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Diamer-Bhasha dam gets excluded from CPEC: Can Pakistan build it on its own?

A renegotiated deal with China is on the cards here. China is the only viable candidate for both building and financing the project.
A renegotiated deal with China is on the cards here. China is the only viable candidate for both building and financing the project.
nope, a balance approach is needed
you need to focus 10-20% of PSDP on such projects
Actually it is... he is Pakistani... so is my mother
hahaha, its mean you will die before us :lol: & a monkey nation can not be our mother :disagree:
i think you drunk a lot of cow piss there for you are not in your senses :sick::rofl:
nope, a balance approach is needed
you need to focus 10-20% of PSDP on such projects

That is how a renegotiated deal may end up looking like if China goes along.

Without China Pakistan may never build the dam. We know the history of politicization in Pakistan.
That is how a renegotiated deal may end up looking like if China goes along.

Without China Pakistan may never build the dam. We know the history of politicization in Pakistan.
as i said dams yield no votes, and there is an easy solution just do an inauguration lol
China not taking ownership, operation of Diamer-Bhasha Dam: official

Source:Global Times Published: 2017/12/7 23:03:39

A Chinese official from the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) on Thursday said recent Pakistani media outlets have either falsified information or merely represented a certain official's stance in reports on a China-Pakistan project.

The unnamed NDRC official said claims in media reports that China "placed strict conditions, including ownership of the project" is inaccurate and the two sides have not even started talks of the development plan, the Xinhua News Agency reported.

Pakistan news site tribune.com.pk reported on November 15, citing Water and Power Development Authority Chairman Muzammil Hussain that "Chinese conditions were about taking ownership of the project, operations and maintenance costs and securitization of the Diamer-Bhasha project by pledging another operational dam."

The NDRC official on Thursday said that China and Pakistan are staying in contact with each other on the Diamer-Bhasha Dam project, and that the project is not included in the list of energy projects under the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor, according to Xinhua.

The official further pointed out that after taking over command of the Gwadar Port, the Chinese company invested heavily in the project.

The construction of the port has progressed, according to the NDRC person. Projects like East Bay Expressway have been launched, the Chinese Red Cross foreign aid medical team has entered Gwadar Port and a China-donated primary school in Faqeer as well as weather station have been put into use.

Based on the principle of wide consultations, joint contributions and shared benefits, the two sides always steadily pushed the overall development of the port, the NDRC official noted, adding that the achievements have won praise from the presidents of the two countries.


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