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Disturbing visuals from India

“The policemen at the Kotwali misled him. They told him that if he files a case against these men then they will file a case against you and you will also be arrested for ‘touching the wrists of Hindu girls’. A policeman told him that if wants to live then he better leave and go home.”

How nice.

But in Monday state Home Minister Narottam Mishra justified the attack on Tasleem alleging that he used ‘fake identity’.

How nice again.

Why are these Hindutva thugs so insecure and so proactive about preserving the honor of Hindu women from Muslims? Who died and made these eve-teaser goondas the heroes?

Small-time dhaba chai seller idiots (just like their PM) probably used to stand at the corner next to the girl's school and issue catcalls, and now changing getup into saffron and become the savior of chaste Hindu ladies' honor - overnight.

I hardly see them protesting any rapes against Hindu women, who are mostly raped by Hindu perpetrators anyhow.

Generally agree with you but if Modi didn't listen to and protect the Hindutva gang so much I would have preferred him to that confused previous PM, Manmohan Singh from the Congress party, who declared that the Naxalite left-wing guerrillas are the biggest internal threat to India. Manmohan Singh should have said that about the right-wingers.

Modi having been a tea seller doesn't preclude him from PMship if he has the smarts.

c) Be excellent non-argumentative husband appeasers ("Pati Parmeshwar" concept, i.e. "Husband is God")

Indeed, and that is connected to the other concepts like Sati ( burning alive of the widow on the dead husband's pyre ) and the marriage being a "Saath janam ka bandhan" ( marriage being a holy relationship that lasts for seven lifetimes ) which doesn't take into account that the wife can be oppressed by the husband and that leads to the situation of the concept of divorce being non-existent in traditional Hinduism.

Here are some of the misogynist and suffocating views of Yogi Adityanath, the Hindutvadi Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh which is the most populous state in India :
He believes women need male protection from birth to death and their ‘energy/power’ should be regulated or controlled, lest it become worthless and destructive.
He adds the shastras say that a woman is protected in her childhood by her father, by her husband in her youth and by her son in her old age — so that way a woman is not capable of being left free or independent.
The above ideas come from the foul 3000-year-old Hindutvadi book Manusmriti. This is why the Hindutvadis hate their daughters and sisters choosing their own career or husband especially if the husband is not Hindu and especially a Muslim.
The above ideas come from the foul 3000-year-old Hindutvadi book Manusmriti. This is why the Hindutvadis hate their daughters and sisters choosing their own career or husband especially if the husband is not Hindu and especially a Muslim.
Can a Muslim woman marry a Hindu man?
Are the Taliban followers of Hindutvadi book Manusmriti?
If Taliban doesn't represent Islamic teaching and values why their victory is celebrated by Muslims around the world?

I know u wont talk this outside PDF as u'll be laughed at.
But but Hindus are oppressed in Bangladesh.

Bangladesh is communal.

Hindu Temples desecrated in BD.

'V wil saend India Army to potec Hindu bd'

Meanwhile, No hindu has ever died for being Hindu in Bangladesh for as long as I can remember.. No lynchings, No forced conversions or love jihad.. but Hindus in BD are oppressed ?

Same goes for Pakistan, PM Imran Khan takes personal notice if anything done against minorities including Hindus or their place of worship.
Can a Muslim woman marry a Hindu man?

I think that prohibition came from the the days Islam came about and was condensed and for two reasons :

1. The simplicity and perceived superiority of Islamic monotheism over polytheism ( such as Hinduism ) and related things and if such a marriage were to take place the Muslim woman not would have to deal daily with the polytheist culture of her husband's household and immediate co-religion environment but also there is possibility of that Muslim woman unfortunately becoming the subject of gossip and ostracization.

2. In such a marriage what to do with the Muslim woman's property after she dies ? Normally, the Muslim woman's Muslim heirs would have inherited her property but in such a marriage should it be willed away to polytheist / ideologically-opposite heirs ?

But what if a Muslim woman desires a polytheist man ( for example Hindu ) and wants to marry him ? The society couldn't restrain her but there would still be those two things I wrote above. So the solution given was conversion of the polytheist man to Islam. I quote this Wikipedia page. Note the underlined :
The Quran (2:221)[9] also states,

"And do not marry Polytheist women until they believe, And a believing slave woman is better than a Polytheist women, even though she might please you. And do not marry Polytheist men until they believe. And a believing slave is better than a Polytheist men, even though he might please you. Those invite [you] to the Fire, but Allah invites to Paradise and to forgiveness, by His permission. And He makes clear His verses to the people that perhaps they may remember".

Are the Taliban followers of Hindutvadi book Manusmriti?
If Taliban doesn't represent Islamic teaching and values why their victory is celebrated by Muslims around the world?

Can you tell me where all this victory is being celebrated and by whom ?

I know u wont talk this outside PDF as u'll be laughed at.

About what ?
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Can a Muslim woman marry a Hindu man?
Are the Taliban followers of Hindutvadi book Manusmriti?
If Taliban doesn't represent Islamic teaching and values why their victory is celebrated by Muslims around the world?

I know u wont talk this outside PDF as u'll be laughed at.

Aksar hota hai - in Bangladesh, media celebrities even.


Srijit Mukherjee, Kolkata director, married Rafiath Rashid, a Bangladeshi actress. There are dozens of examples like this in showbiz. On a personal level - very common in Bangladesh. I personally know half a dozen couples like this.

@Suriya, what's funny about what I wrote ?

Putting a "Ha Ha" response is standard Sanghi poster provoking behavior, no rhyme or reason needed.
Aksar hota hai - in Bangladesh, media celebrities even.


Srijit Mukherjee, Kolkata director, married Rafiath Rashid, a Bangladeshi actress. There are dozens of examples like this in showbiz. On a personal level - very common in Bangladesh. I personally know half a dozen couples like this.

Putting a "Ha Ha" response is standard Sanghi poster provoking behavior, no rhyme or reason needed.

So many Indian actors and actresses married Muslims.

Sunil Dutt and Nargis:

Kareena Kapoor and Saif Ali Khan:

Bangladesh is not special in anyways where actors married out of religion. Happens in India more often than you think.
Instead of saying simple No, u gave contorted explanation of why it's not allowed.
Aksar hota hai - in Bangladesh, media celebrities even.


Srijit Mukherjee, Kolkata director, married Rafiath Rashid, a Bangladeshi actress. There are dozens of examples like this in showbiz. On a personal level - very common in Bangladesh. I personally know half a dozen couples like this.

Srijit Mukherjee is Indian and India is legal under special marriage act.
Tell us is it legal for a Muslim woman to marry a Muslim man in Bangladesh?
You probably mean Hindu man marrying a Muslim woman. Yes that was what I was explaining and happens all the time. No one bats an eyelash. There is no concept of reverse 'Love Jihad' in Bangladesh. Happens more in educated families though who are more liberal. Bangladesh is not India.

Srijit in India was just a Hindu Example.

Here are the legal mumbo jumbo for Bangladesh.

In Bangladesh - there are no legal restrictions on marriage between members of different faiths per the constitution.

However under Sharia law precepts - Mixed religion marriages in Bangladesh are not "VOID", but "IRREGULAR", which can be corrected by conversion to Islam. Or - the mixed marriage couple can go to court and declare that they do not profess any religion, in which case the marriage can be validated in another manner.

All this being said, hardly anyone wanting to get married cares about these Shariah stuff, it is a question of how much you are willing to sacrifice to make that special person your own.

People who really want to get married, often don't care about religion, or parental consent, or constitutional/religious fine print, unless it comes to inheritance, which is most often out of scope.

The Constitution establishes Islam as the state religion but also states that other religions can be practiced in harmony.[15]

Islamic law plays a role in civil matters pertaining to the Muslim community; however, there is no formal implementation of Islamic law, and it is not imposed on non-Muslims.

Family law has separate provisions for Muslims, Hindus, and Christians.
Family laws concerning marriage, divorce, and adoption differ depending on the religious beliefs of the people involved.
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Wow! No one in Bangladesh, that I know of, would raise their hands on a woman like this.


Brave Hindutva soldiers picking as usual on the weak and helpless...

Lol, I searched Google and found 1000s of such reports. Keep dreaming in your "Bangladesh is pure, ethnical and progressive" alternative and fake reality.

Their own research says, 87 pc of women in Bangladesh have faced violence at home.

Such incidents are common in every nation. That's why there are millions of people in prison in US, China, India or any nation you can think of.

Cherry picking a few videos and generalizing and changing the narrative/stereotyping is a low level troll work these days, nothing more.
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Lol, I searched Google and found 1000s of such reports. Keep dreaming in your "Bangladesh is pure, ethnical and progressive" alternative and fake reality.

Their own research says, 87 pc of women in Bangladesh have faced violence at home.

Such incidents are common in every nation. That's why there are millions of people in prison in US, China, India or any nation you can think of.

Cherry picking a few videos and generalizing and changing the narrative/stereotyping is a low level troll work these days, nothing more.

Try a bit harder to post relevant posts.

Modi's electronic propaganda cell has classes.

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