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Developments and Turkish operations in Libya

the winner so far is Sisi, he gets the Libyan oil crescent and he squeezes billions of $$ from the scared Saudi and Emirate dictators, maybe Trump is going to get a bit jealous cuz he would be left with no more milk from the Arab cow, that's why he backs Erdogan, we better hope Trump gets reelected, can't believe this,but Trump can actually be the triumph card for the Arab spring over the Arab dictators
Like the last time people see things on twitter and come here with panick attack. Anti tank missiles enough for them, this is not Sinai. Libya and you have army with weapons what can hurt you.
Ha ha.....you will find out the hard way if Egyptian weapons are fake weapons. Seriously!! Egypt is close, and has a large military. if Egypt enters strongly, Turkey is at best in a stalemate. if u dont believe ,that then u must believe in fake weapons..but u will learn eventually.
LNA MiG-29. Must be newly supplied. Gaddafi never had any MiG-29.


Pterodactyl II strikes can be f scary.

Yea...i guess those several Mig-29s will take out all these "insects' out of the skies of Libya soon. Why do France, Egypt, Russia, etc Want a partitioned Libya? is it because some tribes/groups really cant live with each other? just trying to understand wtf the fundamental issue is in this Libyan conflict.
Yea...i guess those several Mig-29s will take out all these "insects' out of the skies of Libya soon. Why do France, Egypt, Russia, etc Want a partitioned Libya? is it because some tribes/groups really cant live with each other? just trying to understand wtf the fundamental issue is in this Libyan conflict.

Libya issue is complicated. There is a great west east divide. As in Yemen, there is a great north south divide.
Lol 1 UAV has been shot down. They can be easily replaced and no one gets killed. However the LNA does not have a lot of migs and they can be shot down with SAM's.[/QUOTE

Its not just about UAV shot down it seems Egypt are going to actively participating against GNA which means tough time ahead for GNA. Already tanks are near Libyan border .:(


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