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Dhaka Stock Exchange picks China's bid for stake over India's

thanks for the state sponsored propaganda. We do know what a market economy means. India had private companies even before 1991, it was only opened up to outside world post 1991.

Party ruling china is still called Communist Party of China , care to explain why ?

Sure, no need to think or use your brain when everything is "propaganda". :lol:

And you clearly have no idea about the differences between a market economy and a command economy, which is basic stuff that you should have learned in secondary school.

I guess "Communism" is also the reason why China dominates all of India's markets and why India has a massive trade deficit to China. I guess "Communism" is the reason why China's currency reserves alone are larger than the entire Indian GDP.
China moved to a market economy back in 1978, an economic reform process that India later copied for their own reforms.

Communism died a few decades later in 1991. It only really lives on in the hearts of the Indian left-wing, who are still fighting for their revolution in the jungles of eastern India.

thanks for the state sponsored propaganda. We do know what a market economy means. India had private companies even before 1991, it was only opened up to outside world post 1991.

Party ruling china is still called Communist Party of China , care to explain why ?

People often confuse Communism and Socialism

Communism is a form of Government. Opposite is Democracy.
Socialism is a form of Economy. Opposite is Capitalism
Both are mutually exclusive - one is not the pre-requisite for the other.

A country like Denmark might be Socialist Democracy
China now is firmly a Capitalist Communist State.
India leaned toward Socialism but was always a mixed-economy with the Government being democratic.

Sour grapes! feel sorry for you!

as Modi ki g say "May the phooorceee be with you"
LOL - what sour grapes? Shouldn't every country take the best deal that is offered? India is a Russian ally. But it would happily pick a French submarine if it was a better deal. Why should Bangladesh be any different? You are the only country which believes in some kind of tribal kinship - all nations only look at their own interests.
Capitalist Communist State.
oxymoron, how do you produce a capitalist in a communist state unless it is a benevolent autocracy?

And you clearly have no idea about the differences between a market economy and a command economy, which is basic stuff that you should have learned in secondary school.
yeah we dont get brain washed during schooling in our country that happens only in certain countries where roses are always red.

you still dint answer the question what is "Communist" doing in CPC?

Shanghai and Shenzhen Stock Exchanges of China, the top two bourses of the country Bigstock
The DSE board of directors in a meeting on Monday unanimously made the decision to sell the shares to the China consortium as part of its demutualization scheme
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Dhaka Stock Exchange (DSE) has decided to sell 25% of its shares to a consortium of the Shanghai Stock Exchange (SSE) and the Shenzhen Stock Exchange (SZSE), considering it a strategic investor.

The DSE board of directors in a meeting on Monday unanimously made the decision to sell the shares to the China consortium as part of its demutualization scheme, DSE Managing Director K A M Majedur Rahman told journalists after a meeting at his office on Monday.

The proposal will be placed to the Bangladesh Securities and Exchange Commission (BSEC) for approval within a day or two, he added.

It was reported earlier that DSE management was allegedly pressured by the stock market regulator to award the opportunity to the National Stock Exchange (NSE) of India, which offered a lower price than the Chinese consortium.

In response to a DSE offer, the Chinese consortium and the NSE placed their proposals to buy 25% shares of the DSE and become a strategic investor.

In its proposal, the Chinese consortium proposed to buy 450 million or 25% shares of the DSE at a rate of Tk22 each.

Also Read- Strategic investor for DSE: Why is the regulator interfering on behalf of a bidder?

It also offered technical support of Tk307 crore and asked for a seat on the board, adding that it would not seek any return on its investment for a period of 10 years.

On the other hand, NSE offered Tk15 per share for the same number of shares and demanded two seats on the DSE board. The Indian body did offer technical support, but it did not clarify how much money it would spend.

Considering it the best offer in terms of value and technical support, the board unanimously chose the Chinese consortium.

Moreover, the NSE failed to show whether they had received approval from the Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) and the Reserve Bank of India, which are necessary to transfer funds to Bangladesh, a source at DSE said.

In its proposal, the Chinese consortium proposed to buy 450 million or 25% shares of the DSE at a rate of Tk22 each.

It also offered technical support of Tk307 crore and asked for a seat on the board, adding that it would not seek any return on its investment for a period of 10 years.

On the other hand, NSE offered Tk15 per share for the same number of shares and demanded two seats on the DSE board. The Indian body did offer technical support, but it did not clarify how much money it would spend.

22 tk per share
3.07 billion tk offer of technical support
ONLY one seat on the board

15 tk per share
didn't say how much for tech support
Demands TWO seat on the DSE board

Where does BSEC get the gall to favour Indian one? THIS IS NOT A DEBATABLE ISSUE. It should go to China without ANY resistance. BSEC government bodies should get sacked for even interfering in DSE resolution that is so obviously should go to China. Now the DSE unanimously voted China. Lets see what the traitors in BSEC does.

I am just glad DSE is not government owned and is a private entity.
oxymoron, how do you produce a capitalist in a communist state unless it is a benevolent autocracy?

yeah we dont get brain washed during schooling in our country that happens only in certain countries where roses are always red.

you still dint answer the question what is "Communist" doing in CPC?

What a genius, I was educated in an International School in Hong Kong. Where is the "Communist propaganda"? :rofl:
you still dint answer the question what is "Communist" doing in CPC?

Because that's their original name and they don't want to change it?

If you think China is still Communist then stop crying about our economic domination of India, since a Communist power by definition does not recognize the market economy or international trade.
Because that's their original name and they don't want to change it?
when they are no longer communist why keep it? only parties which believe in communism are suppose to have it. The word communism signifies ideology which includes values, principles ...etc
Leaving aside India. Is this "China consortium" foolproof? Im unable to even find out which Chinese consortium actually took part in the bidding. Is this linked to national body? Can this Chinese consortium rig the system like BD's so called "Dervish Baba" :pleasantry:
Bad decision. It can effect Indo - Bangladesh relation. Bangladesh can afford to go against China but cannot afford to go against India .
Lets wait for consecounses.
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