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Disproving some genocide claims

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Would Pakistanis like it, If Indians talked about reuniting Pakistan with India?? or Vice versa? :) Off topic! though, I couldnt help myself

Pakistan and India have different issues and we have land disputes but Pak and BD can increase cooperation and can emerge as a union of independent countries as we collectively gained independence from India in 1947 and other than 1971 we have no issue.
Pakistan and India have different issues and we have land disputes but Pak and BD can increase cooperation and can emerge as a union of independent countries as we collectively gained independence from India in 1947 and other than 1971 we have no issue.

Wake up buddy! Last heard it was pakistanis who were telling that they own India, that all the monuments and culture were given by the Mughals whose rightful successors are Pakistanis... and What Independance??

Ominous signs of
Wake up buddy! Last heard it was pakistanis who were telling that they own India, that all the monuments and culture were given by the Mughals whose rightful successors are Pakistanis... and What Independance??

Ominous signs of

Having Issues with India and owning the monuments are two different things mate!

Waise if you want us to make your country Pakistan, you are more than welcome.;)
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U better not be an Islamic Republic then.. make it plain Vanilla, Republic of Pakistan :devil:

Lets get back to the topic @ hand.. What do u say for this.. and the post below it..

For topic my point is Pakistan did not commit genocide. India was attempting to destabilize Pakistan right from the beginning and the matter was not as simple as East Pakistanis were moving to India so India entered the war; remember the Agartala conspiracy case which is a solid proof of Indian efforts to destabilize Pakistan.
The forum members would need far more than an allegation from one salman Nedian.. can you provide some neutral links?!
The forum members would need far more than an allegation from one salman Nedian.. can you provide some neutral links?!

There are several books in Bangla which directly shows that conspiracies were perpetrated from the Indian High Commission and which culminated in the Agartala case.
There are several books in Bangla which directly shows that conspiracies were perpetrated from the Indian High Commission and which culminated in the Agartala case.

Did u read my post? Neutral Links!
The good thing is that the old wounds are healing. Bangladesh will always be closer to Pakistan because you can see that despite of all the Indian efforts of creating misunderstandings between the two wings of Quaid-e-Azam’s Pakistan, we are one. Once Faiz said:

Kab nazar mein aaye gi bedaagh sabze ki bahaar
Khoon de dhabbe dhulen ge kitni barsaaton ke baad

When will we again see a spring of unstained green?
After how many monsoons will the blood be washed from the branches?

After 37 monsoons the blood is washing out and let it be washed out.

India has nothing against what relations Pakistan and Bangladesh want to have as long as it is not directed against us.

Right now the relationship seeems to be more about allowing ISI to use Bangladesh as a base for terror attacks on India.
India has nothing against what relations Pakistan and Bangladesh want to have as long as it is not directed against us.

Right now the relationship seeems to be more about allowing ISI to use Bangladesh as a base for terror attacks on India.

So you want friendly relations with Bangladesh which are directed against Pakistan?

Friend! The single issue between Pakistan and Bangladesh is also a humanitarian issue so we want good relations with them.
It seems, everyone is accepting to everyone else's arguments, except when it comes to MBI Munshi.. Let me try to summarize everything, so we can stop the needless argument about Mr.Munshi is good or Bad..
1) There was a war in 1971.
2) B/W India and Pakistan.
3) War was over the East Pakistan issue.
4) India did not fight the war, to uphold democracy like our Big brother or any other Pious selfless motives.
5) There was a big flood of immigrants, badly affecting a very poor country.
6) East Pakistan rebelled and wanted a seperate country.
7) PA was given orders to quell the rebellion.
8) It is understandable that the army resorted to Killings..
9) The Local East Pakistanis formed a partisan group which also involved in killings, but whose number are either suppressed or lesser than that of PA's (atleast according to documented sources)
10) India did not incite the war, without ground support.. Else there would have been no formation of Bangladesh. There was a good support for breaking away from West Pakistan. (This is for Self styled barristers and scholars, who insist that Bangladesh creation was purely sculpted by the Ugly hands of RAW and India Inc)
11) The number of people massacred was put @ 3-5 million..
12) The first time I heard this , It sounded Absurd..
13) Irrespective of the source of the news, this has been corroborated by the Bangladeshi Regime..
14) It is quite likely and highly possible that the numbers have been considerably spiked up..
15) A lesser number does not justify it as a lesser evil, although everybody agrees that the number sounds irresponsibly high..
16) so everybody is now accepting that the numbers could be wrong..

End of Discussion. Period.

I propose this coz, its sickening to argue on numbers..

Thanks the list of your opinions, but this thread is primarily over the actual number of those killed, and for the last time, no one is saying that it is 'alright' that fewer people were killed - though it should in fact be a relief that nowhere close to the 3 million were killed.
You shock me!

You are serious when you say this!

This is the first time I ever heard such absurdity.

Frankly it was disappointing to say the least.

I don't want to turn this into another Kashmir thread, you could start a similar thread if you wish to counter the accusations.
Wake up buddy! Last heard it was pakistanis who were telling that they own India, that all the monuments and culture were given by the Mughals whose rightful successors are Pakistanis... and What Independance??

Ominous signs of

And your evidence that all Pakistanis or the Pakistani government is advocating these policies?

I think you need to wake up and get back down to earth!
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