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Dialogue offer: Taliban offer ceasefire to new government

The problem with Sharia is that it can easily drift into fascism. And in the connected globalized world we live in right now, apart from North Korea, it can alienate a lot of people and can cause a breakdown in society.

Pakistan is in enough anarchy as it is, we need solid forward thinking technocratic governance with Islamic values and principles at heart. Let the people make their own decisions when its comes to how they live their lives.

People are happy as they feel more in control and in return the state is more secure, makes life easier for everyone.

Unfortunately yes , from the example from history and even present day Saudi Arabia and Iran , that is what seems to happen when Sharia is enforced on the society by the state , the problem being that there is no one single universal interpretation acceptable to all the sects . Count the " religious than thou " attitude and you have a problem , Houston !

I know the state of my country , I know about the failed Zia experiment of making people pray forcibly despite it being of no use to the God and I certainly think that a tolerant , liberal Pakistan is the way forward without alienating anyone and adopting the " live and let live " policy . Actually , the majority of Pakistanis want that from the election results at hand .

That's not what I'm saying...

The example you gave from history , conveys a no-win situation .

There's no way to leave this fight now , we shouldn't have started it back in the 80's . Now , its too late .
That's not what I'm saying...

The example you gave from history , conveys a no-win situation .

There's no way to leave this fight now , we shouldn't have started it back in the 80's . Now , its too late .
I don't know why this dialogue offer is being taken seriously. How can we simply forgive the Taliban who are the killers of 40,000 Pakistanis. I sure hope Imran Khan has a solid plan to deal with the insurgency as he has won in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.

Eliminating the Taliban will require more than just military muscle. We can beat them back by building roads, hospitals and schools. Recently Malala's father gave a speech where he stated the militants are more afraid of books than of guns. He was absolutely right. FATA has almost no educational institutions and only about 30 colleges. Literacy in FATA is at 22% while unemployment is at around 60%... so we provide the people of FATA with opportunities they will become an asset to Pakistan. If we fail to do so they will enter the hands of the talibani terrorists.
The Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP), the outlawed umbrella of militant groups blamed for most violence in the country, said late Wednesday that they do not rule out a ‘ceasefire’ if the new government ‘shows seriousness’ to their dialogue offer.
The ultraconservative group had also offered ‘conditional dialogue’ to the previous ruling coalition in February only to withdraw it after they did not receive a ‘positive’ response.
Now, TTP spokesman Ehsanullah Ehsan says if the incoming government takes the Taliban talks offer seriously, his group will also come up with a positive response.
“If they [the new government] takes our dialogue offer seriously and makes some progress, then we could also stop attacks,” Ehsan told The Express Tribune by the phone from undisclosed location.
The incoming prime minister, Nawaz Sharif, said this week that the Taliban’s offer for dialogue would be taken seriously. “We have seen Nawaz Sharif’s reported remarks and respect his statement about our dialogue offer,” Ehsan said.

“I would reiterate that we are serious in our dialogue offer but the outgoing rulers had adopted a non-serious approach,” he added. “The TTP does not declare a ceasefire now and any such decision would depend on the new government’s approach.”
The TTP spokesman further said, “I cannot say now that we are stopping attacks but there could be a possibility of stopping attacks as a goodwill gesture once the new government takes some serious steps.”
Published in The Express Tribune, May 16th, 2013.
That is good news what we need to do is form government as soon as possible and start talks and also stop drone attacks by any means possible and involve all the tribals bring the biggest Ulemas in and all tribals and accept those demands which are according to Shariah and end this war

I don't know why this dialogue offer is being taken seriously. How can we simply forgive the Taliban who are the killers of 40,000 Pakistanis. I sure hope Imran Khan has a solid plan to deal with the insurgency as he has won in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.

Eliminating the Taliban will require more than just military muscle. We can beat them back by building roads, hospitals and schools. Recently Malala's father gave a speech where he stated the militants are more afraid of books than of guns. He was absolutely right. FATA has almost no educational institutions and only about 30 colleges. Literacy in FATA is at 22% while unemployment is at around 60%... so we provide the people of FATA with opportunities they will become an asset to Pakistan. If we fail to do so they will enter the hands of the talibani terrorists.
We can't forgive them that it will be hard to forgive Pakistan Army who under Musharraf attacked and killed our own people in thousands and also betrayed Afghanistan they have far worse history than Talibans
Are Saudis supporting TTP?

The Salafi establishment in Saudi is backing and funding the TTP. Just like we've had non-state actors working as part of the Jihxd Inc. project , there are non-state directors in Saudi backing the TTP. Their goal is to set up a Salafi Emirate in Pakistan.

Of course, the fact that Imran Khan has linked up with JI - a party that is effectively a TTP supporter - does not bode well for the fight against TTP. The KP JI leader, Siraj ul Haq has been known to regularly attend funerals of TTP terrorists killed on the battlefield. Everybody knows JI is on the payroll of the Saudis as well.

Nawaz Sharif would do well to understand that any Saudi support for TTP will not be tolerated. These TTP thugs who have killed hundreds of our soldiers must be shown no mercy.
Post reported. Learn civility and avoid talking like a 3rd class individual.

They are not aliens or monsters, peace deal with them is possible...but it is upto pak army to make that decision...

You are entitled mindless stubborn backward and criminal existence and I can not leverage words ?

Facing truth is the best place to start from.

NOWSHERA: The gang chief of the kidnappers of Ali Haider Gilani, the son of former prime minister Yusuf Raza Gilani has been arrested, Geo News reported Friday.

Police said that an operation was launched in Charsadda for the recovery of Ali Haider Gilani, which resulted in the arrest of the kidnappers’ gang chief, Wazir, while entering into Mardan from Charsadda and trying to escape to Afghanistan.

Accused Wazir is an Afghan refugee and was wanted by police for being involved in several criminal incidents and he has now been shifted to an unknown place for grilling.


Why do you think every major crime leads to NWFP and the more than proud people ?
The Salafi establishment in Saudi is backing and funding the TTP. Just like we've had non-state actors working as part of the Jihxd Inc. project , there are non-state directors in Saudi backing the TTP. Their goal is to set up a Salafi Emirate in Pakistan.

Of course, the fact that Imran Khan has linked up with JI - a party that is effectively a TTP supporter - does not bode well for the fight against TTP. The KP JI leader, Siraj ul Haq has been known to regularly attend funerals of TTP terrorists killed on the battlefield. Everybody knows JI is on the payroll of the Saudis as well.

Nawaz Sharif would do well to understand that any Saudi support for TTP will not be tolerated. These TTP thugs who have killed hundreds of our soldiers must be shown no mercy.

Very Naive, you are following the Irani line.

Look, these things might have been true some 15-20 or so years ago; I can assure you it is not the case since.
All monetary transactions are logged by the SAMA ( Saudi arabian monetary agency) and the Americans, because they own and run all the payment gateways.
Bank reforms were introduced at Musharraf's time in Pakistan and I know for a fact that they have still not been implemented properly. Why can't we learn this from Saudis ?

Illegal SIMS are still operated and sold in Pakistan, whereas it took 2 months for the Saudis to get rid of them. Why can't Pakistan learn and copy that from Saudis ?

Weapon license and sales, as well as medicine and health care are strictly regulated. No one can just walk around and buy weapons without documents, not can some one go to the chemist and buy prescription drugs. Why couldn't we learn this form Saudis ?

All Civil works and engineering, Highways and roads are made to standard, with proper QC. Our roads back home are lucky if they survive a rain.

NOT a single mullah can offer hate speeches in Friday prayers or any other time of the year in Saudi Arabia. Now look at Pakistan, every mullah is the king of his own street.

There is no arguing for the Saudi Support in 80 and some 90s. which was made available on our request. But the world has moved on. We must also move on.

If the Mullah brigade has learned one bad thing, please notice there are many good things that we are ordinary citizens have failed to learn.

The Saudis saw the light and moved on the road of progress. Have a look around these days.
We are still holding fast to the rotten past.
The Salafi establishment in Saudi is backing and funding the TTP. Just like we've had non-state actors working as part of the Jihxd Inc. project , there are non-state directors in Saudi backing the TTP. Their goal is to set up a Salafi Emirate in Pakistan.

Of course, the fact that Imran Khan has linked up with JI - a party that is effectively a TTP supporter - does not bode well for the fight against TTP. The KP JI leader, Siraj ul Haq has been known to regularly attend funerals of TTP terrorists killed on the battlefield. Everybody knows JI is on the payroll of the Saudis as well.

Nawaz Sharif would do well to understand that any Saudi support for TTP will not be tolerated. These TTP thugs who have killed hundreds of our soldiers must be shown no mercy.
Sir your Army has the same record in fact they were the starters they went into Tribal areas killed their own people killed them in thousands and killed them for four years from 2003 to 2007 and in 2007 they formed TTP to start taking revenge so don't talk crap other wise several things would come out
It is unconventional warfare, pak army can not win it. Terrain is difficult and taliban fighters are very tough. Taliban simply retreat to adjacent tribal agencies or Afghanistan whenever their defeat is obvious at the hands of huge military operation...how many taliban and LI militants got killed in recent tirah operation? Only few hundreds in a month long military operation. Several thousands of them escaped along with the leadership. Pak army had support of air force, gunship helicopters, heavy artillary, superior intelligence, pro-governament lashkars and ansar ul islam yet they suffered heavy casaulties (they are not revealing it)...now that they have secured tirah, they have to station thousands of troops in hundreds of check posts which will be always susceptible to ambushes..
After american withdrawl TTP will have safe sanctuaries in Afghanistan, if Pakistan act against them within Afghanistan territory then it would not only anger general Afghan population but also Afghan Talibans......
If TTP has confidence in nawaz shareef then it is good sign for pakistan. Nawaz shareef has the ability to solve not only TTP problem but also balochistan.....let see whether army/ISI sabotage nawaz's efforts or not.
Sir your Army has the same record in fact they were the starters they went into Tribal areas killed their own people killed them in thousands and killed them for four years from 2003 to 2007 and in 2007 they formed TTP to start taking revenge so don't talk crap other wise several things would come out

Don't talk rubbish. The TTP and its affliated groups killed thousands of tribal elders in KP starting in 2003 and never represented the tribals. If they had popular support, they would run in the KP elections to gain power, and not try to sabotage it through bombs. The Pakistani state could not enter Bajaur agency from 2002 till 2008 let alone the shenanigans in Waziristan! Who aligned with the Uzbek and Al Qaeda terrorists? The TTP openly annnounced allegiance to OBL and has been known to shelter jihadis from all over the world in NWA. Lest we forget, the TTP also unleashed a wave of rape and pillage in Swat in 2006-2007 which led to the Swat operation in 2009. So please - spare me the delusional logic.

These thugs reject our consitution, our judiciary and our democratic system. They are reponsible for 35000 cilvilan deaths and 4000 soldiers and will have to face the music sooner rather later.
Don't talk rubbish. The TTP and its affliated groups killed thousands of tribal elders in KP starting in 2003 and never represented the tribals. If they had just popular support, they would run in the KP elections and not try to sabotage it through bombs. The Pakistani state could not enter Bajaur agency from 2002 till 2008 let alone the shenanigans in Waziristan! Who aligned with the Uzbek and Al Qaeda terrorists? The TTP openly annnounced allegiance to OBL and has been known to shelter jihadis from all over the world in NWA. Lest we forget, the TTP also unleashed a wave of rape and pillage in Swat in 2006-2007 which led to the Swat operation in 2009. So please - spare me the delusional logic.

These thugs are reponsible for 35000 cilvilan deaths and 4000 soldiers and will have to face the music sooner rather later.

Sir TTP is basically people of Tribal Areas and it was mainly formed after Lal Masjid operation Sir and for your information now most tirbes are backing them because your Army killed their people in thousands to please USA and when you will get support from USA to kill your own people they will also take help from any one they will not face the music your Army is facing the music USA would run away leaving your Army behind and they will not have any option than to talk to Taliban
Very Naive, you are following the Irani line.

Look, these things might have been true some 15-20 or so years ago; I can assure you it is not the case since.
All monetary transactions are logged by the SAMA ( Saudi arabian monetary agency) and the Americans, because they own and run all the payment gateways.
Bank reforms were introduced at Musharraf's time in Pakistan and I know for a fact that they have still not been implemented properly. Why can't we learn this from Saudis ?

Illegal SIMS are still operated and sold in Pakistan, whereas it took 2 months for the Saudis to get rid of them. Why can't Pakistan learn and copy that from Saudis ?

Weapon license and sales, as well as medicine and health care are strictly regulated. No one can just walk around and buy weapons without documents, not can some one go to the chemist and buy prescription drugs. Why couldn't we learn this form Saudis ?

All Civil works and engineering, Highways and roads are made to standard, with proper QC. Our roads back home are lucky if they survive a rain.

NOT a single mullah can offer hate speeches in Friday prayers or any other time of the year in Saudi Arabia. Now look at Pakistan, every mullah is the king of his own street.

There is no arguing for the Saudi Support in 80 and some 90s. which was made available on our request. But the world has moved on. We must also move on.

If the Mullah brigade has learned one bad thing, please notice there are many good things that we are ordinary citizens have failed to learn.

The Saudis saw the light and moved on the road of progress. Have a look around these days.
We are still holding fast to the rotten past.

The Saudis woke up in 2003 when they started getting attacked by the monster they helped create and fund over three decades. Not too different of a scenario from what happened to the Pakistani state. However, this has not stopped Salafi estbalishment from funding Salafi jihxdi movements all over the world . Everyone knows there are salafi militant movements operating in Somalia, Nigeria, Thailand, Mali, Algeria, Yemen, Egypt, Gaza, just to mention a few. Pray - do tell me - who is funding these outfits? One does'nt have to be a rocket scientist to figure that out. The recent examples are Salafi militant groups who were sent to fight in Iraq as well as the latest incarnation fighting in Syria under the Al Nusra banner - in this case supported by the Saudi government.

Don't be so naive to think that the salafi establishment is affected by some saudi monetary agency actions.

Just like the pakistani military made the mistake of trying to control and selectively use some jihxdi groups while fighting others, the Saudi government tried to use the salafi establishment and proxy network for their geopolitical objectives. This good, the bad and the ugly militant distinction syndrome still exists in Saudi.The ones who spin out of control become the bad and these are ones that have launched attacks on Saudi government. So clearly parts of the salafi establishment and saudi government are at loggerheads but this does not imply the end of the salafi jihxdi agenda.

The difference in Pakistan is that the TTP thugs have little popular support as demonstrated by the poor nationwide showing of their ally - JI. In Saudi, the Salafi establishment has a much more symbiotic relationship with the ruling clan thanks to a 100 year old alliance which makes it a lot harder to root out.

If anything, the pakistani establishment should learn from the mistakes of the Saudi government and stop coddling Salafi militants period. Stopping illegal SIMS and making nice roads is not going to solve this problem.
Don't talk rubbish. The TTP and its affliated groups killed thousands of tribal elders in KP starting in 2003 and never represented the tribals. If they had popular support, they would run in the KP elections to gain power, and not try to sabotage it through bombs. The Pakistani state could not enter Bajaur agency from 2002 till 2008 let alone the shenanigans in Waziristan! Who aligned with the Uzbek and Al Qaeda terrorists? The TTP openly annnounced allegiance to OBL and has been known to shelter jihadis from all over the world in NWA. Lest we forget, the TTP also unleashed a wave of rape and pillage in Swat in 2006-2007 which led to the Swat operation in 2009. So please - spare me the delusional logic.

These thugs reject our consitution, our judiciary and our democratic system. They are reponsible for 35000 cilvilan deaths and 4000 soldiers and will have to face the music sooner rather later.

Before lal masjid operation Wazir and mehsud taliban were limited to FATA, their beef was against Pak army only. They were just reactionary forces in response to Pakistan's betrayal of Afghan taliban and operation in waziristan in 2004 on american orders. Lal masjid incident provoked the deobandis across the country and TNSM went militant and TTP came into being in reaction to lal masjid incident. Waziristani taliban extended their activities into KPK and started attacking militiary targets within settled areas.
In 2009 they started attacking specifically civilians in KPK to lift off the pressure on them in FATA from operations, though it backfired. Neither Pak army is doing jihad nor TTP, it has become a civil war. Collateral damages of military operations of pak army are far greater in FATA than TTP..who use air force, heavy artillary and tanks on its own population?...
Moreover drones are carried out with full pak army's consent...so both TTP and Army are killing machines, both think that they are right, and both think that they are going to jannat.

@Secur, @Armstrong
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but fighting is not what is usually do in summers because i thought they always take winter vacations; but yes NS is going to KSA for further instructions,

LoveIcon Makes a very interesting point which i didn't think of. The same Arab terrorist who were coming to pakistan to fight our army are now traveling to Syria so TTP is running short on Manpower plus not to mention dinars needed to fight Syria are far bigger then they needed in pakistan.
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