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Did we evolve to be religious?

You make those choices, I would very much prefer the Scandinavian countries.:D

It's funny how Scandinavian countries are amongst the most Atheist in the world.

Nordic religion was awesome. Giving rise to such words as "Wednesday" (Odin's day) and "Thursday" (Thor's day).
I believe it is time for humans to evolve again to stop using religion to support their insecurities. Humans are connected and better informed then ever before and have a better understanding of the world around them. There is no need of this emotional crutch any more.

To paraphrase Adi Shankara; no point in subjecting a man's head with more knowledge that it can handle. If he/she wants to pray, let them, essentially harmless....(I know we probably disagree on it being essentially harmless but hey, whatever works....)
You use the word "ratification" with uninhibited enthusiasm. Modi "ratifying" TNT, Sandy "ratifying" your logic etc. FYI it is a very formal word used to mean formal approval of treaties, agreements, policies etc. A Sandy on the internet does not ratify anything.

You are just jealous :whistle:
What is the definition of "religion"? If it is belief in God/gods, then no, we have not evolved to be religious. It is well established fact that with out parents/surrounding information, child will not be religious (that is why child belongs to same religion as parents in the beginning). But if religion means unfounded fear of unknown, then yes. Humans are evolved to remember bad experiences and to avoid/fear them even if original experience was a coincident. We are evolved to patternize and remember circumstances that result in bad experience. We are evolved to err for safety than get killed.
Mongol genocide of Baghdad, Skull towers, Holocaust, Gulags, 2nd world war, Mao and Stalin's famines,Nuking of Heroshima and Nagasaki and North Korean lunacy are a gift of atheism.

Terrorists are violent animals who don't represent anyone but themselves.

Atheist dogmas have killed more humans than the religious nutbags have.

But how many of these deaths were caused in the name of Atheism, as is the case with Religious d!ckheads? You presented a case of Atheists demonstrating the ability to kill for a cause. The cause, though, wasn't Atheism.
Why give importance to religions, which are man made anyway...
BTW, the more the religions, the more the conflicts..

In a modern world, more and more people are becoming agnostic/atheists looking at the bloodshed caused by religions.
USA, 35% people are cremated now. Norway is 50% atheists/agnostic. Sweden 80%. And both are prosperous nations unlike Saudi (99.9% devout) yet an oppressive state with no freedom..
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Religious people are usually economically disadvantaged. Religiosity correlates with poverty, hence religion isn't progressive/evolutionary in any way.

In every country in the 3rd world, the elite is irreligious and disadvantaged majority is religious because of the urban-rural divide and ensuing socio-economic inequality
Well DPRK and USSR weren't unpleasant for kim jong or guys in kremlin.... religion or no religion being destitute even in the most progressive utopia's is quite unpleasant.

I disagree... Killing was the effect, but cause was more important.... Motives are more powerful than action itself... everything from the crusades to witch hunts to genocides, the root cause is intent.... the one who squeezes the trigger is just the foot soldier, the rot lies somewhere else.

thus the boundary is defined... and it's a pretty robust one... the one I can prove everyday
Thats what im saying. Anything can be used as a cause. On day the cause is bananas the other day it's apples but its not the fruits fault, its the guy whose is using the fruit as a cause whose fault it is.
May be selfishness of human being to attain the supreme position or be with supreme amidst thousands of unknown entities gave rise to a concept of religion ..in practical world it will be almost impossible but every religion sugarcoats and sells itself ..may be this drawback of human to be supreme or next to that has been used by some smart(illusioned?)minds to sell their brand of religion and most of the time they were successful
Thats what im saying. Anything can be used as a cause. On day the cause is bananas the other day it's apples but its not the fruits fault, its the guy whose is using the fruit as a cause whose fault it is.

Absolutely right. :tup:

When powerful individuals, organizations or countries start to use "political ideology" or "religious politics" as a weapon, to further advance their own personal power, it is likely to end up in a catastrophe.

It is up to the ordinary people to reject this abuse of their ideology/religion as a political weapon.

Unfortunately, the situation in the Middle East currently seems to be getting worse. Hopefully it will improve over the next few months.
Science has already overtaken all the living religions ..it gives reasons for everything ..its contribution is in every field ..only drawback of science is that it wont give false promise like religions ..so in that context religion still prey on illusioned minds
Some of the least pleasant places to live are countries with no religion. You should try DPRK and USSR.

Those are exceptions, the general rule is that the more atheist the country, the higher the living standards.
Some of the least pleasant places to live are countries with no religion. You should try DPRK and USSR.

The core values of atheism is to ratify the beliefs and false notion with knowledge and logic. And such attributes cannot be forced upon a consciousness being by the state. If you look in the developed world, a significant portion of them are turning towards atheism by personal choice, mainly because of better education, separation of church and state, better health status. And that makes their state a better place to live in.
No, religion exists for control of people who are either outcasts or uneducated, the ULTIMATE form of human evolution will be when we have dropped all religions, not adapted them, which will be when we seek out other planets to live on and we all work together as one united Earth. Look at the best countries to live in, Scandinavian countries, great healthcare/education/wealth and standard of living, one uniting thing among the countries...lack of religion. Look at all the biggest shitholes in the world, Somalia, Congo, tribal areas of Pakistan/Afghanistan and well pretty much any African country or middle eastern and they are for 90% of the counties inhabitants, no way near up to the standards that humans should be living in and the one reason why...religion that holds them back, deeply religious people dont excel unless they are the people who bring that religion in to the area, exploitation.

Religion clearly offers no benefit to the masses except the laughable notion of "hope and faith" but to those in charge, it gives them significant benefit. There are some great people in religion, I have met some very nice generous Imams and priests but im sure they would have been just as nice if they were atheist and ALSO isnt it fucked up that they are being nice ultimately because their "god" told them to be, I would rather them have free choice to do a nice act not because its something they should be doing. I hate how people say how generous some faiths are when if you really think about it, they are doing selfless acts for selfish reasons, i.e heaven/paradise.
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