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Disgraced heroes of nuclear Pakistan

You mean the Iranian President never said Israel had to be wiped off the map or something to that affect ? The Jews made up that story?


Media is a very powerful weapon since it reaches the masses fast and cheap. The president never used those words, it was misinterpretted by the zionist media.
The phrase translated litterally it means "Israel will disappear" from the world.
Every one is agreee to Wiped off the ISREAL from the map but how is going to do this .. the Arab they never had any aggrestion left ,, did ever they made effective harmfull aggrestion towards it ..
You mean the Iranian President never said Israel had to be wiped off the map or something to that affect ? The Jews made up that story?

Nobody can dare to wipe out out a country with nuclear weapons and that also not anyone but Israel, the illicit child of worlds biggest hooligan US. Whatever he is saying is just the rage expressed over cruel policies of Israel against the Palestinians.Otherwise Iran itself will be wiped out or destroyed.

Do you really trust Kim Jong, Khameni, and other such types who wilth AQ Khan's help now or soon will have the power of Life and Death over millions perhaps hundreds of millions.

At least they are not interfering in others affairs. They don't have any satanic wills to destroy or spread bloodshed in middle east or even in the world like Evangelist Bush is doing.
But one thing is sure that if other opressed and supressed nations are not getting this technology they will be definitely jeopardizing the security of there people from the future attacks of mad leaders like Bush.
So there getting the bomb will provide a balance of power in this world and no so called super powers will dare to interfere in their matters.
At least they are not interfering in others affairs. They don't have any satanic wills to destroy or spread bloodshed in middle east or even in the world like Evangelist Bush is doing.
But one thing is sure that if other opressed and supressed nations are not getting this technology they will be definitely jeopardizing the security of there people from the future attacks of mad leaders like Bush.
So there getting the bomb will provide a balance of power in this world and no so called super powers will dare to interfere in their matters.

Take your blinders off, Kim Jong uses his own citizens as guinea pigs (as reported by escappees) and let 2 million starve to death during the famine so he would not have to reduce military spending. Iran is funding the Shia militias in Iraq and Hezzbllah in Lebanon both are killing Muslims left and right, although Hezzbollah doe sadd jewish deaths to the mix.

Getting the bomb will not balance matters beucase they are irrational zealots. They have already sacraficed thier citizens future and current economic prosperity to get a weapon they don't need. No non-muslim forgien enemy has attacked Iran in over 50 years. No forgien enemy has ever attacked North Korea yet both staes have attacked other states. The Indo-pakistani wars are not quite the same- you guys are brother sinvolved in one massive family fued and I hope one day both nations grow up and stop treatign each other as the enemy. But neither side has called for the other to be wiped out. That level of restraint is not beign shown by the nuclear wanna bes.
I disagree that Israel has to be wiped off for Muslim prosperity.

Israel has to be properly divided into the two groups of Israelis and Palestinians for that to happen. Muslim Prosperity lies in a mutually acceptable resolution of the conflict. Trust me if the Muslims win the conflict with Israel it won't end there and vice versa.

Of course Nuclear Technology has to be spread amongst Muslim nations. Why? Because the powerful west is convinced it shouldn't be, which makes us doubt their intentions. They shouldn't be allowed to think they can turn Muslim countries into nuclear wastelands or even use tactical nukes on us without a response. MAD has to be maintained at all costs.

The reason that the west thinks Iran is lunatic enough to go nuclear at Israel is because they are looneys enough to go nuclear at Iran as well. Remember they've already discussed using tactical nukes against Iran, VERY openly. Even elected members of congress did that.

Now we're either dealing with two loonies or no loonies at all. Make your pick.
The ones wishing the sublime conversion of muslims to high speed radioactive particles are those who persist in the insane belief that an Islamic state can conduct a radiological conversion of Israel and get away with it, or that Israel will not simply take as much of Islam with it as they can. Never mind that if Iran bombed Israel and Israel didn't respond more, Muslims would still die than Jews as the poor Palestinians had thier shadows burned into the cinderblock ruins of thier homes

Only Israel have nukes and its capable of nuking middles east not other way around. Israel can nuke anybody and get away with it but when Iran develop nukes (unluckily) then there will be much needed balance. And i think u r the same Zraver who once was in PDF. You are quite famous there because of great analysis you done on arjun and other tanks.
I disagree that Israel has to be wiped off for Muslim prosperity.

Israel has to be properly divided into the two groups of Israelis and Palestinians for that to happen. Muslim Prosperity lies in a mutually acceptable resolution of the conflict. Trust me if the Muslims win the conflict with Israel it won't end there and vice versa.

Of course Nuclear Technology has to be spread amongst Muslim nations. Why? Because the powerful west is convinced it shouldn't be, which makes us doubt their intentions. They shouldn't be allowed to think they can turn Muslim countries into nuclear wastelands or even use tactical nukes on us without a response. MAD has to be maintained at all costs.

The reason that the west thinks Iran is lunatic enough to go nuclear at Israel is because they are looneys enough to go nuclear at Iran as well. Remember they've already discussed using tactical nukes against Iran, VERY openly. Even elected members of congress did that.

Now we're either dealing with two loonies or no loonies at all. Make your pick.

Asim, Iran is publicly calling for Isreal to be wiped off the map. Take thier statements at face value and look at what that really means. Jerusalem the third holiest city in Islam slagged to chuncks of rubble, the Jordan river and Jordan itself poisioned by fallout. All that land claimed by the Palestinians gone, along with both the Jews and Palestinians

http://www.fas.org/main/content.jsp?formAction=297&contentId=367 nuclear weapons effect calculator

I would be less opposed to a nuclear Iran if the clerics were not in charge, htese cleric do not represent your faith they export terror and murder. For all of its strife and troubles external and internal Pakistan has acted responsably with the Hammer of God in its care, do you really think Iran will based on their words and actions?


I am the same guy, they didn't like my defense of my faith so I got banned.

Israel cannot get away with nuking at will, No one can. Even the US, should it decide to use nukes on Iran will pay a heavy price.

Media is a very powerful weapon since it reaches the masses fast and cheap. The president never used those words, it was misinterpretted by the zionist media.
The phrase translated litterally it means "Israel will disappear" from the world.

What does Israel will disappear from the world mean ? That he loves Israel and Jews ?

We discuss the intentions.

What are that mans intentions and what is going on in his mind when he denies the holocaust ? What the hell is going on in his mind when he is calling Israel satan ?

Whats with him pronouncing death to Israel ?

Sorry, but that man IS what he has been made out to be in the 'Zionist' media.
I disagree that Israel has to be wiped off for Muslim prosperity.

Israel has to be properly divided into the two groups of Israelis and Palestinians for that to happen. Muslim Prosperity lies in a mutually acceptable resolution of the conflict. Trust me if the Muslims win the conflict with Israel it won't end there and vice versa.

So again you look confused to me Asim. For the sake of argument, let's assume your solution. Then would it not open a pandara's box for every one? Tommorrow, the expatriats from Asia would demand a homeland in Europe and America. It would be a legitimate demand! They now live there so need a country of thier own. So there would be a demand for a mini China, mini India, mini Pakistan/Islamistan and so on and on, right there in Europe and America.

Also you have never answered my earlier question. Why on earth, Palistinians have to pay the price of loosing thier country for the crimes that Europe committed?

Israel was put into place in the arab lands. Why not in freaking Africa?
Why on earth, Palistinians have to pay the price of loosing thier country for the crimes that Europe committed?


There was no Palestinoian country, the land was shared by three religions with each side havign numerical doominace at various points. What makes one sides claims more valid? Prior to 1947 no land wa stolen from Palestinians, it wa slegally bought from those who legally owned it (most were absentee landlords in Egypt). After 47 the Palestinians rejected state hood and invaded and lost. what gives the Palestinians the right to take Jewish land (borders in 47) or to keep any land of thier after invading and startign an illegal war of agression?
There was no Palestinoian country, the land was shared by three religions with each side havign numerical doominace at various points. What makes one sides claims more valid? Prior to 1947 no land wa stolen from Palestinians, it wa slegally bought from those who legally owned it (most were absentee landlords in Egypt). After 47 the Palestinians rejected state hood and invaded and lost. what gives the Palestinians the right to take Jewish land (borders in 47) or to keep any land of thier after invading and startign an illegal war of agression?

Your SH** do not deserve an answer.
Your SH** do not deserve an answer.


Why does your view deserve to be the dominant view on the subject? Asim is right that any solution needs to be peaceful. The Jews links to the land- religious-cultural-ethnic-historical are undeniable, they are also have the oldest claim and are backed by a military that has never not defeated an invasion and they also have an nuclear insurance card.
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