and be appreciated for. A person who is not able to make promises with donors will be sincere and honest with countrymen that he loved to sell for $2000 each. MORON!
But guys he is openly admitting it... I know US already know it, but I mean "openly" ...

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