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Developments and Turkish operations in Libya

I watched the ambush video these guys seem to be professionals rather than a militias type?

That Barret Anti Material rifle is drip right there!!
I watched the ambush video these guys seem to be professionals rather than a militias type?

That Barret Anti Material rifle is drip right there!!
Yep - was shocked at the professionalism shown in the video. We've been watching Syrian clashes for so long that it's a stark contrast to what we generally see from such militias.
I watched the ambush video these guys seem to be professionals rather than a militias type?

That Barret Anti Material rifle is drip right there!!

These guys are professional. They are leading the most important battles and mostly avoid media attention. When they have cleared an area, the tank top guys will enter at celebrate/take pictures.

In addition, another complete meltdown of Haftar forces in south Tripoli. GNA is advancing fast towards Tarhuna!
what would a peace deal on Libya look like? A break up of the country on West-East axis? Power sharing agreement similar to Lebanon or Bosnia?

Huge progress today!

what would a peace deal on Libya look like? A break up of the country on West-East axis? Power sharing agreement similar to Lebanon or Bosnia?

I wouldn't bet on a peace deal. GNA is winning, Turkey has sent more than a dozen frigates to cover advances along the coastal areas. In addition, several M60 tanks have arrived in Tripoli (handed over to GNA). Clearly Turkey and GNA are planning huge offensives.
what would a peace deal on Libya look like? A break up of the country on West-East axis? Power sharing agreement similar to Lebanon or Bosnia?
I don't think they have a reason to break it up because there is no difference of race or religion between East and West. No chance of ethnic cleansing or reprisals and politically i don't believe that all people in East support Hafter and West support Gna. So breaking up of the country will only serve outside interest to weaken the country long term. Oil will be almost equal between East and West. The only side that will push for partition is the one that feels they will lose everything.
Egypt could push to split the country to keep a buffer between themselves and the Turks.

What's Wagner and Co doing right now i wonder? It looks like they have moved to Juffra perhaps to hold the line down the centre of the country. Either that or they want to keep GNA in only a quarter of the country and place themselves in a centre position to redeploy to either Sirte or Sabha.
Yes indeed GNA are winning now but let's be realistic there is no way East of the country will fall (especially the Haftar stronghold of Benghazi) without Russia & France relinquishing their support for Haftar. Although GNA could pursue a strategy of liberating 90% of Libya and leaving Benghazi and it's surroundings as an enclave instead...
Once they reach Ajdabiya there will be no oil in Benghazi. Then he will lose all support. His Militias will all defect. It is not like Syria where loyalties are religious or idealogical or ethnic. Here loyalties are financial. Eventually UAE bastards will stop the funds. Then Hafter will have no oil, no money, no designer suits.

Yes indeed GNA are winning now but let's be realistic there is no way East of the country will fall (especially the Haftar stronghold of Benghazi) without Russia & France relinquishing their support for Haftar. Although GNA could pursue a strategy of liberating 90% of Libya and leaving Benghazi and it's surroundings as an enclave instead...
Screenshot 2020-06-04 at 13.32.40.png
There is very rapid movement currently. Tarhuna has only one road out now so you will see an immediate retreat leaving a lot of shit behind. LNA will not want to be under siege again. There will be some more captured Pantsirs and other expensive kit.
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