PTI deserves and needs 5 years. I am a PMLN supporter. I grew disillusioned with the BS coming out of IK, Murad Saeed, Farzand e Pindi and the rest. And I saw firsthand the development in not only Punjab but also AJK and Sindh all being done by the previous govt. Did they make mistakes? Yes. Did they have incompetence? Yes. Was their corruption? Yes. And they got 5 years and were voted out.
PTI has said a lot of BS. And they are now learning the cost of lying at every turn, making ridiculous statements and letting personal emotions get in the way of leading the nation. IK is already looking for ways to have the Sharif bros takes some pressure off him. Thats why Tareen is in London at the same time SS is.
I support democracy. May the best party win and lead the state. PTI will make progress or it will be replaced and therein lies our salvation.
Anyone who expected a mess created, primarily by the generals who never let democracy develop in Pakistan, over 70 years to be solved in 8 months is insane.
PTI has said a lot of BS. And they are now learning the cost of lying at every turn, making ridiculous statements and letting personal emotions get in the way of leading the nation. IK is already looking for ways to have the Sharif bros takes some pressure off him. Thats why Tareen is in London at the same time SS is.
I support democracy. May the best party win and lead the state. PTI will make progress or it will be replaced and therein lies our salvation.
Anyone who expected a mess created, primarily by the generals who never let democracy develop in Pakistan, over 70 years to be solved in 8 months is insane.