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Disappointed Pakistanis

Exactly....So many posts on Imran Khan that the forum almost looked like a propaganda machine for Imran Khan.

There is no rocket science, Major vote bank of PTI in Punjab is educated people and you will see same people in cyber world - Even on facebook polls, PTI enjoyed the majority, do that make facebook pro-PTI.

People who voted from PML-N :P
I heard PPP's plan was to not campaign this election term at all and recover ground for the next one.They would secretly back PML.-N in this one to keep out newcomer imran out,so the duopoly can continue.After 5 yrs when people have again forgotten PPP's most blunders they will make attempt at the gaddi.This was what i read in an analysis on why PPP isn't holding any rallies.
15 minute lagtay hain vote cast honay main. 1 lakh, sattar hazaar vote kitni derr main cast hua hoga?

1 lakh sattar hazaar vote count kitni derr main hua hoga?

MQM zindabad!

Bass Eid with KPK!
There is no rocket science, Major vote bank of PTI in Punjab is educated people and you will see same people in cyber world - Even on facebook polls, PTI enjoyed the majority, do that make facebook pro-PTI.

Dont know about elsewhere, on pdf they tried to silence every other party supporter by abusing them. Where are the PML-N and PPP supporters, they are hiding somewhere. I can see only one MQM guy.

The lack of genuine divergence of views gave rise to group thinking and perception of people was completely away from reality.

Modi supporters should learn something.
There is no rocket science, Major vote bank of PTI in Punjab is educated people and you will see same people in cyber world - Even on facebook polls, PTI enjoyed the majority, do that make facebook pro-PTI.

Whether PDF is pro Imran Khan or someone is none of my business, neither am I complaining. However, comparing Facebook to PDF is not a correct one and you know why. I would not like to explain on that.

Please read some of the previous threads on Imran Khan. Reading them will let you believe that he has already formed the Government or his victory is already given, or some even went to the extant to say that Imran Khan was the panacea for all the ills Pakistan is suffering. How wrong was PDF!!! Ordinary Pakistanis seems to have different take on Imran Khan.
It is widely accepted the election had some issues but generally is very credible. The people have spoken and takes time for the bad apples to be filtered out. The PPP has lost badly and this is a positive sign that the electorate has become fairly sophisticated by punishing the PPP for its corruption and bad management and we are lucky we have a more robust institutions than ever before.

An example is the judiciary and now the ECP which has run a great election in a vast country with many many problems including a raging terrorism and criminality.

Also some kudos must be paid to the armed forces for staying out of the scenes and be a thoroughly professional by the support it lent to the ECP. Well done Sirs (and Madams).

We should all be collectively proud of making history and the superb way this election was conducted. Yes there were many flaws but that is to be expected where so many rulers in the past had flouted the law and that mindset will take time to evolve.

PTI from the beginning could not come to power because it did not have incumbents in power, did not have control of a provincial or even the opposition. It does now and the next GE will be the PTI's chance to come to power.

Until then we wish the new government good luck, our dua's are with you and so is our anger if you fail to deliver the following:

Dismantle the TTP and eradicate these terrorists.
Economy and tax collection.
Universal education
Power generation
Make peace with our neighbours

Kayani has been very astute and has given the country much needed brownie points internationally by allowing free and fair elections. He should be rewarded and another extension be given so that we maintain stability during this transitional stage of governments.

Pakistan Zindabad.
I do suggests you to think once again...I live here and I have seen clear,open rigging and shameless 'Dhandhli":hitwall:

You were advised by Dr. Qadri to join forces against the corrupt system but you guys humiliated him.
Now enjoy democracy.... where no more 'lottay' will be coming your way.
No, let's not go down that way, i don't believe the result was due to rigging the election, if that was the case some big names of PMLN wouldn't have come down like a deck of cards. As one anchor was commenting, people in Punjab have a different mindset, they see flyovers, wide roads, Metros and recreation facilities as a positive signal which does go to the credit of SS.

No doubt - Shahbaz Sharif's performance was far better than other provinces and the credit of PML-N's victory should be given to him. But that's also fact that there was rigging in Punjab but again that could have bagged few more seats not more than that. IMO - there were two main problems with PTI's campaign 1) The focused more on urban areas 2) It was focused mainly on PML-N - and i heard myself people saying that Zardari kay sath mila howa hai aur Zardari & America es ko support kar rahay hain. But i don't agree with metro and flyovers theory because competition in Lahore was almost neck to neck where they built metro, most of flyovers and roads. However, In rural area people will vote for the candidate who can build their street, sewage, water line etc, help them in courts and police station - these people needs to be educated - Lot of effort required from party like PTI
Amid Pakistan's chaos and carnival, this is democracy

It might disorientate outside observers, but Pakistan has its own, successful way of holding elections

Few countries hold elections like Pakistan. But then few countries do anything like Pakistan. Yesterday all the chaos, confusion and carnival so characteristic of the country and so disorientating to overseas observers was on full display.

There were 90-year-olds carried to the polling booths, lines of fully-veiled women waiting patiently in temperatures topping 42C, rowdy youths, overdressed middle-aged "aunties', all making their way through crowded streets, narrow mountain tracks or down rural lanes alike to cast their votes. There was of course violence too: with 17 dead in bombings and shootings.

Many have cast this election as "historic". They are right to do so. It is the first to be held after a civilian government has served out a full five-year term. If, as seems likely, a new government, elected democratically, takes charge in the coming days, or even after weeks of horse trading, then a big step on Pakistan's rocky road towards stable and durable democratic government will have been taken.

The election has seen a major "third force" emerging – former cricketer Imran Khan's Pakistan Justice Movement (PTI) – to challenge the two established parties, the Pakistan Muslim League and the Pakistan People's Party, which have alternated in power in the gaps between military rule for four decades. The PTI are trying, and largely succeeding, to do politics differently, minimising the dealmaking and the patronage, and reaching out to a young, more educated, often idealistic electorate that have often not voted before. It is difficult to think of anywhere else in the region – where almost all states are to hold general elections within 15 months – where this is being tried.

The last elections in Pakistan, held in 2008 in the shadow of the death three months previously of Benazir Bhutto, showed how the vibrant, if sometimes irresponsible, Pakistani media could play a positive role. Reporters inside polling booths announced results even before they had been properly communicated to the Electoral Commission. A travesty of democracy in the west – but an effective safeguard against post-poll rigging in Pakistan.

This election the media has been instrumental in a sparky, loud debate which, if slightly hysterical at times, has been broadly devoid of real acrimony. The defining image of the 1999 military coup was of soldiers seizing Pakistan's national public broadcaster PTV. Now the military would find it almost impossible to muzzle the multitude of different satellite channels, even for the few hours it would need to take power. Along with the lack of any public tolerance for such a move, this is one reason the men in khaki have taken a back seat.

Few can remember as much enthusiasm, or even interest, in polls. The elite in Pakistan have traditionally shunned politics, or rather the tedious business of democratic process, and have looked to exploit the system not change it. In wealthy suburbs of Lahore last month, rich 20-somethings, i-phones on the table of plush cafes, were talking about candidates' respective records of governance. A tea seller in a rough neighbourhood said he planned to travel 400 miles across the country to his home village near the Afghan border to vote.

It is the violence that of course dominates the headlines. The Pakistani Taliban pledged they would kill and terrorise enough to make it impossible to hold the polls. Their leaders said 300 suicide bombers would be unleashed.Many have died over the course of the campaign. But the vote, with inevitable chaos, confusion and carnival, went ahead. It showed once again what many overseas often forget: that Pakistan is a country, not a conflict.

Amid Pakistan's chaos and carnival, this is democracy | World news | The Observer
I live in Model town PP126 but my vote was registered in pp121. Pti won from 126 and till now I have heard it has lost in 121. Results have not been announced yet. 1 big difference that I saw in both the places is that the people in 126 are much more educated and are not influenced by their surroundings at all. However in 121 i noticed many things that might help pml N win. though I support PTI but I will be fair in my analysis. in 121 I knew the local guy in my area who was taking care of PML N campaign very well and most of the guys who are connected to that office are not educated. Use of Chars and drinks is common in their office. Many guys have small stalls in yateem khaana bazaar and small or medium size shops or are free and always present at adda for entertainment. They all were so active there during election and taking people out of the houses on wheel chairs if required. running here and there. trying their best to send their voters inside without standing in line. in other words they were super active and served PML N pretty good in the past and specially during election day. PTI guys were there but I must say they were not active. The other factor were the women. Women who were voting for PML N were too active and most of them had long history and experience in casting votes and they knew the process way too well. I observed that PTI women voter were mostly young and they were too shy to stop PML N women from doing anything simply because these women dont know how to fight n PML N women can easily take on any woman even in wrestling physically or verbally. Thats my observation in both the places and I am sure that the case in areas around chowk yateem khaana is no different. PTI people need to learn how to accommodate their voters and specially women need to be very tough in order to take on PML N women. Still am happy that even from that sort of area a lot of people voted for PTI.
I am not happy with the number of seats that PTI has won but I hope they do very well in KPK and make their way to national GOV easier with the good governance IN SHA ALLAH
I was shocked to read the new.

I had an impression that Imran Khan will win the election that too with clear majority. That impression was created by both media and online forums. But looks like realities on ground are different.
Dont know about elsewhere, on pdf they tried to silence every other party supporter by abusing them. Where are the PML-N and PPP supporters, they are hiding somewhere. I can see only one MQM guy.

The lack of genuine divergence of views gave rise to group thinking and perception of people was completely away from reality.

Modi supporters should learn something.

As i already said - PTI enjoys major vote bank of educated people, so it's obvious that there is major representation on this forum as well, Go and check political threads you will see PML-N supporter as well.
15 minute lagtay hain vote cast honay main. 1 lakh, sattar hazaar vote kitni derr main cast hua hoga?

1 lakh sattar hazaar vote count kitni derr main hua hoga?

MQM zindabad!

Bass Eid with KPK!

MQM mandate is only in Karachi. There only refuge. If they hadn't done that there fate would not have been any different from ANP.

Election commission should not have ignored Jamat-Islami's request of posting Army inside polling stations. Huge mistake. How can anyone assume that MQM will play fair in Karachi?
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