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Dies Irae, Dies Illa!!! (General election results.)

This is the day that most Indians have been waiting for with baited breath, when the results of the largest democratic exercise ever undertaken by humanity shall be declared. The counting will begin any moment now, and by afternoon we should have a pretty good picture. It would not be an overstatement to claim that the Indian general elections of 2014 has been one of the biggest organized human activity ever. More than half a billion people voted to decide who should lead more than a billion people for the next five years. Foreign media have described this as independent India's most significant elections, and many Indians feel so too.

I request everybody to update this thread with the live results as they come in.

This is in truest sense a great victory for Indian democracy....

more than 550 milliion people divided across immunerable factors such as states , sectors , castes, religions , age , gender , political beliefs have overcome all barriers and have given resounding vote in favor of Hope .....

This is a great day for Indian democracy ....a moment of great achievement and celebration.

we have shown to world how the world's largest democracy still marred by may challenges have forced change in power in the most peaceful manner .

India has set a grand example once again how democracy despite its all weaknesses and flaws can rise to situation and empower the average faceless man to fight a peaceful battle , effect change and emerge victorious .

Democracy has lived up to great expectation placed upon its shoulders and have given her verdict in unambiguous way .

Congratulations India ...

It was indeed a Day of Wrath and Judgment ....

and I could feel the tremors ...( Quantus tremor.. )

wow I almost felt like GOD in giving ( collective ) judgement ....

Congratulations India ...

It was indeed a Day of Wrath and Judgment ....

and I could feel the tremors ...( Quantus tremor.. )

wow I almost felt like GOD in giving ( collective ) judgement ....

Indeed. There was only one "god" who pronounced this decisive judgement - the vox populi, the mighty voice of the people. All future governments of any political party would do well to fear and tremble at this voice. The new instruction for any govt is clear - "Perform or perish!"
Indeed. There was only one "god" who pronounced this decisive judgement - the vox populi, the mighty voice of the people. All future governments of any political party would do well to fear and tremble at this voice. The new instruction for any govt is clear - "Perform or perish!"

Indeed in a Democracy
Parliament is temple
President is priest
Constitution is scripture
Election is worship
Voting is a blessing
Governance is service

..people are only GOD.

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