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Did Imran removal blessing in disguise for him?

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Sep 13, 2009
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I request my Pakistani friends to please take the discussion in the right context. I have been observing the discourse in Pakistan for sometime. This is my understanding and I can be wrong so please feel free to disagree but let’s have a logical conversation. In my understanding Pakistan was in a very difficult economic situation and the situation was not going to improve, no matter who was leading it.

The proof to this is Imran recent statement that Pakistan is going to default know if anybody has any understanding of economy a default doesn’t happen in a month or two months it takes some time to get there given the current government is only power for a couple months. Imran khan is well aware that his tenure also contributed to this downfall. Now the corrective measures where all tough increasing electricity rates petrol prices etc. Imran was unwilling to take any of the steps which is actually fix economy and was not dragging it. Government changes they go to Saudi Arabia a condition has been put that you have to get IMF bailout before they can help basically pushing Pakistan to implement those economic measures that I am at once and that will help them survive or at least get better. This however is politically not a good move and whoever does this will get the blame. Shehbaz Sharif Will eventually have to implement those as he has left with no options all the options were already exercised by Imran before.

So net net current government will get the blame and Imran will come back to power even though this economic situation largely he’s responsible for it. I know people talk about the corruption in the past and all that that’s argument you guys are going to toss at me I buy all that and I agree that that might have happened no denying that part 3 1/2 years is pretty long time to at least show some improvement which I I didn’t see. Even any decent government should have left the economic in slightly better position than what it took over after three enough years but it is not it’s actually in far worse otherwise why would Imran say we are about to default I think he knew that he messed up.

Waiting to hear from you guys.
I request my Pakistani friends to please take the discussion in the right context. I have been observing the discourse in Pakistan for sometime. This is my understanding and I can be wrong so please feel free to disagree but let’s have a logical conversation. In my understanding Pakistan was in a very difficult economic situation and the situation was not going to improve, no matter who was leading it.

The proof to this is Imran recent statement that Pakistan is going to default know if anybody has any understanding of economy a default doesn’t happen in a month or two months it takes some time to get there given the current government is only power for a couple months. Imran khan is well aware that his tenure also contributed to this downfall. Now the corrective measures where all tough increasing electricity rates petrol prices etc. Imran was unwilling to take any of the steps which is actually fix economy and was not dragging it. Government changes they go to Saudi Arabia a condition has been put that you have to get IMF bailout before they can help basically pushing Pakistan to implement those economic measures that I am at once and that will help them survive or at least get better. This however is politically not a good move and whoever does this will get the blame. Shehbaz Sharif Will eventually have to implement those as he has left with no options all the options were already exercised by Imran before.

So net net current government will get the blame and Imran will come back to power even though this economic situation largely he’s responsible for it. I know people talk about the corruption in the past and all that that’s argument you guys are going to toss at me I buy all that and I agree that that might have happened no denying that part 3 1/2 years is pretty long time to at least show some improvement which I I didn’t see. Even any decent government should have left the economic in slightly better position than what it took over after three enough years but it is not it’s actually in far worse otherwise why would Imran say we are about to default I think he knew that he messed up.

Waiting to hear from you guys.
hurrrrrrrrrrrrrrr patwari SpotteD
Why did Indians feel so threatened by IK? I don't understand it, he is a likeable guy.
I request my Pakistani friends to please take the discussion in the right context. I have been observing the discourse in Pakistan for sometime. This is my understanding and I can be wrong so please feel free to disagree but let’s have a logical conversation. In my understanding Pakistan was in a very difficult economic situation and the situation was not going to improve, no matter who was leading it.

The proof to this is Imran recent statement that Pakistan is going to default know if anybody has any understanding of economy a default doesn’t happen in a month or two months it takes some time to get there given the current government is only power for a couple months. Imran khan is well aware that his tenure also contributed to this downfall. Now the corrective measures where all tough increasing electricity rates petrol prices etc. Imran was unwilling to take any of the steps which is actually fix economy and was not dragging it. Government changes they go to Saudi Arabia a condition has been put that you have to get IMF bailout before they can help basically pushing Pakistan to implement those economic measures that I am at once and that will help them survive or at least get better. This however is politically not a good move and whoever does this will get the blame. Shehbaz Sharif Will eventually have to implement those as he has left with no options all the options were already exercised by Imran before.

So net net current government will get the blame and Imran will come back to power even though this economic situation largely he’s responsible for it. I know people talk about the corruption in the past and all that that’s argument you guys are going to toss at me I buy all that and I agree that that might have happened no denying that part 3 1/2 years is pretty long time to at least show some improvement which I I didn’t see. Even any decent government should have left the economic in slightly better position than what it took over after three enough years but it is not it’s actually in far worse otherwise why would Imran say we are about to default I think he knew that he messed up.

Waiting to hear from you guys.
Why did Indians feel so threatened by IK? I don't understand it, he is a likeable guy.

I don’t feel threatened at all. I think he is a fine leader, and Pakistan is lucky to have him. He’s perhaps the only Pakistan leader in my lifetime -50 plus years - that I wished was an Indian politician.

On topic of this thread, I agree that IK’s political career was given a steroid like boost by the recent series of events. In the normal course of things, he would had to face the natural public resentment that a sitting government usually does. Who know maybe he’d have lost the next election, as also happens.

But because of what’s happened, he has gone from a national politician to a person who’s seen as a transformative leader. That’s a massive difference. He’s got tremendous sympathy, which he wouldn’t otherwise - so much so that even apolitical people sent o be supporting him. He’s stirring emotions, channelling the desire of the Pakistani people to see better politics, better politicians and a better future. None of this would likely have happened had he not been removed from power in such a blunt fashion.

I have some experience in practical politics: this may sound cynical but leaders gain even more stature when they appear to be unjustly treated and when they fight against this apparent injustice.

“Neta sangharsh* aur ladai se banta hai” is a saying here. IK is in the fight of his life and if he pulls it off, he will probably be remembered as the greatest political leader Pakistan has seen post Jinnah.

Anyway, my opinion only.

*I don’t know what ‘sangharsh’ is in Urdu, but look it up.
OP is indian.
What is this patwari used for PMLN supporter?

Why did Indians feel so threatened by IK? I don't understand it, he is a likeable guy.
Wow. That’s some high level of delusion. What did India feel threaten from him. Because he can give good bhashan for people who love him.

He helped India so much. He ruined a good relationship of Saudi Arabi with Pakistan. Had he not made that error, today Saudi would have donated some billion dollars to Pakistan. Similarly he made is easy for UAE to side more with India.

We could have never done such a better job of destroying Pakistan economy which he did. He never made a single tour for Pakistan. Whereever he spoke he was only giving lectures never asking for funds or investment for Pakistan. In my opinion anyone can govern better than him.

Yes gives good speech’s that can charge the followers. I give credit for that but he cannot deliver anything.
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Imran is not responsible for the current situation. He was given the country in a mess. And he tried his best to steer it out of trouble. And the crooks who created the mess didn't let him complete his tenure even though they love talking about giving democracy a chance.

He unlike the usual politicians isn't here to make a buck. Or install his family in powerful positions. He doesn't pit one ethnicity against another. He's above the usual lot of crooks that have lurked about in corridors of power till now. And he unlike everyone else is focused on long term betterment of the country. While ppp or plmn think of building roads and bridges in their voter strongholds, and overstaff their party supporters in government institutions in ghost jobs, IK thinks in terms of structural reforms, dams, infrastructure, and education, health. With the usual lot pakistan like the past 70 years will remain the same for the next 70 or 100 years. With IK the country can transform into a better country, a better people. A better Pakistan suits india as well. And imran khan is the only person clean enough to reign in the army. Imo he should be given uninterrupted 2 consecutive terms to bring about some change. And then the people can decide what to do with him in the following elections based on results.
What is this patwari used for PMLN supporter?
Patwari is a village revenue collection officer or something like that I think. it's used like, I think, because there's a perception that only patwaris who got those jobs through political connections to the PML(N) support the party.
Whilst Bajwa according to one of PLMN leaders was trembling in fear..

Yes that was Khawaja Asif, at first I shrugged it off a PMLN rant but recent event proved him true. 2nd time kampain tang gye on U.S. letter
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