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Did Delhi just yield the Indian Ocean to the US?


Apr 14, 2019
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Did Delhi just yield the Indian Ocean to the US?

The guided-missile destroyer USS John Paul Jones sailing past the Lakshadweep Islands off the coast of Kerala last Wednesday has thrown India’s Sinophobes into confusion.

One leading daily noted it as a “rare falling out between the two partners in the Quad grouping.” An anti-China analyst tweeted that it was just a “botched PR exercise” on the part of the Americans. The Indian Ministry of External Affairs took a legalistic perspective as if it were answering a writ petition in the Delhi High Court.

But reflect seriously. Yes, this is a rare fracas within the cozy Quad family. Yet the Quad is a toddler. What can happen when US President Joe Biden grooms it into a boisterous adolescent?

Make no mistake, what happened is the military equivalent of the great American diplomat-scholar George Kennan’s written comment about the oil reserves in the Persian Gulf. They were “our resources,” he wrote, integral to America’s prosperity, and therefore the US should take control of them. (Which it did, of course.)

The seabeds of the South China Sea and Indian Ocean are sitting on an unimaginable wealth of mineral resources – potentially, the last frontier. The John Paul Jones acted like a dog marking a lamppost. The specter of an acute future big-power scramble – not only with China or Russia but also involving European rivals – haunts Washington. With all their tragic colonial history, Indians tend to forget.

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US is using the same excuse as in SCS.

"We are not a signatory to UNCLOS therefore we don't recognised your 200 NM EEZ only the 12NM."

The question here is why didn't the mighty Indian Navy intercept these USN intruders or send their GE powered LCA or Rafales.
:sarcastic: :sarcastic: :sarcastic:
Now will innocent Indians be lining up squatting along the beach to watch the Display and Show of Force and cheering.

The USN officers will be taking selfie of themselves next to Indian seashore to send home with inscribed message
"We came, we saw and we conquered."

incidentally that was the same message send by the sailors of East India Trading Company centuries ago.
US is using the same excuse as in SCS.

"We are not a signatory to UNCLOS therefore we don't recognised your 200 NM EEZ only the 12NM."

The question here is why didn't the mighty Indian Navy intercept these USN intruders or send their GE powered LCA or Rafales.
:sarcastic: :sarcastic: :sarcastic:
Because US has conducted similar operations in EEZ of other nations in Asia just last year.
US DoD has conducted similar operations in the EEZ of several countries like Pakistan, South Korea, Japan etc.
So nothing new and no country in the region can claim high ground that US did not conduct such ops in their EEZ.



US has conducted FONOPs against Japan, South Korea, North Korea, China, Taiwan, the Philippines, Vietnam, Cambodia, Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand, Myanmar, India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, and Sri Lanka.
The question that came immediately to my mind is:

Are these intrusion by a bellicose superpower like USA on all those weaker nation acceptable or have India just acknowledged that they are among the weak nations mentioned.

So what has happened to all the Indian nationalism and Indian Pride?

Failure to stood up in moment like this will be a blemish and a dent in India history.
Didn't the Indonesian Navy blew up intruding Vietnamese fishing boats in their EEZ water? Never mind what my thought are on this.

US FONOP in Chinese territorial water met with China PLAN warships escorts.

Why is the mighty Indian Navy hiding? Where are all the deadly Brahmos when they are needed most?

When both Malaysia and Indonesia reminded US 7th Fleet they needed their nations' permission to sail thru the Strait of Malacca as per International Maritime Law, the Commander responded wIth a threat.
Come and stop us if you dare.

Indonesia and Malaysia kept their silence.
Now India joined the rank.
That is why I always advised Asian nations to be united as these former imperialistic Western Nations will or have never changed their ways.
They continue to behave badly in Asia.
This is no longer the 17th, 18th Century.
Dear all,

Laugh as much as you want. What yanks have done will be reciprocated from Indian side. We believe in responding not reacting. Just start finding excuse to cover up for your laughter. I see India soon testing n intercontinental missile.

It is laughable to see them goad us to cut our nose to spite our face.

India has made it clear to the US that our EEZ extends to 200 miles and we will continue to treat this zone as our extended sovereignty.

What India needs to do is enter the US EEZ without notification and pay them back in the same coin. Possibly conduct depth temperature readings to help submarine navigation an those waters.
It is laughable to see them goad us to cut our nose to spite our face.

India has made it clear to the US that our EEZ extends to 200 miles and we will continue to treat this zone as our extended sovereignty.

What India needs to do is enter the US EEZ without notification and pay them back in the same coin. Possibly conduct depth temperature readings to help submarine navigation an those waters.

It is the best time to test Surya missile.
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