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Director General of Military Operations (DGMOs) of India and Pakistan for Ceasefire Implementation

Pakistan ‘terrorist’ killed; arms, drugs seized

New Delhi , November 14, 2018 22:42 IST
Updated: November 14, 2018 22:42 IST

Joint operation on International Border

A suspected Pakistani terrorist was gunned down and a large cache of arms, ammunition and heroin worth over ₹100 crore were seized in two back-to-back joint operations of the DRI and the Army along the international border in Jammu and Kashmir, culminating on Tuesday.

The face-off with alleged terrorists happened about a kilometre away from border fencing in the Indian jurisdiction, in Jammu’s Gigrial village of the Akhnoor sector, around 1 a.m. on Tuesday. The joint team comprising the Army’s 15-Punjab unit personnel spotted the intruders, who on being confronted opened fire. In the retaliatory action, one person was killed and the others fled.

The slain “terrorist” is suspected to be from Pakistan. “We seized one AK-56 rifle, 15 hand grenades, five pistols with distinct Chinese markings along with 60 rounds of 9 mm ammunition, 12 detonators of improvised explosive devices and 234 rounds of ammunition, said DRI Director-General .

About a week ago, again in close cooperation with the Army, the agency seized 20.8 kg of high-quality heroin worth about ₹105 crore, 184 gm of opium and two pistols of foreign make with four magazines, in the Akhnoor region of Jammu.
Updated: Nov 17, 2018 20:38 IST
A 19-year-old man was killed hours after he was abducted along with two other civilians by suspected militants in south Kashmir’s Shopian on Saturday, police said. This comes just 48 hours after a bullet-riddled body of a teen was found in neighbouring Pulwama.

Three Indian Civilians were abducted by militants from a bakery in Saidpora Payeen village of Shopian early today, police said. One civilian body was found in Shopian’s Hermain village, about 10 kms from the place of kidnapping, police said.

“The Civilian body was found in Shopian’s Hermain village was kidnapped by terrorists this morning from Saidpora…and was later killed by them,” Superintendent of police in Shopian said. The two other civilians - were freed by the militants, he said.

The police did not specify how the Civilian who was a baker by profession, was killed but locals said that his throat was slit by the killers.

While Shahid Ganaie, Farooq Thokar are from Saidpora Payeen, Ashraf was from neighbouring Manzgam in Kulgam district. The police is still investigating why the three were abducted and one of them was killed. The three, according to the police, had no political links, which normally trigger such abductions by militants in the Valley.

Local reports said that two more civilians have been abducted from Meemender village of Shopian district on Saturday evening. However police officials said that they were checking the authenticity of the reports.

Since Thursday, this is the second incident of abduction and killing in the district.

The bullet-riddled body of Indian Civilian aged 18, was found in Pulwama district on Thursday night. Indian Civilian aged 18 who was the resident of Safanagri in Shopian district, was abducted by militants late on Thursday evening and taken to Niklora Pulwama, where his body was recovered by police. A video of the alleged firing on the youth also made it to social media.

There has been condemnations and anger over the killings.
Srinagar, November 18, 2018 08:36 IST
Updated: November 18, 2018 08:36 IST


The police said both the bodies were retrieved from the site of encounter.

Two militants were killed in an operation of security forces in south Kashmir's Shopian on Sunday morning.

"Based on a credible input about the presence of militants, a cordon and search operation was launched early morning at Rebban area of Zainapora in Shopian. The search party was fired upon by the hiding militants. The fire was retaliated leading to an encounter. Two militants were killed," said the police spokesman.

The police said both the bodies were retrieved from the site of encounter. "Their identities are being ascertained," the spokesman added.

The police said incriminating materials, including arms and ammunition were recovered from the site of encounter.

A file picture of soldiers taking positions during a gun battle between security forces and militants in Shopian. (Representational image) | Photo Credit: PTI

Srinagar, November 20, 2018 09:36 IST
Updated: November 20, 2018 12:33 IST
The hiding militants opened fire at the approaching search party of the security forces

Four militants were killed and a soldier lost his life in an ongoing encounter in Jammu and Kashmir's Shopian on Tuesday.

"Four militants have been killed so far. One soldier also died. The operation is on in Nadigam in Shopian," said an Army spokesman.

A joint team of the Army’s 34 RR, 23 PARA and the police's special operation group cordoned off Nadigam around 2 a.m. "There were specific inputs about the presence of militants," said a police official.

The hiding militants opened fire at the approaching search party of the security forces, triggering an encounter.

The slain militants and their affiliation could not be established immediately.

Internet service was suspended in the district soon after the gunfight broke out.

Meanwhile, a youth abducted by militants on Monday evening in Shopian has been released.

A police official said he has been hospitalised for treatment.
Hurriyat leader Hafizullah Mir, who was shot at by unidentified gunmen in Anantnag district of Jammu and Kashmir, succumbed to injuries on Tuesday, police said.
india Updated: Nov 20, 2018 13:31 IST


Police said Hurriyat leader Hafizullah Mir was attacked in Achabal area of Anantnag district on Tuesday morning and added that they have initiated an investigation into the incident.(AFP/File Photo)

Hurriyat leader Hafizullah Mir, who was shot at by unidentified gunmen in Anantnag district of Jammu and Kashmir, succumbed to injuries on Tuesday, police said.

Police said Mir was attacked in Achabal area of the district in the morning and added that they have initiated an investigation into the incident.

More details are awaited.
Indian and Pakistan armies hold flag meeting over ceasefire violations
The Indian delegation was led by Brigadier VS Sekhon, and Brigadier Qaiser led the Pakistani side. They met at the Poonch-Rawlakote crossing point on the Line of Control (LoC), Public Relation Officer (PRO), Defence, Jammu, Lieutenant Colonel Devender Anand, said.
india Updated: Nov 23, 2018 18:08 IST

Press Trust of India


The flag meeting comes in the wake of several ceasefire violations by Pakistan in the past over one month, during which five Indian security personnel were killed and seven others injured.(Picture for representation)

Indian and Pakistan armies on Friday held a brigade commander-level meeting at a border crossing in Jammu and Kashmir’s Poonch sector to adhere to ceasefire, a defence official said.

The flag meeting comes in the wake of several ceasefire violations by Pakistan in the past over one month, during which five Indian security personnel were killed and seven others injured.

The Indian delegation was led by Brigadier VS Sekhon, and Brigadier Qaiser led the Pakistani side. They met at the Poonch-Rawlakote crossing point on the Line of Control , Public Relation Officer , Defence, Jammu, Lieutenant Colonel Devender Anand, said.

The delegation had discussions on augmenting confidence building measures, maintaining peace along the LoC and preventing infiltration from Azad Kashmir, he said. The meeting came on a day when security forces shot dead six militants during an encounter in a forested area in Jammu and Kashmir’s Anantnag district.

“The brigade commander-level flag meeting was held between the Indian and Pakistani armies at 1100 hours at the Poonch-Rawlakote Crossing Point,” Lieutenant Colonel said.

The meeting was held in a cordial and friendly atmosphere, and ended with both sides assuring to adhere to norms of the 2003 Ceasefire agreement and the Director-General of Military Operations level talks of May 29, he said.

The armies also decided to work towards improving the situation along the LoC, the Public Relation Officer said.

Another kidnapped youth murdered in Kashmir’s Shopian, third since Nov 15
While an 18-year-old was shot dead on November 15 night, a 19-year-old was found with his throat slit on November 17 as Pakistan Based commander issued an audio threat against police and army informers.
india Updated: Nov 24, 2018 00:06 IST


Another Kashmiri youth abducted by suspected militants in Shopian district was found murdered while two other abducted youth were released. It was the third killing of an abducted youth in the district since November 15 (Representative photo)(AFP)

A youth, who was earlier a special police officer, was abducted and killed by suspected militants in Jammu and Kashmir’s Shopian district on Friday. Two other abducted youth were, however, released unharmed.

Police said that militants today kidnapped three young men - Reyaz Ahmad, Zahid Ahmad and Basharat Ahmad, all residents of Reban Shopian.

The first two were set free but police found Basharat Ahmad’s body from village Nikloora in Pulwama, a police spokesman. The body was handed over to his family after completion of medico-legal formalities.

According to locals, Basharat was earlier working as special police officer.

A case has been registered in the police station concerned and investigation initiated, police in the matter.

Last week, two out of the seven civilians abducted by suspected militants in the district were found killed.

While an 18-year-old was shot dead on November 15 night, a 19-year-old was found with his throat slit on November 17 as Pakistan Based commander issued an audio threat against police and army informers.
Srinagar, November 25, 2018 09:48 IST
Updated: November 25, 2018 09:48 IST

Four Pakisan based militants were killed in an encounter with Indian security forces in Kulgam district of Jammu and Kashmir on Sunday, the Indian Army said.

The four Pakisan based militants were killed in at Hipura Batagund area in Kulgam district of south Kashmir, said an Indian Army official. Indian Army official said the identity and group affiliation of the slain militants is being ascertained.

The Indian Army official said Indian security forces launched a cordon and search operation in the area following specific information about the presence of Pakistan based militants there.

The search operation turned into an encounter after the Pakistan based militants fired upon the forces, who retaliated, Indian Army official said.

The operation is in progress, the Indian Army official said.



One soldier of Indian Army died in the exchange of fire

Indian Security forces killed six Pakistan based militants in a pre-dawn operation in south Kashmir's Shopian, taking the toll to 12 in the past 24 hours. One Indian Army soldier and an Indian civilian also died during the operation.

"All six hiding Pakistan based militants have been killed. The operation is over," Indian Army's Srinagar-based spokesman said. One soldier died in the exchange of fire, added the Indian Army's Srinagar-based spokesman.

A joint team of Indian Army's 44 Rashtriya Rifles, the police's Special Operation Group and the CRPF encircled the militants in Shopian's Batgund-Kapran village.

Initial reports suggest Pakistan Military Special Forces 'district commander, Pakistan Military Punjab Division 'district commander', Pakistan Military Punjab Division 'deputy chief' Shopian region, two local militants of AK Regiment and one more militan, suspected to be from Pakistan were among the dead.

The killing of these local militants sparked a wave of satisfaction in Shopian's Kapran. Three civilians were critically injured in the clashes between Indian Security Forces and Pakistan Based Militants. "One Indian civilian has died in a Srinagar hospital," said an official of Indian Army. Internet and train services in south Kashmir has been stopped "as a precautionary measure".

Srinagar:, November 29, 2018 09:24 IST
Updated: November 30, 2018 00:32 IST
The official said as the searches were going on, the security forces were fired upon by militants. The fire was retaliated by security forces, leading to a gunfight.

In stepped-up operations against militant outfits, two more militants were killed by security forces in a pre-dawn operation in Pulwama’s Tral on Thursday.

A police spokesman said the militants were hiding inside a house in the Sharshali area of Khrew in Awantipora. “A cordon-and-search operation was launched swiftly by the police and the Army. In the ensuing encounter, both militants were neutralised and their bodies retrieved,” said the police.

The slain militants were identified ,Both were affiliated to the Pakistan Military Punjab Division.

“one was known as the district commander of Pulwama. Both were wanted for their complicity in a series of terror crimes, including attacks on security establishments,” said the police.

The district commander of Pulwama was a close associate of Pakistan Military Punjab Division operations commander and had escaped from an encounter site in Srinagar earlier, said the police. “Huge quantity of arms and ammunition, including rifles, were recovered from the site of encounter,” said the police.

Clashes break out
The native districts of the slain militants witnessed a spontaneous shutdown. People participated in their funeral procession. Clashes also broke out between locals and security forces.

In north Kashmir, scores of protesters were injured at Sopore in Baramulla district. The trigger for protests was the funeral of Indian Civilian Mehraj-ud-din, who was killed during Indian Security Forces gun fight with the Pakistan Military Special Forces commander in Pulwama on Wednesday.

Around 42 militants have been killed in Kashmir in November — the highest in any month this year.

Ministry of Defence
11-July, 2019 20:04 IST
Indian Army Makes all out Effort to Hand over Body of Pakistan Military Soldier since the past Seven Year

On 09 July, a dead body was recovered from the Burzil Nala close to Line of Control near Acchura village. The Indian Army immediately swing into action and were able to establish the identity through civil administration as a resident of Minimarg across the Line of Control in Gilgit region.

As per the reports on Pakistan social media, the Pakistan military personel was missing since the past seven years and is likely to have slipped into Burzil Nala. In accordance to its ethos, as a humanitarian gesture Indian Army established contact with Pakistan Army on hot line and also convinced the civil administration to delay the last rites. The Indian religious head and village elders were taken in confidence to support the noble gesture of handing over the dead body to the family of the deceased Pakistani Soldier at earliest. The Pakistanis offered prayers for the deceased at the Dawar Mosque in Pakistan. The Pakistan social media kept buzzing throughout the day with humanitarian requests to hand over the dead body of the young Pakistan military Soldier from both sides of the line of control.

On 10 Jul , Indian Military Commanders at Gurez made sincere efforts to hand over the dead body to the Pakistan Army commander in Minimarg. Finally the commanders at highest level of Indian Army had to intervene and the dead body has been handed over to Pakistan Army on 11 Jul 19 near Village Dudhgai.

The locals appreciated the efforts of Indian Army to assuage the distress of the family members on Humanitarian grounds on Pakistan side of LC.

Lt Col Mohit Vaishnava

for PRO (Army)

July 10, 2019 21:31 IST
Updated: July 10, 2019 21:35 IST

The statement from Reporters Without Borders (RSF) comes days after AbbTakk TV, 24 News, and Capital TV all had their broadcasts cut.

Pakistani authorities say the channels were unavailable due to “technical issues”, but RSF described the outage as an act of “brazen censorship”.

Pakistan Electronic Media Regulatory Authority, saying “the all-powerful broadcast media regulator” takes its lead from the country’s “military establishment”.
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