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Diplomat says China would assume world leadership if needed

But I also have to add that the Chinese now telling Trump not to stay in the dark room is hypocritical because when they wanted protectionism they used it - now that Trump wants to save american jobs they are against it -- why? It is the job of a national leader to save jobs for his people. I wish our leaders thought about us in same way.

Please read this story for more on this China President story : China President warns US President
No chance. China is yearning for this. In fact, China is doing its hardest to not convert G2 into a G3 because of US pressure.
Can you show me a post where a Chinese poster says that China wants to be a superpower?

Besides, the US investment is not really that big. Cumulative investment in China (1990-2015) was about 260 billion USD.
Yes, it is not that big as a ratio compared to the overall picture.
Many countries will die for 260 million USD investment.
But I also have to add that the Chinese now telling Trump not to stay in the dark room is hypocritical because when they wanted protectionism they used it - now that Trump wants to save american jobs they are against it -- why? It is the job of a national leader to save jobs for his people. I wish our leaders thought about us in same way.

Please read this story for more on this China President story : China President warns US President

China, like other NE Asian state, is a developmental state, not protectionist.

Protectionism is applied selectively, not as a blanket policy. The US still does selective protectionism. Every country does for the industries they think they should protect.

Japan protects auto industry. US protects agribusiness.

If protectionism really worked, rest assured, even your leaders would apply it. Everybody loves money. The thing is when you have no viable industry, you would have nothing to protect.

Take India, they do not have any industry, hence, they have nothing to protect. Same for your country. So your leaders do not worry.

To protect, you need to have viable industries, to begin with. It is not the other way round.

China has lots of industries to protect because it has immense knowledge pool, manufacturing and logistics capacity.

Many countries will die for 260 million USD investment.

And it is over a 25 year period. So, roughly, 10 billion USD per year.
Yes. It has worked very well for China obviously.

China is heavily protectionist. So there is no quid pro quo here. American companies are not allowed to participate or compete against Chinese companies. You are already aware of how non-Chinese companies cannot survive in China. Then you also know about the flimsy Chinese laws when it comes to IPR.

So why should America give American jobs to the Chinese? This has been the argument all along.
Because American can't afford the product produced in America. Simple as it. Yankees spent nearly 14 trillions USD in the past 20 years in war, how can they blame others when they didn't put the same money in infrastructure improvement /education/health care? There won't be a good result for a bully, history proved it. If you put a punitive tariffs on China, China will retaliate by imposing tariff on USA's products. Don't forget China is a market of 1.4 billions people. If thing is that easy as Trump imagine, then everyone could be US president.
TPP was destined to be dead. What I am more eager is to listen the TTIP's death hymn.

I just wish Trump to kill the TTIP, making the OBOR the only sheriff in town.

The point is he is fulfilling his promises. Most people hoped he would just drag his feet on these issues.

Wrong as usual.

Then why isn't India in the G3? The US asked for India's addition in the G2 to make it G3, but China refused.

US ,China, EU or US, China, Japan?


US is the most influential. When it comes to soft power, India is ahead of China. I do not think China believes in soft power. For China, soft power is the effect, not the cause. For India, soft power is the cause, development is the effect. Hence, Indian level of development.

Soft power has no real effect on diplomacy. Dunno why you brought it up. I'm talking about influence.

If India can produce the same product at a cheaper price, the corporations will move their factories to India in a heartbeat.

Not necessarily. India has tough labour laws and labour unions.
India part of a G-3 ? :cuckoo: Care to show us any link because i couldn't find any source
Take India, they do not have any industry, hence, they have nothing to protect. Same for your country. So your leaders do not worry.

You are terribly misinformed. I would suggest looking at our industry and figure out why we do better than you in pharmaceuticals and very recently automobiles.


foreign cars export? I don't consider that Indian industry when you export foreign brands of automobiles
foreign cars export? I don't consider that Indian industry when you export foreign brands of automobiles

Pretty much your entire export industry is based on foreign brands. Domestic brands have come up only recently. Apple iPhone anyone?
Obviously you don't know what Chinese industries mean then. :disagree:

So Apple doesn't assemble iPhones in China? What about all the computers and other electronics made in China by western companies?

If you are here to troll, then bugger off.
So Apple doesn't assemble iPhones in China? What about all the computers and other electronics made in China by western companies?

If you are here to troll, then bugger off.

Of course Apple doesn't assemble iPhones, becos Apple assmble nothing, it's assembled by Foxconn, when does Foxconn become Apple? Even none of the components made by Apple, not a single piece, so how come Apple assemble anything when they got no parts? LOL western, you mean spanish Zetta french Wiko or US Apple are all just marketing companies, even your your stupid 251 phone, just paint their brand names, all rely on China industrial complex to make them a phone, from TSMC chips to OLED to every single piece, you don't know? Bugger off you non-sense troll
china is already a superpower( military and economic)......she has america by the balls...... the western world is panicking because they now their end is near.
china is already a superpower( military and economic)......she has america by the balls...... the western world is panicking because they now their end is near.

China is the biggest creditor, US is the biggest debtor. China - US economies are intertwined. If Trump wants to piss China off, we will punish US with our own economic sticks. Lets see who is the last man standing
china is already a superpower( military and economic)......she has america by the balls...... the western world is panicking because they now their end is near.

Not so fast. China is not a superpower, period.

Yes, US is panicking, hence the US media is trying hard to deflect the world from focusing on their massive debts. Instead, they would like us to focus on Europe refugees, problems in Greece, middle east issues, terrorism, SCS, NK, China, etc.

They have started wars but only those with small countries that can't hit back. Wars serves to unite the population and distract them from their problems. In the past 30 years, America has started 13 wars costing 14.2 trillion USD. US has stirred up trouble all over the world on the pretext of democracy, human rights, getting rid of dictators (regime change), WMD, freedom of navigation, etc. Have any of these events brought any benefit to the targeted countries? Hell, NO.
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