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DIO starts the delivery of Sayyad-3C Air Defense missiles

hence this can be taken as message that Iran is now on pair with them in this field.

With them, maybe. But how come the Russians are able to get such excellent performance out of their 9M96E2? That is so compact it can be quad packed into an S-300 tube, yet it also has a 120 km range.
How long do you think it will take for the world the finally acknowledge Irans missile production/technology prowess and where does Iran currently stand in missile tech and how long will it take for Iran to be in the top 3 in the world in your opinion?
i think 20
there is russia US china japan France GB....
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With them, maybe. But how come the Russians are able to get such excellent performance out of their 9M96E2? That is so compact it can be quad packed into an S-300 tube, yet it also has a 120 km range.

Personally I would say the Russians have a larger amount of data and prior tests to fall back on when improving any new missile or old they want to build (like 60 years of test data).
Iran is catching up fast in SAMs. It is entering the same league as France, South Korea, Taiwan or already ahead and gets closer to China. Ahead of China are the Americans and at the top are the Russians.

Russians beat the Sayyad-3 with their S-350.

South Korea has systems that are in development like Iran but North Korea might already have operational LRSAMs and India is also developing.

With the Sayyad-3 and Bavar-373 operational, Iran should get close to China.
look ate tubes
weight with tube is 1825 kg
without missile 804 kg (empty)
missile is 1021 kg
weight is
420 kg
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Sayyad-3 Missile capable of dealing with all kinds of EW

News ID: 4037546 - Sat 22 July 2017 - 13:34
TEHRAN, Jul. 22 (MNA) – Iran’s Defense Minister General Hossein Dehghan has said his ministry is able to provide the defense needs of the Armed Forces in the shortest possible time.
Dehghan made the remarks during the official launch of the mass production line and delivery of Sayyad-3 Missiles, attended by Khatam al-Anbia Air Defense Base Commander Farzad Esmaili on Saturday.

Designed and constructed by the scientists and experts of Aerospace Industry at the Ministry of Defense, Sayyad-3 Missile production line was launched on Saturday morning while a number were delivered to Khatam al-Anbia Air Defense Base.

Dhghan said Sayyad-3 high-altitude air-defense missile has been designed with a range of 120 km and a 27-km flight altitude against airborne threats at medium and long range.

“Sayyad-3 is designed based on the latest technologies in the world and is capable of fighting with various types of threats, including drones, stealth aircrafts, cruise missiles, helicopters, and various types of other aircrafts with high maneuver, speed and altitude in their operational range,” Dehghan noted.

The missile can track 30 targets and engage 12 of them simultaneously. The system is integrated into the early warning radars operating at the strategic level to maintain a situational picture of the entire airspace, and employs a locally manufactured fire control radar, he added.

The missile, dehghan underlined, has advanced capabilities to deal with all kinds of electronic warfare.

Pointing to the industrial and productive developments of the defense industry and with continuous monitoring and observing the security developments in recent years, Dehghan noted that Iran’s defense industry, with its advances in previous years, is now able to provide all its needs, according to the threats and by predicting and analyzing the situation.

General pointed to Saudi’s recent arms purchases from the United States, saying “we regret that our neighbors consider Iran’s capabilities and power as threats to themselves, while we are the protector of peace and security in the region.

"Security is not buyable," he noted, adding the recent huge purchases of arms from the United States demonstrates that the countries of the region bribe US to confront Iran.


@PeeD specifications included. A Talash battery includes 3 TELs, and its radar (Hafez?) can track 30 targets.
More important question is that how many launchers we have?
look at it
It is said to have a active and semi-active seeker. This might not make sense for some as ARH seems to be superior. But if you ask me, the reason is:

-ARH for cruise missiles and normal targets. Improves battery survivebility.

- SARH for stealth targets and in heavy jamming conditions.

It's the first SAM I know (some Standard missile variants seem to have it too) to have both and it shows they know what they are doing. But its easy to enable a ARH seeker to work as SARH if the battery has a illumination capability.
The Sayyad-3 is the long range SAM component of the upgraded S-200 project from ~2010. Back then they announced that 3 new missiles would be developed for the upgraded S-200. The Sayyad-2 was the medium range component and the Sayyad-3 the long range. The static S-200 remains the very long range component (200km+). It might be finally replaced by the Sayyad-4 of the Bavar-373.

A S-200 site with Sayyad-2 and -3 would now be the strongest single system beside the S-300PMU2. We can expect a vertical launch Sayyad-3 for the Bavar-373 lower envelope component.
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