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Did CCP use Chinese actors to stage flag ceremony at Galwan?

Because cute people have high IQ, here is the example

Not like China doesn't have actual missiles to incinerate their targets,China is ahead of the US in
missile tech, even if some shitty staff used some clips because they thought it looked cool ;people use lots of CGI ,actors,and fake drama in military recruitment videos,nobody says those are real.
What could india do besides mass producing fake news in industrial level? It makes chinese look down on india even more day by day.
You haven't answered my question sir. Why an actor and not an actual soldier? What advantage an actor has over an actual soldier?

The advantage is that Indians do this themselves, so they think China must do the same.
What could india do besides mass producing fake news in industrial level? It makes chinese look down on india even more day by day.
Not much
The advantage is that Indians do this themselves, so they think China must do the same.

Bhakts are under severe stress. It will take some time, before they are able to digest the thrashing, they have received from China.
Bhakts are under severe stress. It will take some time, before they are able to digest the thrashing, they have received from China.

I doubt it. They haven’t even digested the post Balakot thrashing and that was almost three years ago.
I thought you would have gained some wisdom over all these years. :drag:

I know you are quite frustraded. When you joined PDF, Indian's GDP was about 1/3 of China's, 12 years' gone by, and it has now shrunk to about 1/6. I guess you won't be able to see the day when "India counts a great deal" in your this life.

Chinese are just smarter and work harder than Indians, to top it off, their government is much more effective than yours. So instead of hating Chinese through out the remaining life of yours, just relax and pray for additional evolution to come your way. :enjoy:
I love china and I am the most pro-Chinese member on pdf

When I joined pdf China was a broken nation whining about its renegade province

It continues to be broken nation today, still whining about its renegade province
Only difference was prospect of new renegade region emerging.

Since China has been a broken nation for the last 73 years of its existence, the odds are in my entire lifetime it will continue to remain broken

My suggestion to you is to spend remaining days of your life in nation not allied with USA, that will ensure potential Internment for your kind doesn't occur
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Since China has been a broken nation for the last 73 years of its existence, the odds are in my entire lifetime it will continue to remain broken

My suggestion to you is to spend remaining days of your life in nation not allied with USA, that will ensure potential Internment for your kind doesn't occur
India isn't broken? Don't forget you also claim a lot of lands which are not yours and will never be yours. in your life time, the chance to see China toppling and dethroning US is very big.
Imagine being so pathetic in domestic propaganda that you have to borrow clips of movies from enemy nation

Chinese military rips scenes from 'Transformers' and other Hollywood movies for this propaganda video
LOl, speaking of the movies, this one is epic

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