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Dhaka Gate to return to its past glory


Dec 31, 2010
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Dhaka Gate to return to its past glory​

Helemul Alam
Thu Jul 14, 2022 12:00 AM Last update on: Thu Jul 14, 2022 12:00 AM


This is the current state of Dhaka Gate, uncared for and surrounded by weeds. Photo: Palash Khan

This is the current state of Dhaka Gate, uncared for and surrounded by weeds. Photo: Palash Khan

Once upon a time, it used to mark the terminus of the largest city of undivided Bengal; currently it lies uncared for, surrounded by bushes, covered by posters, in a shadowy corner of Dhaka University campus.

It is the Dhaka gate, popularly known as the gate of Mir Jumla, the Mughal governor of Bengal, renowned for securing Dhaka and its inhabitants from the raids of pirates. From 17th to the beginning of the 19th century, this gate was the main entrance to Dhaka city which, at that time, flourished on the banks of the Buriganga.

Currently, its side walls are covered with moss and algae. The central pillar is being used as a panel for sticking posters and advertisements.

Dhaka Gate is enlisted as one of the oldest Mughal architectures in Dhaka.

If all goes according to plan, however, the structure will take on a new look, as seen in the proposed design. Photo: Palash Khan


If all goes according to plan, however, the structure will take on a new look, as seen in the proposed design. Photo: Palash Khan

After the re-establishment of Dhaka as the capital of Bengal in 1660, the city expanded rapidly -- stretching up to Jafrabad in the west, Postogola in the east, and Tongi Bridge in the north. Mir Jumia II was appointed as the subahdar of Bengal by Mughal emperor Aurangzeb at the time, and it was he who constructed the gate.

A residential area was established around the gate at that time. It was known as Shujatpur and Chistia. During those days, Dhaka was frequently attacked from the north by Magh and Portuguese pirates. It is generally believed that the gate was apparently a border of Dhaka and was built to counter the pirates.

It was later rebuilt by Charles Dawes in 1825.

Currently, it resides in the DU area near Curzon Hall and Shishu Academy.

The Dhaka South City Corporation has recently taken up a project to restore the gate.

Heritage specialist Prof Abu Sayeed, who is heading the project, said, "We'll give it a look that will make visitors actually understand that there was a gate of great significance here a long time ago."

"There were three pillars each on two sides of the gate, of which, one was broken. We will restore those," he added.

Pinnacles on the pillar's top will be added and lights will be set up, Sayeed said. "A panel board will be set up at the gate, where Dhaka Gate's history will be written."

DSCC chief town planner Md Sirajul Islam said a gate of such historic importance cannot be ignored.

He said DSCC appointed Prof Sayeed as a consultant due to his experience in renovating heritage sites.

"Around Tk 74 lakh will be required for the renovation. So far, the initial design's drawing has been submitted," he said.

It will take around two months to complete the tender procedure, after which they will start construction work, which would take six months to be completed, he said.


To me, the old one still look gogeous with colors. In comparison, the proposed one looks very simple in white. Should be redesigned to reflect the original.

No one has the authority to change a historical monument.
There is a pale white guy also on the right side :nono:

Why are you waving finger? It wasn't a racist remark as it's very cool and fashionable to portray ones self as non-racist nowadays.

I simply didn't see the white guy on the right side. So my question now is, why there is an African guy and a Caucasian guy at the Dhaka gate. Are we becoming jewel of the east that all are flocking to our land or it's a matter of the CGI software not having a Bengali looking guy?
Why are you waving finger? It wasn't a racist thing as it's very cool and fashionable to portray ones self as non-racist nowadays.

I simply didn't see the white guy on the right side. So my question now is, why there is an African guy and a Caucasian guy at the Dhaka gate. Are we becoming jewel of the east that all are flocking to our land or it's a matter of the CGI software not having a Bengali looking guy?
Oh come on, I wasn't making any statement to you. You are a sensible guy and I won't do that. I was simply making another statement that the black has been averaged out by the white :) so this illustration cancels out any notions of color favour
Oh come on, I wasn't making any statement to you. You are a sensible guy and I won't do that. I was simply making another statement that the black has been averaged out by the white :) so this illustration cancels out any notions of color favour


I was seriously getting worried if we are about to regain our former glory of being wealthy and visited by foreign merchants. The African guy looks like a footballer which increased my suspicion, maybe he came to play for our Mohamedan and Abahani football clubs which now overtook Barcelona and Real Madrid.

Under no circumstances the great Bengali culture and heritage can be allowed to be tainted. To all outsiders, "Come in, drink tea, see you later".
The African guy looks like a footballer which increased my suspicion, maybe he came to play for our Mohamedan and Abahani football clubs which now overtook Barcelona and Real Madrid
I wouldn't credit the creative departments of governments with such deep imagination :sarcastic:
I wouldn't credit the creative departments of governments with such deep imagination :sarcastic:

Neither would I. We desi people despite all the cooked up beef amongst ourselves can always agree on this one thing, while we as people are the best of the best, it is only the sarkari incompetence that's holding us back.
Neither would I. We desi people despite all the cooked up beef amongst ourselves can always agree on this one thing, while we as people are the best of the best, it is only the sarkari incompetence that's holding us back.
Sarkari people are not imported. They are the same as the remainder of us are. No wonder, the Sarkari guys are equally incompetent as others.
Sarkari people are not imported. They are the same as the remainder of us are. No wonder, the Sarkari guys are equally incompetent as others.
Nahin Bhai, I disagree with this. While one can argue that incompetence is not exclusive to the government, private sector does better than the government in all spheres where it is allowed to compete with the government. Even when the government is allowed to charge the same as pvt sector you can find poor service. They are laggards when it comes to initiative and hiring the best people and it shows in their output
Under no circumstances the great Bengali culture and heritage can be allowed to be tainted. To all outsiders, "Come in, drink tea, see you later".

Tell that to Communist Party of Bangladesh who brought in "outsider" progressive ideas into Bengali culture. As did other BD progressives. You live in Australia so what if the Australian Whites or Natives say about you that you are an outsider so should be worked to death and then kicked out ?
Tell that to Communist Party of Bangladesh who brought in "outsider" progressive ideas into Bengali culture. As did other BD progressives. You live in Australia so what if the Australian Whites or Natives say about you that you are an outsider so should be worked to death and then kicked out ?
Progressive ideas did not come to Bengal from communists. Bengal being the first province of the British Raj benefited from getting integrated with their education system early. They could travel to universities in Britain and Europe where they were exposed to different ideas.
Tell that to Communist Party of Bangladesh who brought in "outsider" progressive ideas into Bengali culture. As did other BD progressives. You live in Australia so what if the Australian Whites or Natives say about you that you are an outsider so should be worked to death and then kicked out ?

Communists did not bring progressive ideas to Bengal. Bengal was ahead of all of India long before communism was a thing.

If they tell me to leave, I shall leave. What's the big deal? I came here for education and I now work because of better opportunities. I am very very attached to the land of Bengal and our culture and heritage. Will go back in a heartbeat if there is a need and will never regret.
Progressive ideas did not come to Bengal from communists. Bengal being the first province of the British Raj benefited from getting integrated with their education system early. They could travel to universities in Britain and Europe where they were exposed to different ideas.

Communists did not bring progressive ideas to Bengal. Bengal was ahead of all of India long before communism was a thing.

I know that Bengal, along with Tipu's dominion, saw much progress that most other places in South Asia did not. But I was talking about two things of what Bengal71 said now and before : One is your antagonism about Communism. Second is you saying Bengal has great culture while in the same breath rejecting progressive influences from outside. Those Bengalis who progressed that region would have rejected your isolationist thoughts.

If they tell me to live, I shall leave. What's the big deal? I came here for education and I now work because of better opportunities. I am very very attached to the land of Bengal and our culture and heritage. Will go back in a heartbeat if there is a need and will never regret.

Wah ! The thankless desi overseas.
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