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Dirty Harry Registers an FIR against Salman Ahmad of Junoon in Baluchistan.

Crimson Blue

Nov 7, 2019
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United States

Reason for FIR is below:


Who is this dirty harry? Gen Faiz is gone......and the tweet about Mr. Khan not able to register his FIR. That statement was to fool the geniuses who believe him like he's some wana be prophet. The issue is, his OWN government refused to take his FIR as he's blaming unnecessary people in it without proofs. If someone shot me, I can't go name Imran Khan for it or Gen. Faiz, there have to be proofs. They tried the same in London against NS by accusing him of some weird conspiracy theory to "provide shooters" to kill late Arshad Shariff in Kenya. The UK police refused to act on bullshit and nothing was even taken down as a complaint.

There has to be some method to this propaganda madness. Never seen a political party try to do nothing for 4 years and when they are kicked out, they want everyone in jail. And they abuse religion, call siding with them Jihad, Riasat-e-Medina, amar bil marouf, "real azaadi" (from an already freed Muslim nation :yahoo:). How stupid and dumb this drama is? And in this drama and media propaganda, they HIDE their incompetency's, that they turned the entire military establishment against them ONLY because they didn't do any work and just enjoyed the benefits of power!! All real issues Pakistan was facing, were never brought up but propaganda was going 24-7 to create a layer of stupid arguments on top of the real situation. People need to wake up and realize, if Pakistan exists, we all do. And for that, every politician if elected MUST show delivery, national growth and public welfare. Otherwise, the same people, instead of idealizing and fancying a person, need to remove him from power and vote someone else in.
Who is this dirty harry? Gen Faiz is gone......and the tweet about Mr. Khan not able to register his FIR. That statement was to fool the geniuses who believe him like he's some wana be prophet. The issue is, his OWN government refused to take his FIR as he's blaming unnecessary people in it without proofs. If someone shot me, I can't go name Imran Khan for it or Gen. Faiz, there have to be proofs. They tried the same in London against NS by accusing him of some weird conspiracy theory to "provide shooters" to kill late Arshad Shariff in Kenya. The UK police refused to act on bullshit and nothing was even taken down as a complaint.

There has to be some method to this propaganda madness. Never seen a political party try to do nothing for 4 years and when they are kicked out, they want everyone in jail. And they abuse religion, call siding with them Jihad, Riasat-e-Medina, amar bil marouf, "real azaadi" (from an already freed Muslim nation :yahoo:). How stupid and dumb this drama is? And in this drama and media propaganda, they HIDE their incompetency's, that they turned the entire military establishment against them ONLY because they didn't do any work and just enjoyed the benefits of power!! All real issues Pakistan was facing, were never brought up but propaganda was going 24-7 to create a layer of stupid arguments on top of the real situation. People need to wake up and realize, if Pakistan exists, we all do. And for that, every politician if elected MUST show delivery, national growth and public welfare. Otherwise, the same people, instead of idealizing and fancying a person, need to remove him from power and vote someone else in.
Wow what a pile of dung you just posted, not worth more than this as a response.
Who is this dirty harry? Gen Faiz is gone......and the tweet about Mr. Khan not able to register his FIR. That statement was to fool the geniuses who believe him like he's some wana be prophet. The issue is, his OWN government refused to take his FIR as he's blaming unnecessary people in it without proofs. If someone shot me, I can't go name Imran Khan for it or Gen. Faiz, there have to be proofs. They tried the same in London against NS by accusing him of some weird conspiracy theory to "provide shooters" to kill late Arshad Shariff in Kenya. The UK police refused to act on bullshit and nothing was even taken down as a complaint.

There has to be some method to this propaganda madness. Never seen a political party try to do nothing for 4 years and when they are kicked out, they want everyone in jail. And they abuse religion, call siding with them Jihad, Riasat-e-Medina, amar bil marouf, "real azaadi" (from an already freed Muslim nation :yahoo:). How stupid and dumb this drama is? And in this drama and media propaganda, they HIDE their incompetency's, that they turned the entire military establishment against them ONLY because they didn't do any work and just enjoyed the benefits of power!! All real issues Pakistan was facing, were never brought up but propaganda was going 24-7 to create a layer of stupid arguments on top of the real situation. People need to wake up and realize, if Pakistan exists, we all do. And for that, every politician if elected MUST show delivery, national growth and public welfare. Otherwise, the same people, instead of idealizing and fancying a person, need to remove him from power and vote someone else in.

You are having an ostrich moment, Pakistan is no more, its a land ruled by thugs and criminals…

… Ssssiirrrr ! with all due respect u are an epic idiot ..
You are having an ostrich moment, Pakistan is no more, its a land ruled by thugs and criminals…

… Ssssiirrrr ! with all due respect u are an epic idiot ..

Wow what a pile of dung you just posted, not worth more than this as a response.
check his joining date. him and some other remaining bootlickers.
my best guess at what's happening is the educated middle class PTI supporter who vociferously supported the fauj in the online battlefield 24/7 is gone now. So, ISPR is borrowing supporters from the same cesspool as maryam nawaz, patwari types. so forgive him for his intellectual capacity, or lack thereof. He is just making a living. He didn't know he'd be filling in such big shoes.

Who is this dirty harry? Gen Faiz is gone......and the tweet about Mr. Khan not able to register his FIR. That statement was to fool the geniuses who believe him like he's some wana be prophet. The issue is, his OWN government refused to take his FIR as he's blaming unnecessary people in it without proofs. If someone shot me, I can't go name Imran Khan for it or Gen. Faiz, there have to be proofs. They tried the same in London against NS by accusing him of some weird conspiracy theory to "provide shooters" to kill late Arshad Shariff in Kenya. The UK police refused to act on bullshit and nothing was even taken down as a complaint.

There has to be some method to this propaganda madness. Never seen a political party try to do nothing for 4 years and when they are kicked out, they want everyone in jail. And they abuse religion, call siding with them Jihad, Riasat-e-Medina, amar bil marouf, "real azaadi" (from an already freed Muslim nation :yahoo:). How stupid and dumb this drama is? And in this drama and media propaganda, they HIDE their incompetency's, that they turned the entire military establishment against them ONLY because they didn't do any work and just enjoyed the benefits of power!! All real issues Pakistan was facing, were never brought up but propaganda was going 24-7 to create a layer of stupid arguments on top of the real situation. People need to wake up and realize, if Pakistan exists, we all do. And for that, every politician if elected MUST show delivery, national growth and public welfare. Otherwise, the same people, instead of idealizing and fancying a person, need to remove him from power and vote someone else in.
Dirty Harry is that you?
Who is this dirty harry? Gen Faiz is gone......and the tweet about Mr. Khan not able to register his FIR. That statement was to fool the geniuses who believe him like he's some wana be prophet. The issue is, his OWN government refused to take his FIR as he's blaming unnecessary people in it without proofs. If someone shot me, I can't go name Imran Khan for it or Gen. Faiz, there have to be proofs. They tried the same in London against NS by accusing him of some weird conspiracy theory to "provide shooters" to kill late Arshad Shariff in Kenya. The UK police refused to act on bullshit and nothing was even taken down as a complaint.

There has to be some method to this propaganda madness. Never seen a political party try to do nothing for 4 years and when they are kicked out, they want everyone in jail. And they abuse religion, call siding with them Jihad, Riasat-e-Medina, amar bil marouf, "real azaadi" (from an already freed Muslim nation :yahoo:). How stupid and dumb this drama is? And in this drama and media propaganda, they HIDE their incompetency's, that they turned the entire military establishment against them ONLY because they didn't do any work and just enjoyed the benefits of power!! All real issues Pakistan was facing, were never brought up but propaganda was going 24-7 to create a layer of stupid arguments on top of the real situation. People need to wake up and realize, if Pakistan exists, we all do. And for that, every politician if elected MUST show delivery, national growth and public welfare. Otherwise, the same people, instead of idealizing and fancying a person, need to remove him from power and vote someone else in.
Good Horse shit you wrote. If your corrupt bosses are so confident why not go for fresh elections but patwaris like you and those who have sold Pakistan and betrayed Pakistan and chosen to be worse than Yazeed like you are. Are trying to save the entire corrupt system. Patwari is worse than khanzeers.
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Who is this dirty harry? Gen Faiz is gone......and the tweet about Mr. Khan not able to register his FIR. That statement was to fool the geniuses who believe him like he's some wana be prophet. The issue is, his OWN government refused to take his FIR as he's blaming unnecessary people in it without proofs. If someone shot me, I can't go name Imran Khan for it or Gen. Faiz, there have to be proofs. They tried the same in London against NS by accusing him of some weird conspiracy theory to "provide shooters" to kill late Arshad Shariff in Kenya. The UK police refused to act on bullshit and nothing was even taken down as a complaint.

There has to be some method to this propaganda madness. Never seen a political party try to do nothing for 4 years and when they are kicked out, they want everyone in jail. And they abuse religion, call siding with them Jihad, Riasat-e-Medina, amar bil marouf, "real azaadi" (from an already freed Muslim nation :yahoo:). How stupid and dumb this drama is? And in this drama and media propaganda, they HIDE their incompetency's, that they turned the entire military establishment against them ONLY because they didn't do any work and just enjoyed the benefits of power!! All real issues Pakistan was facing, were never brought up but propaganda was going 24-7 to create a layer of stupid arguments on top of the real situation. People need to wake up and realize, if Pakistan exists, we all do. And for that, every politician if elected MUST show delivery, national growth and public welfare. Otherwise, the same people, instead of idealizing and fancying a person, need to remove him from power and vote someone else in.
According to the constitution of Pakistan you can name any one without any proof in your FIR, it is upto the judiciary to acquit that person in first hearing.
Who is this dirty harry? Gen Faiz is gone......and the tweet about Mr. Khan not able to register his FIR. That statement was to fool the geniuses who believe him like he's some wana be prophet. The issue is, his OWN government refused to take his FIR as he's blaming unnecessary people in it without proofs. If someone shot me, I can't go name Imran Khan for it or Gen. Faiz, there have to be proofs. They tried the same in London against NS by accusing him of some weird conspiracy theory to "provide shooters" to kill late Arshad Shariff in Kenya. The UK police refused to act on bullshit and nothing was even taken down as a complaint.

There has to be some method to this propaganda madness. Never seen a political party try to do nothing for 4 years and when they are kicked out, they want everyone in jail. And they abuse religion, call siding with them Jihad, Riasat-e-Medina, amar bil marouf, "real azaadi" (from an already freed Muslim nation :yahoo:). How stupid and dumb this drama is? And in this drama and media propaganda, they HIDE their incompetency's, that they turned the entire military establishment against them ONLY because they didn't do any work and just enjoyed the benefits of power!! All real issues Pakistan was facing, were never brought up but propaganda was going 24-7 to create a layer of stupid arguments on top of the real situation. People need to wake up and realize, if Pakistan exists, we all do. And for that, every politician if elected MUST show delivery, national growth and public welfare. Otherwise, the same people, instead of idealizing and fancying a person, need to remove him from power and vote someone else in.
Bary Ain oood ho General sb app bhi .. hain na ? 😂

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