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Dhaka v/s Kolkata

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are the Bengalis from Bangladesh different to that of Calcutta?

Quite different. Majority of Bengalis are Muslims and most Bengalis live in Bangladesh. Around 75% Bengalis of West Bengal are Hindus. Rests are Muslims while 90% in Bangladesh are Muslims. 9% are Hindus. 1% others.

Another difference is the accent. Bengalis from both sides speak slightly different accented Bangla. Also some words are different. We say 'Bhaiya' , they say 'Dada'. We say Paani and they say Jol. We say Kacha Morich (green chilli) and they say Kacha Lonka. If you say Kacha lonka in BD most will not get it. Most will think you are talking about Sri Lanka. lol

Bangladeshi culture is mixed up version of Bengali, Arabian and western culture while Kolkatan culture is mixed up version of all Indian culture and western culture. You will see Bengali speaking people, Hindi speaking and English speaking people but you will only see Bengali speaking people in Bangladesh. Most are not comfortable with English. Most can understand Hindi very well thanks to Indian TV channels and films but not very comfortable in speaking.
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^^ I really like the bare concrete surfaces of the Bangladeshi National Assembly building in Dhaka. A masterpiece by LIK the great!
Quite different. Majority of Bengalis are Muslims and most Bengalis live in Bangladesh. Around 75% Bengalis of West Bengal are Hindus. Rests are Muslims while 90% in Bangladesh are Muslims. 9% are Hindus. 1% others.

Another difference is the accent. Bengalis from both sides speak slightly different accented Bangla. Also some words are different. We say 'Bhaiya' , they say 'Dada'. We say Paani and they say Jol. We say Kacha Morich (green chilli) and they say Kacha Lonka. If you say Kacha lonka in BD most will not get it. Most will think you are talking about Sri Lanka. lol

Bangladeshi culture is mixed up version of Bengali, Arabian and western culture while Kolkatan culture is mixed up version of all Indian culture and western culture. You will see Bengali speaking people, Hindi speaking and English speaking people but you will only see Bengali speaking people in Bangladesh. Most are not comfortable with English. Most can understand Hindi very well thanks to Indian TV channels and films but not very comfortable in speaking.

1.Dhaka is the capital of a proud sovereign nation. BD is a nation with an overwhelming Muslim population. As such BD is a nation of Bengalee Muslims. Here a fusion of Bengalee culture enriches our rich Islamic heritage.

2. Kolkata is constrained by the fact that it is not the capital or cultural center of a free nation.P/bangalees are Indian. Their culture and language suffer from constant pressure from the more powerful Hindi-Hindu culture.
OMG! this thread has more than 20k hits. Such a blockbuster thread from me. :yahoo:
1.Dhaka is the capital of a proud sovereign nation. BD is a nation with an overwhelming Muslim population. As such BD is a nation of Bengalee Muslims. Here a fusion of Bengalee culture enriches our rich Islamic heritage.

2. Kolkata is constrained by the fact that it is not the capital or cultural center of a free nation.P/bangalees are Indian. Their culture and language suffer from constant pressure from the more powerful Hindi-Hindu culture.
Like I said. Rejected at quality control.

Quite different. Majority of Bengalis are Muslims and most Bengalis live in Bangladesh. Around 75% Bengalis of West Bengal are Hindus. Rests are Muslims while 90% in Bangladesh are Muslims. 9% are Hindus. 1% others.

Another difference is the accent. Bengalis from both sides speak slightly different accented Bangla. Also some words are different. We say 'Bhaiya' , they say 'Dada'. We say Paani and they say Jol. We say Kacha Morich (green chilli) and they say Kacha Lonka. If you say Kacha lonka in BD most will not get it. Most will think you are talking about Sri Lanka. lol

Bangladeshi culture is mixed up version of Bengali, Arabian and western culture while Kolkatan culture is mixed up version of all Indian culture and western culture. You will see Bengali speaking people, Hindi speaking and English speaking people but you will only see Bengali speaking people in Bangladesh. Most are not comfortable with English. Most can understand Hindi very well thanks to Indian TV channels and films but not very comfortable in speaking.

Kolkata is not mixed up Indian culture but the epicenter of Bengali language and culture. Culture is defined by what - literature, music, movies etc and Kokata leads from front. Thank you.
Like I said. Rejected at quality control.

Kolkata is not mixed up Indian culture but the epicenter of Bengali language and culture. Culture is defined by what - literature, music, movies etc and Kokata leads from front. Thank you.

Wrong. Many personalities from Kolkata said the future of Bangla is in Dhaka since there is constant pressure from Hindi in Kolkata and Hindi is spoken as a regular language in Kolkata now a days. Bangladesh represents Bengal in most part. Just go to London or Middle East. If you say Bangali that means Bangladeshi. You have to say you are from Kolkata to let others believe you are from India. Bengali language movement is celebrated worldwide by UNESCO. World's first mother language institution is in Dhaka. Dhaka is the epicenter of Bengali language. About culture.. yeah there is a blend. Bengali + Arabian + Persian + Western = Dhaka but when it comes to Bengali language Dhaka leads from front. Thank you.
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Wrong. Many personalities from Kolkata said the future of Bangla is in Dhaka since there is constant pressure from Hindi in Kolkata and Hindi is spoken as a regular language in Kolkata now a days. Bangladesh represents Bengal in most part. Just go to London or Middle East. If you say Bangali that means Bangladeshi. You have to say you are from Kolkata to let others believe you are from India. Bengali language movement is celebrated worldwide by UNESCO. World's first mother language institution is in Dhaka. Dhaka is the epicenter of Bengali language. About culture.. yeah there is a blend. Bengali + Arabian + Persian + Western = Dhaka but when it comes to language Bengali Dhaka leads from front.

so what's wrong with Hindi/Urdu being a part of Calcutta ? if anything its a very positive thing, its a sign of a broad minded progressive multiethnic tolerant metropolis , London, New York, & Toronto are respected world wide for their multicultural values & their diversity , does that makes them any less English or American, or Canadian for that matter ? Tokyo & Shanghai has more skyscrapers then London, but still London beats them for the comfort zone it offers through its multiethnic atmosphere.
If homogeneous would be the definition of class then each & every city in Sub Saharan Africa would beat even New York !
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Wrong. Many personalities from Kolkata said the future of Bangla is in Dhaka since there is constant pressure from Hindi in Kolkata and Hindi is spoken as a regular language in Kolkata now a days. Bangladesh represents Bengal in most part. Just go to London or Middle East. If you say Bangali that means Bangladeshi. You have to say you are from Kolkata to let others believe you are from India. Bengali language movement is celebrated worldwide by UNESCO. World's first mother language institution is in Dhaka. Dhaka is the epicenter of Bengali language. About culture.. yeah there is a blend. Bengali + Arabian + Persian + Western = Dhaka but when it comes to Bengali language Dhaka leads from front. Thank you.

There is no pressure from Hindi speaking people in Kolkata, yes there are Hindi and Urdu speakers in Kolkata who have been living in harmony and mutual respect for centuries. There are even scores of Chinese living in Kolkata, that doesn't mean we are pressurized by Manadarin. The city lives and breaths in Bengali, if you are think otherwise then you are just being idiotic.

In fact it's in Bangladesh where Hindi sidelined Bengali because your don't have a decent film industry or TV channels of repute, however we have a strong film industry which churns out plenty good movies every year which do good business along with Hindi movies.

Bangladeshis make up most of low cost labor force in middle east and London, so they know you. It's called lack of knowledge, it doesn't make you flag bearer of Bengliness. In fact most of you take offense at being called Bengali.
There is no pressure from Hindi speaking people in Kolkata, yes there are Hindi and Urdu speakers in Kolkata who have been living in harmony and mutual respect for centuries. There are even scores of Chinese living in Kolkata, that doesn't mean we are pressurized by Manadarin. The city lives and breaths in Bengali, if you are think otherwise then you are just being idiotic.

In fact it's in Bangladesh where Hindi sidelined Bengali because your don't have a decent film industry or TV channels of repute, however we have a strong film industry which churns out plenty good movies every year which do good business along with Hindi movies.

Bangladeshis make up most of low cost labor force in middle east and London, so they know you. It's called lack of knowledge, it doesn't make you flag bearer of Bengliness. In fact most of you take offense at being called Bengali.

Seems like you are talking from your negative point of view about Bangladesh.

Bangladeshis make up low cost workers in London? LMFAO... Infact 90% of Indian restaurants in London are owned by Bangladeshis. Are they low cost workers? LOL. Middle East I agree. Even Kolkatan are also low cost workers in middle east.

We have far far better quality TV channels than that of Kolkata but viewers see Hindi serials mostly but Bangla dramas are far far better in quality than Hindi serials. Our quality of Dramas are way way better than Kolkata's drama any day. Kolkata's films are not popular at all in BD. 3 Kolkatan movies released last year and all bombed miserably which were blockbuster in Kolkata. Its bollywood which is most popular. I suggest you to see some Bangladeshi channels. I heard India don't even allow BD channels in Kolkata.

Who said you most take offense by calling Bangali? Its the retards (We call them Chagu in Bangladesh) here in PDF who call every single Bangali Indian. See, I am using IamBengali Id and their butt hurts. By constitution our ethnicity is Bengali (Bengali nationalism) and citizenship is Bangladeshi.

How Bangla matters more in Dhaka than in Kolkata
by Sandip Roy Nov 16, 2012 #Bangla #Bangladesh #WanderingI

I knew, of course, that everyone in Dhaka would speak Bangla, that the language would be everywhere – on signboards, billboards, license plates. Yet I was somehow not prepared for it. I had never before gotten on an airplane in Kolkata and landed in another city, an unfamiliar one, to find my mother tongue coming out of its every pore. It is a strange feeling simultaneously of familiarity and dislocation as if I was encountering myself but in another dimension.

Language feels very potent here in a way it does not feel in Kolkata. While Bengalis get overheated when a Girish Karnad dares to speak dismissively of Rabindranath’s plays, they don’t necessarily take that great care of their own language, allowing it to become mishmashed with Hindi and English and turned into a sort of Radio Mirchi khichdi.

In Bangladesh language still matters. The young man who picks me up at the Dhaka airport asks anxiously “Is it okay if we speak Bangla? Is that a problem?” He takes me to see the museum. But he says the Bengali word for it – jadughar. It’s a word I have not heard in a long time anywhere. "Do you want to go to see the jadughar?" he asks in Bangla. I say yes. A day later I find myself talking about the museum to someone else. I went to the jadughar I said. Old long lost pieces of Bengali, rusty from disuse, bits of my mother tongue that died in our house with my grandmothers, start coming back to me, pressed into service again after many years. It feels good. It’s only natural that this should happen in Dhaka. This is the place that put its life on the line for that language. Everyone here knows the names of the language martyrs of 1952 – Barkat, Salam, Rafiq, Jabbar.

Inside the liberation jadughar there is a clandestinely shot photograph of Rafiq – a bullet through his forehead, scattering brains and shards of his skull all around. It makes you step back in shock. The memorial to the language martyrs is more abstract – the concrete arms reaching for the sky. A Bangladeshi friend says what’s touching is that the same memorial is replicated in so many places across Bangladesh – smaller in size but with the same intensity of feeling. It is like a household god, repository for flowers and diyas. But the passion for the mother tongue can also turn on itself. I am in town for Hay Festival Dhaka – a celebration of writers and poets from both Bangladesh and the rest of the subcontinent and beyond. There are writers who write in English and those who write in Bangla, and those who translate from one language to the other. But a small group of protesters outside the venue hold up a placard that demands that the Hay Festival should be stopped and complains that the Bangla Academy was sullying itself by hosting a festival celebrating English writing in its hallowed halls. Mahfuz Anam, the editor of The Daily Star, comes out swinging against that kind of narrow view. He says at the opening ceremony for Hay that the Bangla Academy is showing real “far sightedness” because a festival like this can take the riches of a language and share it with the wider world. “The Bangla Academy is taking its responsibility and moving it up one step,” said Anam to applause. Anam is impassioned because language is such an emotive issue here. Every other literary festival seems to become a storm in a teacup these days. I wonder if all this passion about “saving” a language could actually be used to save something really worth saving instead of salving bruised egos. A couple of days ago in the town of Kumarkhali, several hours outside Dhaka, close to Tagore’s Shelaidaha estate I visited the M N Press, the second oldest Bengali press in the country. It still exists, the old machine with a giant eagle on top, preserved inside a crumbling building with boarded windows, and moss-covered brick walls. Ashok Ganguly, the white-haired proprietor is the great grandson of Kangal Harinath who started the press to print his Grambarta Prakashika, a weekly to speak up for poor rural folk . He showed us around, demonstrated how the press worked. He told us its storied history, brought out handwritten manuscripts by Kangal Harinath himself. There were plaques on the walls issued by many politicians who came and promised to create a museum but never delivered. When we left he hugged me, an old man in indifferent health. He said people have wanted to take his printing press to Dhaka but he has refused steadfastly. “It’s all I have,” he said. He is holding out for a museum. Jadu means magic in Bengali, making jadughar a rather odd word for a museum. But in this case it’s not inappropriate for Ashok Ganguly who will need all the magic he can find to realise his dream whether we call it the Kangal Harinath Museum or the Kangal Harinath Smriti Jadughar.

Read more at: How Bangla matters more in Dhaka than in Kolkata | Firstpost

Read more at: How Bangla matters more in Dhaka than in Kolkata | Firstpost
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1.Dhaka is the capital of a proud sovereign nation. BD is a nation with an overwhelming Muslim population. As such BD is a nation of Bengalee Muslims. Here a fusion of Bengalee culture enriches our rich Islamic heritage.

2. Kolkata is constrained by the fact that it is not the capital or cultural center of a free nation.P/bangalees are Indian. Their culture and language suffer from constant pressure from the more powerful Hindi-Hindu culture.

Why do all Bangladeshi say that Bangladeshi should stop calling themselves as Bengalis, claiming being Bengali means being a Hindu and an Indian . :eek::eek:
Why do all Bangladeshi say that Bangladeshi should stop calling themselves as Bengalis, claiming being Bengali means being a Hindu and an Indian . :eek::eek:

Are you talking about PDF BD members? I swear by God they feel better to be called Pakistani than be called Bangali. About others who identify themselves as Bangladeshi Bangali is not a matter of offense. They want to show that they belong to an independent sovereign Bengal nation and its a matter self satisfaction. and if any Bengali speaker say he takes offense by calling Bangali then he is the ultimate retard and is called 'Chagu' (a slang word) and bastard (jaroj) in Bangladesh by almost everyone.
We have far far better quality TV channels than that of Kolkata but viewers see Hindi serials mostly but Bangla dramas are far far better in quality than Hindi serials. Our quality of Dramas are way way better than Kolkata's drama any day. Kolkata's films are not popular at all in BD. 3 Kolkatan movies released last year and all bombed miserably which were blockbuster in Kolkata. Its bollywood which is most popular. I suggest you to see some Bangladeshi channels. I heard India don't even allow BD channels in Kolkata.
Dude most of your points are very sensible.
However I have a strong disagreement over the ones above.

I am being extremely blunt over here. Hope you aren't offended:p:

1)Bangladeshi "Natok" used to be good....by this I mean the ones decades ago.
This is not my opinion...but of my local colleagues.
From whatever little I've personally viewed...its just crass!

2) Bangladeshi's swoon over Zee Bangla. Hell Indian companies don't bother to create separate advertisements for BD because of the SPILLOVER effect
To add more credence to the fact above:
80% of Lever's ads are from East India. The 20% local content is broadcasted on local tele.
MRF the leading tyre brand in BD (45% Market share vis-a-vis 20% from Chinese tyres) operates via a distributor in BD and has never had a single ad

3)You are seriously comparing the Jack *** Ananta Jalil and his acting to West Bengal Cinema??
Moja loss??:bunny:

4)Bangladeshi Channels are tacitly not allowed in India. But I've personally never heard anyone protest about it:chilli:
There are too many channels in India already:pleasantry:
Well. Typical Indian opinion. To be honest, I found only ladies are watching Indian hindi/bangla channel more than Bangladeshi Channel. I am a big fan of directors like Mustofa Sarwar Faruki and Redwan Roni for dramas. I watched several Kolkata dramas, but they were rubbish. Even I found the ads of BD MNCs are better than Indian MNCs.

Maybe Indians have different taste, that's why they think their ads and dramas are better. Most of the Indians have no idea about Bangladeshi Channels. Probably most of the kolkatans are addicted to Mega serials and movies. Bangladeshi Channels are not following them. May be that's why dont bother.

N.B. As far as I know from the high officials, Bangladeshi channels are not allowed due to prevention of Bangladeshi Products in Indian Market. They dont want to give any chance to promote Bangladeshi product. Another reason is Indian Policymakers dont want any type cultural exchange between two Bengals. They want to avoid pan Bengali nationalism.

Another important thing......I found very little variation in Indian Bangla channel's program. Either it's channel for movie, or for serial or music or news. Most of the Bangladeshi channels cast all sorts of program.

I agree that Indian Bangla movies are better, but the commercial movies are not up to the mark at all. Those are big budget movie only for location....nothing else. I haven't seen any glimpse of animation or superb creativity.
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Well. Typical Indian opinion. To be honest, I found only ladies are watching Indian hindi/bangla channel more than Bangladeshi Channel. I am a big fan of directors like Mustofa Sarwar Faruki and Redwan Roni for dramas. I watched several Kolkata dramas, but they were rubbish. Even I found the ads of BD MNCs are better than Indian MNCs.

Maybe Indians have different taste, that's why they think their ads and dramas are better. Most of the Indians have no idea about Bangladeshi Channels. Probably most of the kolkatans are addicted to Mega serials and movies. Bangladeshi Channels are not following them. May be that's why dont bother.

N.B. As far as I know from the high officials, Bangladeshi channels are not allowed due to prevention of Bangladeshi Products in Indian Market. They dont want to give any chance to promote Bangladeshi product. Another reason is Indian Policymakers dont want any type cultural exchange between two Bengals. They want to avoid pan Bengali nationalism.

Another important thing......I found very little variation in Indian Bangla channel's program. Either it's channel for movie, or for serial or music or news. Most of the Bangladeshi channels cast all sorts of program.

I agree that Indian Bangla movies are better, but the commercial movies are not up to the mark at all. Those are big budget movie only for location....nothing else. I haven't seen any glimpse of animation or superb creativity.

There are Bangladeshi MNCs?
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