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Disturbing Video - Sikhs beaten up by 'Hindu' vigilantes

Sounds more like mischief than misunderstanding

children's disappearance and took these guys for no reason? I think I would just go with roybot's post.

You have the power to rate it :partay: so why call me here

@Roybot would be right .
There was a claim about child disappearence about this incident.My mistake .
Of Course that is mischief .
These mob wont dare to even stand against one of sikh for one on one .
They are just cowards and illiterates.
Look at the braveness of some idiots mens among mob , hitting those elders ,they are even afraid to hit half beaten elders .
Shameless people.

I doubt he is a human, let alone Marathi.

He doesnt seem normal .And have some severe inferiority complex
@Roybot would be right .
There was a claim about child disappearence about this incident.My mistake .
Of Course that is mischief .
These mob wont dare to even stand against one of sikh for one on one .
They are just cowards and illiterates.
Look at the braveness of some idiots mens among mob , hitting those elders ,they are even afraid to hit half beaten elders .
Shameless people.

He doesnt seem normal .And have some severe inferiority complex

On an other thread he is praising Jinnah and calling Gandhi a Banya, while supporting conversations to Islam.

That's the thing with these imposters, they can't hide their true colors for too long. Eventually their true aukaad shines through their BS.
On an other thread he is praising Jinnah and calling Gandhi a Banya, while supporting conversations to Islam.

That's the thing with these imposters, they can't hide their true colors for too long. Eventually their true aukaad shines through their BS.

Any way he is an Indian but a weird one .
Perhaps he might experienced some bitterness .But he is dumb enough to generalize entire community.
We cant change such peoples
Good! Dont ever quote me. Clearly you cant handle the truth.

No my sweet angel. Words are meaningless. Its always the action. I have faced discrimination during my stay in the north. Not a single one but many. I have lost count tbh. I will share a few. The drunk haryanvi males in group of 10 who wanted fight me because they thought I was a madarassi who staring at their girls. Funny isnt it? These are the people who molest and rape women. The brahmin landlord who agreed to rent me his flat on the telephone. But when he met me and saw that I was dark skinned and assumed I was lower caste. He refused me to rent his flat although I brought the deposit. Or the lovely North Indian hr ladies who interviewed me. But later when I asked for feedback told me that my interview was very good but they needed some one fairer since it was a marketing job. Infact I have lost the count. Ironically I have faced zero discrimination in the west. My so called secular country is the only place where I get discriminated against apparently.

I had issues. It happens when you are at the receiving end. Something priveleged people like you wouldnt know.But I dealt with them. Because I got to know the truth. I am taller, good-looking,wealthier intelligent and more civilized than an average North Indian. I came to this conclusion in the west. All those handsome bollywood type of studs who get adored by North Indian women are considered as repulsive by hot white women. But me on other hand due to my dark skin and muscular built drew their attention. Ironic isnt it? North Indian girls with their fake accent who used to think they are white and reject me for being black and ugly. But in the west I had it easy with hot blonde girls.
God works in a mysterious way. I lost my belief in him while living in North India. But I started beleiving after living in the west

Thank the west and white man for restoring my dignity which my country stole.

All you bollywood watching losers can keep on judging me. I would have cared about your opinions in the past. But now since I know the reality I am indifferent. So humor me ladies.

Dark men are pearls in fair ladies' eyes....

The West might have its flaws and what-nots... but no other Civlisation in History has advanced the Human Condition more than the West.

I am glad, Black Indian, that you had a humanising experience in the West. See the West as a collective is NOT racist.

Keep me tagged when you think it might be good for understanding of things in your part of the world.


Yes, such as Hizbul commander Zakir Musa. Wants to behead people and make Kashmir ISIS stronghold. These are the worst of the worst.
He already cleared his statement that they will only target those who are working in favor of Indian agenda.
He already cleared his statement that they will only target those who are working in favor of Indian agenda.

There is something called the rule of law. You might be familiar with it. The state is the only instrumentality that is allowed to decide if and when someone is to be deprived of life or liberty. And even these decisions are to be taken only under exceptional circumstances.

I may not agree with everything that the Indian government does but the answer cannot lie in allowing Hizbul/LeT/LeJ/TTP/ISIS/Boko Haram/Al Qaeda/Al Shabab and other such self-appointed non-state actors to decide who gets to live and who not.

Terrorism has to stop. Without that, there will be no discussion on Kashmir. That is the collective resolve of 1.3 billion people.
There is something called the rule of law. You might be familiar with it. The state is the only instrumentality that is allowed to decide if and when someone is to be deprived of life or liberty. And even these decisions are to be taken only under exceptional circumstances.

I may not agree with everything that the Indian government does but the answer cannot lie in allowing Hizbul/LeT/LeJ/TTP/ISIS/Boko Haram/Al Qaeda/Al Shabab and other such self-appointed non-state actors to decide who gets to live and who not.

Terrorism has to stop. Without that, there will be no discussion on Kashmir. That is the collective resolve of 1.3 billion people.
Kashmir militancy is not terrorism they are freedom fighters. Show me an evidence where they targeted innocent people especially children and women.
innocent people

It is not for them to decide who is innocent and who is not. They do not have the legitimacy of the state backing them. All they have are weapons bought with money earned through narcotics and currency counterfeiting and an ideology that is increasingly Wahhabi/Salafist in nature.

Kashmiriyat is a sham. The movement has been long hijacked by people who speak for Islamist rule - no different than Taliban/ISIS. As for evidence, look no further than the protestors waving ISIS flags.
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