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Devyani Khobragade re-indicted in US visa fraud case

US federal judge drop the case because defendant was granted diplomat immunity, Devyani Khobragade expelled out of US without facing criminal charge in US court because of her immunity, now she no longer be allow in the US without being arrested.
Indians not giving a SHIT and this is already on two pages in 15 minutes ... Indians obviously not giving a SHIT. :p:
Discussing merits of the case, what's wrong in it? BTW, why is a Bangladeshi feeling the pain ?
Charge were filed against her still stand except in the future Devyani Khobragade will fight the criminal charge without the protection of diplomat immunity.
I don't get it, why is America suddenly doing all this against India, not only to Indian diplomats, but even threatening Trade Sanctions against their economy? Not to mention the change in the media reporting on India.

These kinds of things are just tools in America's bag of tricks, and they have a very big bag of tricks, being the sole world hegemon.

Or maybe their "experts" are just busy, working full time on analyzing Putin's body language, and turning on people's microphones so they can hear us sneezing. :P

India has pretty much voted against U.S in most of the cases, we backed Russia during Syrian,Iranian,Libyan and now Ukrainian conflict . BRICS have been trading in local currencies and encouraging other countries to bypass the Dollar as well..
They expected a puppet state , they got something else all together ...
I,d say we indict some American counselor here and send him to Tihar....
This is just to ensure that she doesn't return back to the US and also to massage Preet Bharara's bruised ego. Nothing else is going to happen.
India has pretty much voted against U.S in most of the cases, we backed Russia during Syrian,Iranian,Libyan and now Ukrainian conflict . BRICS have been trading in local currencies and encouraging other countries to bypass the Dollar as well..
They expected a puppet state , they got something else all together ...
I,d say we indict some American counselor here and send him to Tihar....

I think it's very good that India is standing up to America over this. Hopefully they can maintain their stance, we all know America has got more tools in their bag (hard and soft power) than pretty much anyone else.
Why are Americans acting so stupid?

Prosecuting a diplomat, or for that matter just anyone, who doesn't have any influence on Indian policy makers will serve no purpose at all. Or do the Americans really think that such petty indictments are pressure tactics?

India stood with Russia on Ukranian crisis. Now that's the action that would bring some results, not indicting people here and there.

What the heck is going on here?
I think it's very good that India is standing up to America over this. Hopefully they can maintain their stance, we all know America has got more tools in their bag (hard and soft power) than pretty much anyone else.

Sometimes i feel Americans are dumb , all this threat of Sanctions on Russian Oligarchs and guess what ,


Russians taking out their money from U.S :lol:
Because US has done quite a lot for India.

Unfortunately, they assume that we are like any other country in the region. Just because US has done India a lot of good, does not mean that we will compromise on Indian interests for their sake. We are not Pakistan. India only cooperates with US when it suits Indian interests. Not otherwise.

What exactly has the US done for India besides the nuclear deal? The only true American allies lie in Western Europe and Asia Pacific. Every other country is dispensable.
What exactly has the US done for India besides the nuclear deal? The only true American allies lie in Western Europe and Asia Pacific. Every other country is dispensable.
Nuclear deal in itself has been a big thing.
Secondly, they pushed Australia and Japan to let go of their opposition to supplying Uranium to India.

Nothing has been for free though as I stated before. We have paid them in both cash and kind for this.

I think it's very good that India is standing up to America over this. Hopefully they can maintain their stance, we all know America has got more tools in their bag (hard and soft power) than pretty much anyone else.
Its getting harder for them to impose their decisions on India in any case,
1. Since the 90's our economy has grown big enough and strong enough to resist pressure tactics. Give it another decade or two maybe and it will become absolutely sanction proof by sheer virtue of volume - like China's has already become.

2. The massive number of Indians present in US are starting to influence US policy disproportionate to their size. Note the rising number of Indian Americans and Americans of Indian heritage in US political and economic circles. They are slowly advocating Indian interests in US policy circles. A lot like how Israelis(AIPAC) have a very effective pressure group in US. Infact Indians have learnt it from them.
Nuclear deal in itself has been a big thing.
Secondly, they pushed Australia and Japan to let go of their opposition to supplying Uranium to India.

Nothing has been for free though as I stated before. We have paid them in both cash and kind for this.

Its getting harder for them to impose their decisions on India in any case,
1. Since the 90's our economy has grown big enough and strong enough to resist pressure tactics. Give it another decade or two maybe and it will become absolutely sanction proof by sheer virtue of volume - like China's has already become.

2. The massive number of Indians present in US are starting to influence US policy disproportionate to their size. Note the rising number of Indian Americans and Americans of Indian heritage in US political and economic circles. They are slowly advocating Indian interests in US policy circles. A lot like how Israelis(AIPAC) have a very effective pressure group in US. Infact Indians have learnt it from them.

Asian Indian only 0.9% of the US population, they can't assert any influence on US government to uphold India interest and infringe on US interest in the process.
India as a country has done a good job by protecting and bringing her diplomat back,now US cannot touch her here,now if she wants to return to US its her personal problem.we should not make it a fight between India and US.
Preet is like a pit bull, he won't let go. There is no leverage to be gained here.
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