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Digvijay Singh blames Savarkar for 2-nation idea


May 25, 2010
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Digvijay Singh blames Savarkar for 2-nation idea

NEW DELHI: Congress leader Digvijay Singh has kicked up yet another controversy by claiming that the real father of the two-nation theory leading to the country's partition was Veer Savarkar and not Mohammad Ali Jinnah.

Speaking at a programme here on Wednesday, Singh sought to elaborate the point that ideologies of exclusion and extremism were unable to hold a nation together.

Asked about his speech later, he told reporters at the Congress headquarters that in his view political intolerance caused irreparable rift within society.

"Savarkar had the original idea of the two-nation theory which was later adopted by Jinnah," he said. "Extremist ideologies create division, it's not healthy for society."

Singh had recently created a stir with his remarks about a `hostile campaign' by the Hindutva forces on Maharashtra ATS chief Hemant Karkare prior to his death in the 26/11 terror attack on Mumbai.

The senior party leader sought to differentiate between extreme political theories based on religion and religious piety. "Any good Hindu or Muslim -- those who believe in their religion in the true sense -- cannot subscribe to extreme viewpoints," he said.

Singh argued that presumably Savarkar had been an atheist while there were questions about Jinnah's adherence to the ways of a pious Muslim. He sought to suggest that had the two been true followers of their respective faiths neither would have tread such an extreme path.

Giving the issue an immediate context, he said that the BJP had invariably preferred a contentious spot either to hoist the tricolour or build a temple. His hint was clearly at the opposition party's attempt at unfurling the national flag at Lal Chowk in Srinagar.

Singh's remarks immediately sparked a controversy with the BJP wondering whether he had the mandate from his party to propound such views. BJP spokesman Ravi Shankar Prasad wanted to know if Singh was speaking on the subject on behalf of his party.

Congress spokesman Shakil Ahmed, however, backed Singh by stressing that the former Madhya Pradesh chief minister was a senior party leader putting across his views with responsibility.

Read more: Digvijay Singh blames Savarkar for 2-nation idea - The Times of India Digvijay Singh blames Savarkar for 2-nation idea - The Times of India
Seems like congress is in mode of putting all harakiri committed by its leaders in past on someone else?Like partition and war with china too and white washing 1984 sikh riots.
Gade murde ukhadne se kya fayda? Digvijay should spend time on upliftment of people ,not on publicity stunts.
Gade murde ukhadne se kya fayda? Digvijay should spend time on upliftment of people ,not on publicity stunts.

one of the famous dialogue of rajneeti movie......

"rajneeti main kabhi murde gaade nahi jaate unhein zinda rakkha jata hai taki waqt aane par woh bol sakein."

(In politics u never bury dead bodies they are kept alive so that when needed they can speak)
Looks like the preparation for the next general elections has already started in full swing.

So from now on Pakistanis better praise RSS for the creation of your nation and not Jinnah/Iqbal as you have been taught :lol:
Gade murde ukhadne se kya fayda? Digvijay should spend time on upliftment of people ,not on publicity stunts.

This "master politician" once said that "development of people by party will not win elections" and lost the elections for his arrogance. Congress is stepping on the toes of Hindus and will feel the backlash soon.
2 nation theory was presented by Allama Muhammad Iqbal and not Muhammad Ali Jinnah.
So this congress jack doesnt know what he is talking about to begin with.
Diggy the piggy is himself an effluent of flushed toilet of 10 jan path.
congress pushing Digvijay for muslim vote bank ..... he become mouth peace for congress for muslim vote bank

First rahul gandhi also doing same but after lot of negative publicity congress feared that these type of statement can harm his image (cause congress want to project rahul as future pm)

But in case of Digvijay they can easily disagree from his controversial statements (his own thinking) but not in case of rahul
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