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DF-41 missile can wipe out 3 cities in one attack

How come the distance to Newyork(eastern coast) is less than the distance to washington?
How come the distance between Newyork and los angles is 11667-11127= 540 km only ???? and so on so forth....
ICBM launched at the US from Asia will travel across the north pole, not across the pacific ocean. The distance between two city in a straight line does not matter.
Frоm the miѕѕilе bаѕе in northwestern Chinа’ѕ Gаnѕu рrоvinсе, thе diѕtаnсе tо Washington iѕ 11,856 km, to New York is 11,667 km аnd tо Lоѕ Angeles iѕ 11,127 km. Frоm Hеnаn in сеntrаl China, thе distance a missile wоuld trаvеl to rеасh Wаѕhingtоn wоuld be 11,982 km, tо New Yоrk wоuld bе 11,815 km аnd tо Los Angеlеѕ wоuld bе 10,911 km.
Frоm Qinghаi in wеѕtеrn China, the diѕtаnсе to Wаѕhingtоn is 11,597 km, to Nеw Yоrk it is 11,390 km аnd tо Lоѕ Angеlеѕ it iѕ 11,126 km. Frоm Jilin in nоrthеаѕtеrn Chinа, thе distance tо Flоridа iѕ about 11,598 km.

How come the distance to Newyork(eastern coast) is less than the distance to washington?
How come the distance between Newyork and los angles is 11667-11127= 540 km only ???? and so on so forth....
ICBM launched at the US from Asia will travel across the north pole, not across the pacific ocean. The distance between two city in a straight line does not matter.

Thanks :)
The DF-41 is rumored to have 10 MIRVs, while the DF-31A has three MIRV; Kanwa is probably the worst source to get these specifications.

No worse than any other source when it comes to guessing things, and it's not written in stone that DF-41 will armed with 10 warheads even if it would be capable to do so (DF-5 is capable but never MIRVed). Back in the day before DF-31A (1996) NASIC estimated that DF-41 was going to carry 3 DF-31 RV's (weight 470kg each) without penaids.

Here is part of the 1996 NASIC report leaked to Bill Gertz and it's only official figure we have about weight of any Chinese thermonuclear RV. If may 1992 test was full yield test of this DF-31 warhead then it's yield is 600kt, that would mean DF-41 is armed with 3x 600kt warheads or with one 600kt warhead and plenty of penaids.
(S) The following assumptions were made to constrain the SD-stage modifications. First, only the minimum number of changes would be allowed to the stage to get the job done. The system would not be needed for range extension since the missiles which would most likely use this system, the Mod CSS-4 and the DF-41, would have sufficient range already. The system would deploy three 470-kg Dong Feng 31 (DF-31) RVs. The system would not contain penetration aids (penaids). In addition, all 12 pitch/yaw thrusters would be used for axial thrust. Furthermore, it was assumed that these 70 N thrusters could withstand the full 128 second continuous burn. Additionally, the modified SD stage would have 20 degree/second rotation and turn rate. Lastly, the payload shroud would have a mass of about 200 kg and would be jettisoned early during second stage burn.

It's not known if those 80-100kt explosions were lowered yield tests of that 600kt DF-31warhead or were they testing smaller warhead what could be MIRVed? Impossible to say but 100kt seems to be standard yield for SLBM warheads.
(#45) 29 July 1996 1-5 kT Underground -- China's 45th and most recent test

(#44) 8 June 1996 20-80 kT Underground -- Reported detonation of two warheads

(#43) 17 August 1995 60-80 kT Underground -- Prompted the Japanese Diet (legislativebody) to pass a resolution protesting China's testing; later that month, Japan froze government grants for the remainder of 1995

(#42) 15 May 1995 95 kT Underground -- Prompted Japan to suspend the grant portion of its foreign aid program to China

(#41) 7 October 1994 40-50 kT Underground -- --

(#40) 10 June1994 40-50 kT Underground -- --

(#39) 5 October 1993 40-80 kT Underground -- --

(#38) 25 September 1992 1-20 kT (About 8 kT) Underground -- --

(#37) 21 May 1992 660 kT (650 kT) Underground -- China's largest underground test
China stockpile can wipe off a earth. US stockpile can wipe off 7 times the earth. But the main point is US and China will both avoid a direct confront. Becos there is only one earth.

India always try to threaten China and Pakistan, Bangladesh.

Only a Indian will say ASAT is stupid. :lol: ASAT is a strategic capabilities. Knocking out space asset will blind any modern militaries network.

As for the news, I can bet you just trying to live in denial. But the main thing is, if you want to call China copycat. You indian better get a mirror and look at yourself first. :lol:
Do me a favour,just google 'china warn' or 'china threaten'.Oh!wait you don't have google.
Do me a favour,just google 'china warn' or 'china threaten'.Oh!wait you don't have google.

Those yankees collaborate with google and put up plenty of bogus thread about China. Just like how you live in denial. India is a threat and started the 1962 war first.

Burying Open Secrets: India's 1962 War and the Henderson-Brooks Report

The report's revelations mainly center on Nehru's firm belief that China would not respond to India's infamous "Forward Policy," the aggressive Indian patrolling of disputed land claimed by China, and an underestimation of China's military capacity.
No worse than any other source when it comes to guessing things, and it's not written in stone that DF-41 will armed with 10 warheads even if it would be capable to do so (DF-5 is capable but never MIRVed). Back in the day before DF-31A (1996) NASIC estimated that DF-41 was going to carry 3 DF-31 RV's (weight 470kg each) without penaids.

Here is part of the 1996 NASIC report leaked to Bill Gertz and it's only official figure we have about weight of any Chinese thermonuclear RV. If may 1992 test was full yield test of this DF-31 warhead then it's yield is 600kt, that would mean DF-41 is armed with 3x 600kt warheads or with one 600kt warhead and plenty of penaids.

It's not known if those 80-100kt explosions were lowered yield tests of that 600kt DF-31warhead or were they testing smaller warhead what could be MIRVed? Impossible to say but 100kt seems to be standard yield for SLBM warheads.

And why should a 1996 report (picked up by Bill Gertz, of all people) be the basis of something that has only been revealed recently? The MIRV-ing of the DF-41 would be hinging on China's geopolitics and also how the DF-41 is viewed by the Chinese military. But I do think, with the advent of new miniaturized warheads, it is possible for the DF-41 to be equipped with 10 warheads. There are a lot of sources that agree with this, albeit their lack of authoritativeness vis-a-vis the ones you posted.

You have access to some pretty nice reports, but (1) they are very old, and (2) they are speculative. I thought Bill Gertz also wrote some reports himself on the MIRV-ing of the DF-41 with ten warheads.
Chinа’ѕ DF-41 solid-fueled road-mobile intеrсоntinеntаl bаlliѕtiс miѕѕilе iѕ сараblе оf wiping оut three сitiеѕ in just оnе аttасk, ассоrding to thе Kаnwа Dеfеnѕе Rеviеw, operated bу Cаnаdiаn militаrу аnаlуѕt Andrеi Chang, аlѕо knоwn as Pinkоv.
With аn attack range оf bеtwееn 11,500-12,000 kilоmеtеrѕ, thе аrtiсlе ѕаid thаt thе DF-41 miѕѕilе iѕ сараblе of reaching аnу tаrgеt within the соntinеntаl United States.

Frоm the miѕѕilе bаѕе in northwestern Chinа’ѕ Gаnѕu рrоvinсе, thе diѕtаnсе tо Washington iѕ 11,856 km, to New York is 11,667 km аnd tо Lоѕ Angeles iѕ 11,127 km. Frоm Hеnаn in сеntrаl China, thе distance a missile wоuld trаvеl to rеасh Wаѕhingtоn wоuld be 11,982 km, tо New Yоrk wоuld bе 11,815 km аnd tо Los Angеlеѕ wоuld bе 10,911 km.
Frоm Qinghаi in wеѕtеrn China, the diѕtаnсе to Wаѕhingtоn is 11,597 km, to Nеw Yоrk it is 11,390 km аnd tо Lоѕ Angеlеѕ it iѕ 11,126 km. Frоm Jilin in nоrthеаѕtеrn Chinа, thе distance tо Flоridа iѕ about 11,598 km.
This suggests that thе DF-41 is capable оf hitting еvеrу mаjоr city within thе United Stаtеѕ. Sооnеr оr lаtеr, thе аrtiсlе ѕаid, Chinа will bе able tо dеvеlор its own multiрlе indереndеntlу tаrgеtаblе re-entry vehicle.
Once Chinа iѕ сараblе of lаunсhing three wаrhеаdѕ simultaneously, the magazine said that a ѕinglе DF-41 miѕѕilе wоuld bе сараblе оf wiрing оut thrее Amеriсаn сitiеѕ in one gо. With оthеr strategic оffеnѕivе wеароnѕ ѕuсh аѕ thе JL-2 submarine-launched bаlliѕtiс miѕѕilе аnd thе DF-31A intеrсоntinеntаl bаlliѕtiс miѕѕilе, China will be аblе tо gain mоrе оf аn advantage in аrmѕ limitаtiоn talks with the Unitеd Stаtеѕ.
DF-41 missile can wipe out 3 US cities in one attack: report|Politics|News|WantChinaTimes.com

This thread is about DF-41 missile and it's capabilities not China vs America. So I request members to please stay on topic.
If this will happen the US will retaliate and there may be no China left. The US nuclear and missile arsenal is many folds as compared to China.
If this will happen the US will retaliate and there may be no China left. The US nuclear and missile arsenal is many folds as compared to China.

How do you know? The Chinese nuclear arsenal is classified, the predictions of our arsenal size range from around 240 to over 3000.

Anyway, unless the world is destroyed entirely, China will always have more people left. See our sheer population size.
How do you know? The Chinese nuclear arsenal is classified, the predictions of our arsenal size range from around 240 to over 3000.

Anyway, unless the world is destroyed entirely, China will always have more people left. See our sheer population size.
The number of people is a definate advantage.
And why should a 1996 report (picked up by Bill Gertz, of all people) be the basis of something that has only been revealed recently? The MIRV-ing of the DF-41 would be hinging on China's geopolitics and also how the DF-41 is viewed by the Chinese military. But I do think, with the advent of new miniaturized warheads, it is possible for the DF-41 to be equipped with 10 warheads. There are a lot of sources that agree with this, albeit their lack of authoritativeness vis-a-vis the ones you posted.

You have access to some pretty nice reports, but (1) they are very old, and (2) they are speculative. I thought Bill Gertz also wrote some reports himself on the MIRV-ing of the DF-41 with ten warheads.

No one has claimed that DF-41 is able to haul 10 warheads for sure, but that would be a lot of warheads for a mobile land based ICBM. Russia's latest ICBM RS-24 is able to carry "only" 4 100-300kt(?) warheads, before it was deployed some people claimed that Yars carried 10 warheads.

Chinese have tested DF-31 series ICBMs on yearly basis but Pentagon has so far only detected penaids including sophisticated decoys being tested. I'm not claiming that DF-41 is not capable of carrying 10 MIRVs, what i'm saying is that we have to wait and see what happens.
No one has claimed that DF-41 is able to haul 10 warheads for sure, but that would be a lot of warheads for a mobile land based ICBM. Russia's latest ICBM RS-24 is able to carry "only" 4 100-300kt(?) warheads, before it was deployed some people claimed that Yars carried 10 warheads.

Chinese have tested DF-31 series ICBMs on yearly basis but Pentagon has so far only detected penaids including sophisticated decoys being tested. I'm not claiming that DF-41 is not capable of carrying 10 MIRVs, what i'm saying is that we have to wait and see what happens.

Df-41 is definitely 10 MIRV.

Pentagon reports are outdated, they just publish what's known to the general western analysts (worst source for info on Chinese military). What they don't publish is what's discussed by big shrimps in China that always come true.

These western morons have been saying the Df-41 didn't exist and all of a sudden once the pentagon propaganda published it, the Df-41 exists. LOL.

Df-41 is very old news to Chinese military enthusiasts. Df-41 was in operation as long back as 2007.

Now the new ICBM under development is the Df-51.
We have a no 1st use. We will only nuke the US if they nuke us first. We promise our American friends that. So future conventional warfare is enough to deal with America.
Df-41 is definitely 10 MIRV.

Pentagon reports are outdated, they just publish what's known to the general western analysts (worst source for info on Chinese military). What they don't publish is what's discussed by big shrimps in China that always come true.

These western morons have been saying the Df-41 didn't exist and all of a sudden once the pentagon propaganda published it, the Df-41 exists. LOL.

Df-41 is very old news to Chinese military enthusiasts. Df-41 was in operation as long back as 2007.

Now the new ICBM under development is the Df-51.
DF-51 will be the HGV. High speed couple with unpredictable path. It will be near impossible to intercept even just one.
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