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Dhaka On A Drip

Hasn't Sheikh hasina delivered a very healthy growth rate for Bangladesh?
Hasn't Sheikh hasina delivered a very healthy growth rate for Bangladesh?

I guess BNP would have done the same (if they were in power) with equal amount of looting and pillaging:coffee:
Hasina didn't do anything worth mentioning separately.
if it makes you feel good, then obsession it is. Seems it gives you a sense of self importance.

I think most Indians are completely ignorant about bangladesh(except those near bd), dont know the political landscape and whats going on there.
Not many know what is going on in maldives or burma.
Our magazines should have much insight into what is going on in neighbouring countries than in USA or europe.

Near BD? You mean West Bengal also? Naah! We don't really bother about BD other than for the Hilsa season (counting how many tons came here :D)! I didn't even know BDs were bothered about us and blame us (India/RAW) for everything in their country, we barely have any negative feelings towards BD (other than illegal immigrants issue) and initially after joining PDF I was shocked to know that they are so much anti-India, in fact more than Pakistanis probably (at least the PDF ones)!! I came to know so much about BD only after joining PDF. :-)
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O Boy....that statement was way off-mark.
Most of the Indian papers (the widely circulated ones) have online editions.
Please check them before making a sweeping statement like this!

I do agree that West Bengal publications are a bit too attached to BD (well that's my opinion!)
The national ones have barely any mention of Bangladesh!

Outlook is an insightful magazine FYI.

I think the article is crafted well...as per my limited understanding of the situation from being present @dhaka

Oh really. I have found several in the The Hindu, Times of India, Business Standard and the Indian Express. This is not to mention the dozens of articles on Bangladesh in the intelligence and strategy websites like SAAG, SATP, Observer Research Foundation etc.

Certainly looks like an obsession to me.
Oh really. I have found several in the The Hindu, Times of India, Business Standard and the Indian Express. This is not to mention the dozens of articles on Bangladesh in the intelligence and strategy websites like SAAG, SATP, Observer Research Foundation etc.

Certainly looks like an obsession to me.

You will find that many articles on Nigeria or Uganda also, just search for them. And regarding those intelligence and strategy websites, I mean they need to post maybe some 30 articles per month to keep their website relevant, right? So, 10 maybe on Pakistan, 10 maybe on China, what about rest of the 10? They will be on Srilanka, Nepal, Bhutam, Myanmar, Japan, Russia, USA, Australia, Middle East, and also BD!! 1 article on each website makes a good number after a year. BD is our bordering country after all. An average Indian barely remember that BD exists.

I was appalled by the ignorance of my own (non-bengali) friend circle regarding Bangladesh.
Common opinions:
  1. Your first "foreign trip" is going to be in a dirt poor place. You should have chosen an African one!
  2. What??...How can Bengali be the national language?. Isn't Urdu or Hindi their lingo?
  3. How are you going to use your car over there....aren't all the roads muddy?
and the ignoramuses continued...OMG

You mean those are not true!! :D
Oh really. I have found several in the The Hindu, Times of India, Business Standard and the Indian Express. This is not to mention the dozens of articles on Bangladesh in the intelligence and strategy websites like SAAG, SATP, Observer Research Foundation etc.

Certainly looks like an obsession to me.

Try to quantify the "several"
Does a 5% airtime or less... 1 out of 30 for the TOI. .. 1 out of 25 for the Hindu... That too for a neighbouring country with a lot of security and trade interest qualify for" being obsessed "?

If your answer to the above is a resounding YES,
It's you who is obsessing to prove your point my friend!
The amount of time Indians spend discussing Bangladesh suggests a national obsession.

Haha the only time the name Bangladesh finds a mention by regular folks in India is when we b*#ch about the pole-vaulting rubbish infesting our cities causing problems for us on a daily basis, or when a cab driver casually mentions how illegal Bangladeshi migrants have made their way into low-income housing societies. Lol Oh, and the other times you're ever "talked about" is when India-headquartered businesses houses/professionals and regional-HQd multinational Companies have to (happily) cancel their day-trips to "beautiful" Dhaka at the very last minute thanks to the innumerable hartals that country faces. I sometimes wonder why we even give a rats backside.

Your delusion of self worth is hilarious.
Try to quantify the "several"
Does a 5% airtime or less... 1 out of 30 for the TOI. .. 1 out of 25 for the Hindu... That too for a neighbouring country with a lot of security and trade interest qualify for" being obsessed "?

If your answer to the above is a resounding YES,
It's you who is obsessing to prove your point my friend!

Fact that you indians are trolling and drooling here with circular bs to repeat indian media and establishment terrorism is proof enough to quantify.
Fact that you indians are trolling and drooling here with circular bs to repeat indian media and establishment terrorism is proof enough to quantify.
The fact that you consider Indians in PDF to influence India's foreign policies or consider our opinions similar to the ones running our country is hilarious.
If 100 or so Indians in PDF are representative of India....May the almighty help us:help:

The fact that you are a single line locomotive go round and round is what prompted me to reply!:hitwall:

You mean like Indians thinking they are a regional superpower ....

If you consider South Asia to be a region as represented by SAARC, yes India is a regional superpower.
But beyond that it even tends to make me laugh:pop: (considering Diplomacy)
The fact that you consider Indians in PDF to influence India's foreign policies

As I said you indians are repeating indian establishment and media terror mantra, period.
The amount of time Indians spend discussing Bangladesh suggests a national obsession.

Munshi bhai.... India is a huge country and there are somany news magazines,news papers, news channels etc etc.... Lot of articles comes in these papers/magazines/channels which are related to its neighbors....Pakistan,China,Bangladesh,Srilanka,Nepal etc etc.... Now since your from bengladesh you feel its obsession with bangladesh..... but then i have heart others also say the same....

I remember reading some where that you write books ( i am not sure ).... no one in bengladesh writes about India? or pakistan? if they write few articles that means they are obsessed with india or pakistan?
Munshi bhai.... India is a huge country and there are somany news magazines,news papers, news channels etc etc.... Lot of articles comes in these papers/magazines/channels which are related to its neighbors....Pakistan,China,Bangladesh,Srilanka,Nepal etc etc.... Now since your from bengladesh you feel its obsession with bangladesh..... but then i have heart others also say the same....

I remember reading some where that you write books ( i am not sure ).... no one in bengladesh writes about India? or pakistan? if they write few articles that means they are obsessed with india or pakistan?

India may be a a big country but its national newspapers, think tanks and policy centres are few and limited so when they publish several articles a month on Bangladesh it does appear obsessive.
India may be a a big country but its national newspapers, think tanks and policy centres are few and limited so when they publish several articles a month on Bangladesh it does appear obsessive.
Munshi sir...you being a writer...are making an argument for the sake of argument.

Please quantify your "few" and "many".
You are making sweeping statements one after the other.
Being an OP by being the first one to paste an online article is easy.....do some maths to back your claims. I'm not asking for "Sources" of info unlike some members :crazy:...but just some basic names of those "few and many" and the ratio of BD specific ones to any other news.

I'm pushing you because I'm myself a voracious reader and am pretty confident about my point of view unless you can prove me wrong:D
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