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Development in Punjab by PML-N

We all appreciate his cancer hospital but who gave him the land in Lahore ? Today he should appreciate PML-N because MQM and PPP are troubling him to open the same hospital in Karachi !!

Zia ul Haq gave him the land but he is the one who made use of that land efficiently. The land was not the biggest expense, it was the operations expense and he bears it by raising money through donations. No one in Pakistan besides Abdul Sattar Edhi has been unable to replicate this feat.

The fact of the matter is he has no knowledge how politics works and its different from an NGO. While you are in power you need to be aware of the Bureaucrats, Oppositions, Media, International Pressure etc. Pakistan is currently Bankrupt. An NGO goal is just to collect paper, as much as they can and this does not answer the question of 'how to bell the cat'

And pray tell me, Noon League knows what politics is? The record of Noon League is absolutely pathetic the last two times they were in power. If you are using Noon League's and PPP's performance as a benchmark, than by all means IK is indeed an amateur when it comes to politics because he hopes to promote an economic system that is inclusive and not exclusive that is advocated by PML-N and PPP.

He is confused and immature. You should never spill out allegations that your country falls under pressure in, especially from your enemies. Saying things like Kashmiri J*hadists in Pakistan etc. is totally unacceptable. This is not the right time for him.

And NS is mature? Zardari made a fool out of him, ran circles around him and made him look like a political amateur. NS on one hand condemns terrorism but on the other hand gives party tickets to known militants of SSP, if that is not confused than what is?

PTI is nothing but drama. The so called 'change' will be like that of Obama. A bunch of slogans, rock concerts, celebrities .....

Yes and PML-N is the 'Real Deal'. It is only a continuation of the status quo, they will do exactly the same as PPP has done in the last 5 years because after all they both are of the same breed.

He talks about solving many things in 90 days. Tell you what. Gen Zia said the same thing and he remained in power as a dictator for more than a decade.

Atleast he is thinking of something bold, thinking outside the box. PML-N on the other hand lacks basic imagination, that is why they are copy pasting everything PTI is doing.

PML-N have good credibility, team, and have worked tirelessly for this country with experience. Being a party of technocrats, especially of businessmen, they will ensure to solve things like Energy Crisis for sure and get the economy moving along nicely

No doubt PML-N has excellent credibility, after all they have the highest number of tax evaders and members with fake degrees. I am yet to see a single technocrat in the party, majority of PML-N members are 'angothay chap' with fake degrees to back them up. I am yet to find a single member in PML-N who has the same qualification as Dr. Murad or Waleed Iqbal.

Just like a cave man cannot understand electricity, these people cannot understand the differences between public and private money. They are used to these "Mughal Kings" who spend public tax money like it's their own bank account and claim credit for it.

Well i am not surprised at all of the level of education and common sense that exists among PML-N supporters. Our friend @cb4 looks like a decent fellow but i was shocked to see that someone like him does not know the difference between public and private money.
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Khaak development?? Dengue virus, fake medicines/syrups, aor development of banned organisations hi mili hain Punjab mein. Fake storage of sugar from PMLN mills owner and selling at higher prices. Only development is danish school for rich peoples.
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Khaak development?? Dengue virus, fake medicines/syrups, aor development of banned organisations hi mili hain Punjab mein. Fake storage of sugar from PMLN mills owner and selling at higher prices. Only development is danish school for rich peoples.

Danish schools are SPECIFICALLY made for the poorest segment. How difficult is it to Google Danish schools and check for yourself?
Just like a cave man cannot understand electricity, these people cannot understand the differences between public and private money. They are used to these "Mughal Kings" who spend public tax money like it's their own bank account and claim credit for it.

Name a single Govt in any developed which does not take credit for its successful projects? Then look again and pray tell which political party in developed democracies uses charity work for political ends? Stop it with the 'cave man' talk, this more educated then thou attitude is based of false premises (as IRI survey clearly showed, majority of graduates were in PMLN's favor).

The real gaga land is when we hear things like IK ran a hospital he can run a govt, IK won the world cup he can run a govt. With this ridiculous level of discourse you shouldn't really be pointing fingers at others.
Indeed, IK has done nothing for the public. All he did was open the first free Cancer hospital in Pakistan, open a world class College and offer free degrees to deserving students. He raised the highest amount of donations as a private citizen for the flood victims. All of the money for social projects is raised by IK from the public, not a single rupee from the Government's treasury. He raises the highest amount of donations for a Pakistani, it is because the public trusts him. While on the other hand, Shahbaz Shariff uses the money of Punjab taxpayers for social work and claims the credit for it. He does not contribute a single penny from his own pocket, but than again we have morons here on this forum who believe that Shahbaz Shariff and Noon League have a God Given Right to use the Punjab Government's Treasury as there own personal bank account. Goodness me, the level of Jihalat among some people indeed has reached its peak.

Get it through your thick head, the money donated for social causes is donated by the people of Punjab and not by Noon League. Punjab belongs to the people of Punjab, and not the Shariff family.

Funny how you don't seem to get the drift. PMLN went out of its way to award NFC to Baluchistan, most of the scholarship schemes which are provided to Punjab students and also being provided to Baluchistan by Punjab Govt. It is ofcourse public money but in such a fragmented country it is praiseworthy that PMLN govt representing Punjab would help their Baluch brethren in time of need.

PMLN is being hounded by PTI (change and vision) that it BETRAYED Punjab by giving Baluchistan the NFC award. Some grand national vision they are providing.

You were telling me not to derail PTI thread and here you are trolling a PMLN thread?
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Name a single Govt in any developed which does not take credit for its successful projects? Then look again and pray tell which political party in developed democracies uses charity work for political ends? Stop it with the 'cave man' talk, this more educated then thou attitude is based of false premises (as IRI survey clearly showed, majority of graduates were in PMLN's favor).

The real gaga land is when we hear things like IK ran a hospital he can run a govt, IK won the world cup he can run a govt. With this ridiculous level of discourse you shouldn't really be pointing fingers at others.

Because you are a caveman and have not evolved higher thinking capacity I will explain this to you slowly.

This is grossly illegal in any civilized country on earth


And so is this


In the first picture they are tricking people into joinging their party via Government of Punjab, and having Shabaz's ugly face on it.
Tell me, why is Shabaz's ugly face in that picture? In fact, why doe that picture even exist? PMLN did not pay for those laptops, they government of Punjab did. low IQ cavemen like you will never understand the difference!

The second picture is the same problem, why is Shabaz Sharif's name on it? did he pay for them? did his baba pay for it? NO! the government of Punjab paid for it.
If Shabaz was in Europe, Canada, USA, even in Korea or Japan, he would be in Jail for these stunts.

As for the rest of your relatedness, tell me what did Ganja ever do before he got into politics?
Name me one thing of note ganja did to deserve going into politics?
See this is why I call you people cavemen, you don't have the mental capacity to understand this.
Your own leader never did a thing in his life before politics and in your mind he is more deserving leader then the man who singlehandedly built 3 institutions in his life.

Ganja is not even qualified to run an ice cream stand much less the country! :rolleyes:
Because you are a caveman and have not evolved higher thinking capacity I will explain this to you slowly.

This is grossly illegal in any civilized country on earth


And so is this


In the first picture they are tricking people into joinging their party via Government of Punjab, and having Shabaz's ugly face on it.
Tell me, why is Shabaz's ugly face in that picture? In fact, why doe that picture even exist? PMLN did not pay for those laptops, they government of Punjab did. low IQ cavemen like you will never understand the difference!

The second picture is the same problem, why is Shabaz Sharif's name on it? did he pay for them? did his baba pay for it? NO! the government of Punjab paid for it.
If Shabaz was in Europe, Canada, USA, even in Korea or Japan, he would be in Jail for these stunts.

As for the rest of your relatedness, tell me what did Ganja ever do before he got into politics?
Name me one thing of note ganja did to deserve going into politics?
See this is why I call you people cavemen, you don't have the mental capacity to understand this.
Your own leader never did a thing in his life before politics and in your mind he is more deserving leader then the man who singlehandedly built 3 institutions in his life.

Ganja is not even qualified to run an ice cream stand much less the country! :rolleyes:

I told you to desist from cave man talk, it seems personal attacks is the real forte of PTI supporters. Browns get a little too carried away in the whole 'white man's burden' business aand bring the same attitude to their motherland. Check these examples of Grossly Criminal :lol:

"Each year, American public officials spend millions in taxpayer funds to pay for broadcast ads, billboards, and glossy brochures under the umbrella of public service announcements. These officials often feature prominently in the ads, yielding increased name recognition and favorability ratings — objects of exceptional value — for them.

Public records requests by the Goldwater Institute show that between 2006 and 2008, elected officeholders in Arizona spent at least $4.2 million in public funds on name and photo placements in various official publications. Although some publications may serve the legitimate purpose of making citizens aware of new laws, many are undeniably self-promotional in nature — and done at the expense of taxpayers. The cost to taxpayers, however, is rarely disclosed to the public.

The use of public funds for what essentially constitutes campaigning is ethically and constitutionally suspect. Moreover, this practice puts others who attempt to run for office at a serious disadvantage. An incumbent who gets so much “free press” is a difficult opponent indeed. And for most elected officials, the lure of using public funds to self-promote is simply too great to resist.

For example, in her 2008 State of the State speech, former Arizona Governor Janet Napolitano criticized the use of public funds for political self-promotion, stating, “Too often lately, we see this money go for TV commercials that amount to little more than publicity for an elected official. That’s the wrong way to use it.” However, Governor Napolitano’s office spent $150,000 to post her name and photo on colorful billboards around the state to promote tourism, among other questionable expenses.

By exposing this practice, we hope legislators will be encouraged to curtail the misuse of taxpayer funds. Official publications should communicate information relevant to the public office, not promote the officeholder. And because moral suasion alone is unlikely to produce reform, the report also describes the kind of legislation needed to bring an end to such self-promotion."

> Shameless Self-Promotion: How Politicians Use Your Money to get Re-Elected | Goldwater Institute

Here is an article on free laptop scheme of UK, look who is at the 'criminal' self promotion (better Google for that scheme advertisements and public awareness campaign, I can't paste PDF's here >
Free laptops with broadband to be provided to 250,000 low-income households - Telegraph

Every govt uses 'public service advertisements' for self promotion or party promotion. Funny how a recognized practice (good or bad) all over the world is giving you such a headache but no word for using a charity organization for politics. The grand moral schemes fall short there.

Name a single political achievement of IK other then charity runned organizations and world cup? If IK had an iota of integrity he wouldn't use a charity for political ends and if he does that public should be told bluntly. IK is a complete tool unfit to run a municipal authority left alone the country.
I told you to desist from cave man talk, it seems personal attacks is the real forte of PTI supporters. Browns get a little too carried away in the whole 'white man's burden' business aand bring the same attitude to their motherland. Check these examples of Grossly Criminal :lol:

"Each year, American public officials spend millions in taxpayer funds to pay for broadcast ads, billboards, and glossy brochures under the umbrella of public service announcements. These officials often feature prominently in the ads, yielding increased name recognition and favorability ratings — objects of exceptional value — for them.

Public records requests by the Goldwater Institute show that between 2006 and 2008, elected officeholders in Arizona spent at least $4.2 million in public funds on name and photo placements in various official publications. Although some publications may serve the legitimate purpose of making citizens aware of new laws, many are undeniably self-promotional in nature — and done at the expense of taxpayers. The cost to taxpayers, however, is rarely disclosed to the public.

The use of public funds for what essentially constitutes campaigning is ethically and constitutionally suspect. Moreover, this practice puts others who attempt to run for office at a serious disadvantage. An incumbent who gets so much “free press” is a difficult opponent indeed. And for most elected officials, the lure of using public funds to self-promote is simply too great to resist.

For example, in her 2008 State of the State speech, former Arizona Governor Janet Napolitano criticized the use of public funds for political self-promotion, stating, “Too often lately, we see this money go for TV commercials that amount to little more than publicity for an elected official. That’s the wrong way to use it.” However, Governor Napolitano’s office spent $150,000 to post her name and photo on colorful billboards around the state to promote tourism, among other questionable expenses.

By exposing this practice, we hope legislators will be encouraged to curtail the misuse of taxpayer funds. Official publications should communicate information relevant to the public office, not promote the officeholder. And because moral suasion alone is unlikely to produce reform, the report also describes the kind of legislation needed to bring an end to such self-promotion."

> Shameless Self-Promotion: How Politicians Use Your Money to get Re-Elected | Goldwater Institute

Here is an article on free laptop scheme of UK, look who is at the 'criminal' self promotion (better Google for that scheme advertisements and public awareness campaign, I can't paste PDF's here >
Free laptops with broadband to be provided to 250,000 low-income households - Telegraph

Every govt uses 'public service advertisements' for self promotion or party promotion. Funny how a recognized practice (good or bad) all over the world is giving you such a headache but no word for using a charity organization for politics. The grand moral schemes fall short there.

Name a single political achievement of IK other then charity runned organizations and world cup? If IK had an iota of integrity he wouldn't use a charity for political ends and if he does that public should be told bluntly. IK is a complete tool unfit to run a municipal authority left alone the country.

It is illegal to spend taxpayer money on party politics. I realize you are retarded but I didn't think you were that dumb. Show me just 1 add from Canada, US, or UK where tax payer money is spent on party campaign. Just one. Do it!
You cant' because they don't exist and you are too stupid to understand why.

And MAN, this is how dumb you are. You are doing my work for me. :omghaha:
you are posting investigative journalist reports of Politicians breaking laws and morality.
Why did the news report use words like "Shameless Self-promotion" ?
Do you think those are positive words?
I bet you do since you are such a cave man.

This is hilarious
From your own link
"The use of public funds for what essentially constitutes campaigning is ethically and constitutionally suspect."

I knew you were dumb, but I didn't know you were so dumb that you provided your own rope for you hanging. :woot:

Everyone, please read that link he provided, if he has not deleted it by yet, and understand that anyone with an once of civility knows that spending tax money on election campaign is immoral and illegal.

If you want a Pakistan like it is now, Vote PMLN. That is a guarantee vote to keep Pakistan as is.
Khaak development?? Dengue virus, fake medicines/syrups, aor development of banned organisations hi mili hain Punjab mein. Fake storage of sugar from PMLN mills owner and selling at higher prices. Only development is danish school for rich peoples.

Add Atta Storage too cz PML N members owns huge number of Flour mills too :)
lol abe bhai turee jhoot bola karo koi tu sharam karo ?? mee kouch hafte phele Pakistan see aya ho kera 1 dish limit and 3hr limit ??? TOTALY BULLSHIT as all other PML-N fake comments.

I don't think you can change the nature of people. Its not only in Pakistan. I heard people in U.K who thought they were eating beef, were in fact eating horse meat instead.

Not too familiar with Punjab so not sure where the above can be bought from. Perhaps the organization's website would help

Speaking of Shadi, Shahbaz Sharif has made a strict law of 1 dish and 3 hour limit.

The city which Gives the Most in Exports got nothing in last 5 years and Mian sahaab showing them dreams of next 5 years :woot:
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