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Going by the logic Afghanistan can claim the Mugal heritage not pakistan.

Yuan Dynasty originated from Mongolia and you cannot claim their heritage.

No because Afghanistan has nothing to do with India nowadays, but more than half of Mongolian in the world are Chinese and they are the grand grand grand grand grand grand... grandsons and daughters of the Great Khan. You didn't read my post clearly goddamn it.
No because Afghanistan has nothing to do with India nowadays, but more than half of Mongolian in the world are Chinese and they are the grand grand grand grand grand grand... grandsons and daughters of the Great Khan. You didn't read my post clearly goddamn it.

No because you said so :rofl:

How can Mongolian become Chinese Han why not Chinese Han become Mongolian :rofl:.
You and your logic :lol: and those PISA tests :lol:
No because you said so :rofl:

How can Mongolian become Chinese Han why not Chinese Han become Mongolian :rofl:.
You and your logic :lol: and those PISA tests :lol:

Who told you that [All Chinese = Han]
It is not "I said so", it is the Fact.

Mongolian Chinese and Han Chinese both establish Chinese history.
Han Chinese: Ming, Song, Jing...
Mongolian Chinese: Yuan, Northern Yuan.
Any more confusion?
Can you provide a photograph of the original map/documents showing/substantiating that the Senkakus WAS part of China??? Did any of the documents said the they were part of China or the documents only described the islands??? Is this another China's proving her sovereignty by propaganda only???

What's the basis of China's claim over the Senkakus??? Discovery??? Discovery does not equate to ownership. Naming it??? Naming it does not make it yours. Traditional fishing grounds??? Traditional fishing grounds doesn't equate to sovereignty. Some ancient Chinese traders passed there??? Does not also equate to sovereignty. Did China developed the Senkakus??? What the hell did you develop? Did China conducted economic activities on the island??? Did China exercised effective jurisdiction and effective occupation over the Senkakus??? Did China admistered the Senkakus??? What did China administered there??? Did China erected any structure or lighthouse there??? Did the Japanese expelled any Chinese garrison there in the Senkakus???

I don't think China CAN prove her claims by just telling to all people that “China owns this and that” since in ancient times.

In introspect, what is there to prove Japan's claim to the islands? Do they have a city there? Both nations produced maps and historical records, and this will remain a dispute. The Japanese has not released any credible proof as of now for their claim to the islands. Sending gunboats there to clash with other nations won't help Japan prove its point.

A Qing dynasty volume with a yellowed title page in bold, black characters from the 1760s about Ryukyuan students sits on display in a glass case at the Imperial College in Beijing on Wednesday. Chinese scholars say that the 18th century book is evidence that the Diaoyu Islands are part of China's territory. Photo: AFP
Four Chinese ships patrolling around dispute water: Japan


Picture taken by Japanese Coastguards

TOKYO: Four Chinese government ships sailed into the territorial waters of disputed islands controlled by Tokyo in the East China Sea on Friday, Japan's coastguard said.

The maritime surveillance vessels entered the 12-nautical-mile zone around Kubashima, one of the islands in the chain called the Senkakus by Japan and the Diaoyus by China.

Chinese vessels have been spotted in and around the territorial waters almost every day for the last two months.

Beijing on Monday branded a US-Japan security treaty "a product of the Cold War" when Washington lawmakers reiterated their support for Japan by passing an amendment to the National Defense Authorization Bill.

The amendment noted that while the United States "takes no position" on the ultimate sovereignty of the territory, it "acknowledges the administration of Japan over the Senkaku Islands".

The sovereignty of the islands has been a source of friction for decades, but the row erupted earlier this year after the nationalist governor of Tokyo said he wanted to buy them for the city, prompting the Japanese government to nationalise them.

Four Chinese ships in disputed waters: Japan - Channel NewsAsia

Just to remind China to keep this routine up.
Found this:

Why Senkaku Suits the World Better
By Chip Tsao | Aug 23, 2012

The threat of World War III briefly flared up last week as a few vague rocks called the Senkaku Islands (also known as Diaoyutai Islands) out on the sea somewhere between Taiwan and Okinawa caused some infuriated Chinese ultra-rightist patriots to threaten to nuke Tokyo after the Japanese coast guard and immigration officers deported a bunch of Hong Kong boat people who had landed illegally on them.

The invaders, who shouted abuse in Cantonese, were swiftly removed and handcuffed by the Japanese, who showed the international community once again that the islands are being effectively administered by Japan. They were then put on a business-class flight, compliments of Japanese taxpayers.

The invaders were hailed here and in China as national heroes although they were deported as swiftly as the hundreds of illegal Mexican immigrants by American police on the Texas border every day.

They shouted victory to the world as they successfully “proclaimed China’s sovereignty” over the islands by briefly laying their feet on the soil and planting both China’s and Taiwan’s national flags on the rocks, which were quickly cast into the waves by the Japanese coast guard. If such acts constitute the realization of “national sovereignty,” then the few tens of thousands of boat people detained in Hong Kong camps in the 1990s before being deported back to Hanoi or Ho Chi Minh City could also claim that a part of Britain was likewise owned by Vietnam. This is how the logic of the “Protect the Diaoyutai” campaign goes. If adopted into a doctrine, the Senkaku incident would set a strange precedent case only recognized by China. Following that, any Chinese person attempting to cross the immigration checkpoint at Heathrow or Newark without a passport and ordered to board the next flight back home could claim Chinese sovereignty over Britain or America on behalf of Beijing and demand business class return fares paid for by these governments. Japan has set a dangerous example of immigration largesse for all Western countries.

The heroes kept Hong Kong journalists informed via Facebook as their ship reached the shore and got stranded. Electronic communication was only possible because the Senkaku Islands and the nearby sea, being Japanese territories, are effectively covered by NTT—the Japanese telecommunications network.

If the islands were under Chinese rule and guarded by PLA soldiers, there would be no access to Facebook. But thanks to the freedoms granted by Japanese sovereignty, the Hong Kong invaders would have also theoretically been able to surf pornographic and Falun Gong websites if they had even been allowed to stay long enough to get bored with life on the islands.

This is why it is not a bad thing, even for the Chinese, for those rocks to be officially called Senkaku.

Chip Tsao is a best-selling author, columnist and a former producer for the BBC. His columns have also appeared in Apple Daily, Next Magazine and CUP Magazine, among others.

Why Senkaku Suits the World Better | Politically Incorrect with Chip Tsao | HK Magazine Online
The whole issue could have been avoided if Japan didn't pull their little nationalization stunt. Since they started it, China should finish it.
The story of Chip Tsao

On March 27, 2009, an article of Tsao's entitled "The War at Home" was published in the free HK Magazine. In it, he wrote that the Philippines was unworthy of claiming the Spratly Islands from China because "as a nation of servants, you don't flex your muscles at your master, from whom you earn most of your bread and butter." Many Filipinos decried his article as racist, discriminatory, and demeaning, and the Philippine government declared him an "undesirable alien" as a result. His writings provoked negative reactions from various Philippine legislators; Senator Pia Cayetano stated that "instead of contributing to intelligent discussions on ways to resolve the Spratlys dispute, Tsao only succeeded in eliciting hatred and sowing more confusion not only among Filipinos but maybe even among his fellow Chinese who are not aware of the intricacies of the issue", while Parañaque Congressman Roilo Golez refused to accept Tsao's apology for his article, and challenged him to a boxing match.

Chip Tsao - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Chip Tsao


Gordon G. Chang

If Gordon lets his hair grows a little there's certain likeness between the two.
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