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Dissecting modern fighter Aircrafts | Abhijit Iyer Mitra & Sanjay Dixit

Bhakts and former Indian AirForce officers have started to attack him also. Overall he is right on many things but also he is seriously underestimating China. Yes China is facing engine issues but not for long.

Also France gives a dam about nuclear safety. You have the money go buy weapons from them that is all they care about and they have absolutely right approach.
Lol, he totally destroyed Su30 and teja. But he also believes that IAF did shot down pakistani jet, and also that chinese engines are a total failure so far.

Sukhoi 30 is an excellent platform, but the only issue is the integration of Israeli Jammer with Russian Radar, either of this needs to be changed in the upcoming upgrade.
Since US confirmed that no F-16 was ever shot down so instead of contradicting the Americans, now they have changed the stance that the F-16 that Abhinandan shot down for which the IAF had provided all the (made up) proofs in the televised drama and he was awarded the medal, has now become a JF-17. The fun part is how do they explain the F-16 signatures that they did everything to prove that their radars captured, now become JF-17.

You see I always say that a lie has no feet. You will need to tell 10 more lies to cover the first lie, and every one of those 10 lies will need another 100 to prove them right and the cycle goes on and on, and that is why we see a never-ending life of lies and deceit for the Indians

I never heard that the US DoD was convinced that India shot down a JF-17.

That - is news to me. First i've heard of it, to date.
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Why do Indians believe 4th Gen aircraft technology is better than 5th Gen aircraft technology?

Why doesn't India just go for the F-35s to even the playing field with the Chinese instead of hyping up a 4th Gen aircraft?

It seems like a serious miscalculation happening on the Indian part as we speak.

Because they are as knowleadgeable as Admiral Aladdin in military matters. If u are french and tell the indians, hey pay up 10B more for a deadlier version of Rafale, now named Rafale X, they wud do so. And if u tell them what makes the Rafale X deadlier than a normal version is that it has a Pointy sharpened pipe on its nose, they wud believe you. now thats deadly and scary. Be thankful to god that the enemy is such donkeys

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