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DI Khan central jail under attack !

I fail to understand one thing. At the beginning of this thread when the news of the attack first came in, we were told that PA had surrounded the jail and placed road blocks--there were heavy fighting--the terrorists were inside--no one had escaped. So how can 100+ Taliban and 250 prisoners just escape without any major casualty? It's very hard to understand. :confused:
2 conclusions

Very well trained and determined Taliban

Very confused and or ill trained and or sympathetic police / guards.

Even the bannu jail case, only two guards were injured. Heck during Mumbai attacks even stick carrying policemen did not run away. This means there is CONFUSION in the minds of the guards, does not mean they are cowardly.
I fail to understand one thing. At the beginning of this thread when the news of the attack first came in, we were told that PA had surrounded the jail and placed road blocks--there were heavy fighting--the terrorists were inside--no one had escaped. So how can 100+ Taliban and 250 prisoners just escape without any major casualty? It's very hard to understand. :confused:

One word, misinformation.

PA came after the attack happened, and let's face it, they aren't supposed to be on alert defending prisons.
Question to Military establishment fan boys, Why Airforce lied to us about destroyed AWAC, why no disciplinary action taken against those who lied to nation to hide their incompetence?

No military guy is accountable in this country sir jee. Yeh Pakistan ki fauj nahi, fauj ka Pakistan hai.

Will someone from a nation of 180 million ask Kayani what the f has happened last night in DI Khan?
There were probably more than a 100 combatants.. and by the looks of it they planned out the operation well.
One has to understand that the Pakistan state has constantly been reactionary and not proactive against the TTP. Basically, they wait for things to happen to take action against them; be it the GHQ, Airbases , Convoy ambushes etc. Before Kamra, most PAF bases save Shahrea-e-Faisal and those in the major cities were easier to get into than cheap nightclubs.
Additionally , the populace(and politicians) of KPK(and Punjab to an extent) have an on and off romance with the Taliban and since many of them are from the province.. there will always be willing and unwilling sympathizers. There is no way to tell apart whether the police officer is fake and there is no way to suspect whether the passer by is a terrorist or just a grocer going home from his shop. A clean egress could be easy as long as you have someone within those walls telling you where the security forces are looking for you.
Moreover, it depends on how many streets were there for them to cross and how many were simply urban lanes that were going to be easy routes out.
This is D.I Khan and A is the jail.. you can see the many little streets and paths they could take to slip out in the early assault.

Any information on the high value targets sir, confirmation of their escape or continued incarceration (i.e. failure of the primary objective of the attackers)?
One word, misinformation.

PA came after the attack happened, and let's face it, they aren't supposed to be on alert defending prisons.

After reports of Intelligence, wasn't army suppose to be on alert so they could defend it at moment notice?
None of the high value targets escaped... but again...... can't say anything till all settles..... this sounds and feels exactly like the awacs debacle...

Any information on the high value targets sir, confirmation of their escape or continued incarceration (i.e. failure of the primary objective of the attackers)?
No military guy is accountable in this country sir jee. Yeh Pakistan ki fauj nahi, fauj ka Pakistan hai.

Will someone from a nation of 180 million ask Kayani what the f has happened last night in DI Khan?

Nai sir jee, they will say, it was fault of civilians which were warned before hand. Baat hi khatam.
None of the high value targets escaped... but again...... can't say anything till all settles..... this sounds and feels exactly like the awacs debacle...

Meaning they very well could have escaped and info regarding that is being suppressed. We've faced some bad terrorists ourselves- but no one with the balls to attack a god damn airbase or a secure military installation- civilian targets only or the Parliament which had lathi wielding beat cops who didn't even have revolvers.
stop blaming ISI & PA? they are not the ones you stopping a dedicated war against terror?
call your CM , & tell him to announce a non-stop anti-terrorist action in KPK, everything else will be taken care by PA?
instead tell playboy to stop atending free royal wine buffets in london?

If not blame PA and ISI, then who should we blame. Nigerian Army? Where was your army when 250 prisoners were running from the prison? Where was those drones that we boost about. Where was the Pakistan army aviation choppers? Ask your army to stop behaving like a hypocrite and tell the nation the truth. Answer all the questions that arise in people's mind and if we are satisfied with there answers, we would support them against TTP. Or else it is Army's war and its drama military operations.

Yeah all is blame is on the civilians. No blame is on those who are eating a large portion of budget of Pakistan for nothing.

Nai sir jee, they will say, it was fault of civilians which were warned before hand. Baat hi khatam.

Haan wohi drama ho raha hai. Hum nai itnai din pehlai bata dia tha. Baiwaqoof samjhtai hain awaam ko.
This seems to be a similar attack like Bannu prison break last year when 200 Talibans attacked and escaped 400 prisoners. Unfortunately Pakistani authorties didn't learn from mistakes. Hope this time they do.
Yeah all is blame is on the civilians. No blame is on those who are eating a large portion of budget of Pakistan for nothing.
As per media reports the civilian administration was warned about a possible attack on the central jail. btw since when did protecting civilian jails became the responsibility of Army? This blame game is taking us no where, it was collective failure.
Well they don't have shortages of trained guys what they are missing is a clear cut decisions on how to handle these terror activities. A section of soceity wants to talk to them, other asking to blow them to pieces and while some don't really give a rat's @ss.

Most of the nation doesnt give a rats @ss anymore, heck most of them don't even have a clue that such an incident took place.
As per media reports the civilian administration was warned about a possible attack on the central jail. btw since when did protecting civilian jails became the responsibility of Army? This blame game is taking us no where, it was collective failure.

I think the real issue is getting obfuscated. The issue is NOT about protecting civilian jails.
THE ISSUE is about protecting the WHOLE country, which includes civilians and military personnel; the guys at the top of the establishment and the guy at the bottom of the pyramid. To the greatest possible extent.

Now; one seems to be seeing a 'free for all'. Everybody is getting attacked and casualties are mounting. The leaders of the country are being attacked and the most ordinary civilians are being attacked, with both becoming casualties.
The Armed Forces are being attacked; including PA, PAF and PN with losses of both material and men. Even the ISI has got hit so many times over. The Police have been hit, the Rangers have been hit, the FC has been hit. Who is left?

Is'nt it time for some serious thinking among the higher authorities; civilian and military to sit together and work out some kind of action plan to bring the situation under control, if not to eradicate it?
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