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Dialogue offer: Taliban offer ceasefire to new government

even if they want peace deal, it has to be where they are unarmed, becuase if they not then they will do the same thing they did this time by attacking us.

even if they want peace deal, it has to be where they are unarmed, becuase if they not then they will do the same thing they did this time by attacking us.

Keeping weapons is part of their culture, even if you disarm them, they would still acquire weapons at another time......
You cant subdue these people by use of force, the solution lies in talks.
I'd say no sh*t, Arabs are behind mullahization of Pakistan, get ready for sharia and burkas my friends.

Shuttlecok burqa is cultural thing but hijab is compulsory in islam....and sharia is demand of majority of pakistanis...hazrat mohammad p.b.u.h enforced sharia, do you condemn him nauzubillah?

I thought harming innocent people, women & children & especially minorities was pretty insulting as well - How can the TTP do all of that & still claim to be Tribals ?

Identity never changes. They are pashtuns, tribals and pakistanis...a tribal can be good and bad...just like kashmiri can be good and bad...ttp are the bad tribals.
Dude - sometime you say that majority of TTP is Punjabi, sometime you make them tribal - make up your mind first.

You are confusing me with some one else. Quote my such post if it exists at all.
Punjab based militant organizations like Lashkar e taiba, lashkar e jangvi and jaish e mohammad are rather allies of TTP than part of it....
There are some punjabis in lower ranks of TTP, they are known as "punjabi taliban". But overall the leadership and fighters are comprised of tribals, mostly mehsuds.
Shuttlecok burqa is cultural thing but hijab is compulsory in islam....and sharia is demand of majority of pakistanis...hazrat mohammad p.b.u.h enforced sharia, do you condemn him nauzubillah?
Bruqa looks like a ninja dress, hijab is fine and I don't want talibani version if sharia anywhere in my country, you can cheer it in the name of Pashton culture but we won't.
Bruqa looks like a ninja dress, hijab is fine and I don't want talibani version if sharia anywhere in my country, you can cheer it in the name of Pashton culture but we won't.

There is only one version of sharia in islam.

P.S: a correction, burqa doesnt look like ninja dress. It is niqab which make you look ninja. And ninja dress is not like tent.
There is only one version of sharia in islam.

P.S: a correction, burqa doesnt look like ninja dress. It is niqab which make you look ninja. And ninja dress is not like tent.
Talibani one sure isnt the real one than.
Who cares, same thing, all look creepy :D
Keeping weapons is part of their culture, even if you disarm them, they would still acquire weapons at another time......
You cant subdue these people by use of force, the solution lies in talks.

just watch how we subdue them. we pakistanis we can do anything we want.
just watch how we subdue them. we pakistanis we can do anything we want.

Your america thought the same about Afghan taliban but at the end they are serious about peace talks with them....
Pakistan, a third world country not a superpower, can not afford war with taliban for another decade.

Talibani one sure isnt the real one than.
Who cares, same thing, all look creepy :D

niqab-posh girls scare you?
Your america thought the same about Afghan taliban but at the end they are serious about peace talks with them....
Pakistan, a third world country not a superpower, can not afford war with taliban for another decade.

niqab-posh girls scare you?

we grow up with these people, we know them, we not that diferent from them so far pakistan is doing better then all the nato combined.

and america didnt know what they wer getting into.
we grow up with these people, we know them, we not that diferent from them so far pakistan is doing better then all the nato combined.

and america didnt know what they wer getting into.

Pakistan has indeed carried out all of its military operations successfully and you are right that they have advantage over NATO because they are dealing with their own pakistanis in their own territory but it is also a fact that TTP is still there and war is still going on....
sharia is demand of majority of pakistanis

I would differ on that , here .

Can you tell me just one time in the history of my country where a religious party has gained majority of the votes and formed Govt in the Central or Provincial perhaps even gained the numbers to legislate single handedly without the help of any other secular or progressive political party - that too for a couple of seats in return for their support for the same seculars over and over again ? I would exempt the times they did with the help of those whom they detest or from the help of establishment .

If the answer is no , then I think Pakistanis have given their decision regarding the system of governance that they want and now they would not be left hostage to a couple thousand religious psychopaths who want to shove down their barbaric , medieval and intolerant interpretation of Islam on the silent majority . Otherwise these militants wouldn't have taken arms to enforce their brand of Sharia , they would have contested in the elections but they know they stand no chance of even winning a single seat anywhere .
I would differ on that , here .

Can you tell me just one time in the history of my country where a religious party has gained majority of the votes and formed Govt in the Central or Provincial without the help of any other secular or progressive political party ? I would exempt the times they did with the help of those whom they detest or from the help of establishment .

If the answer is no , then I think Pakistanis have given their decision and they would not be left hostage to a couple thousand religious psychopaths who want to shove down their barbaric , medieval and intolerant interpretation of Islam on others . Otherwise they wouldn't have taken arms to enforce their brand of Sharia , they would have contested in the elections .

what about the poll then,in which majority pak people wanted sharia??:what:
Pakistan, a third world country not a superpower, can not afford war with taliban for another decade.

The US is a foreign power which has to bring all its logistics and manpower from the other half of the world and they need to end this war quickly now since they do not have the patience and will left to stay anymore , they realize that there's nothing left to achieve for them . Because face it , the Afghans are going to remain the same for another century , their mindset wont change about things , democracy and economical progression are alien concepts to them . We are here to stay , we border that country so whatever happens there affects us directly or indirectly , so we being not foreign and much involved in the Afghan affairs can afford to fight this war with the extremists as we have done before quite successfully in militant infested regions in our country - Pakistan isn't constrained by the logistics or manpower and has decades of experience and influence in that country .
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