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Detereorating Moral Values in Society

abu usama


New Recruit

Dec 9, 2009
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Two important events need our immediate attention, since they negatively reflect on our already ragged social fabric.
1.The official vehicle of chief secretary Punjab hits an old gentleman riding a motorbike, the fall proves fatal. The sad part of the story is that it took herculean efforts for the family of the deceased to get a First Information Report registered in police against the driver of the vehicle. The FIR was still not in accordance with the complaint lodged by the affected family.The saddest part of the incident is the ATTITUDE of Mr Chief Secretary. He neither bothered to get out of the vehicle nor made any effort to rush the victim to a hospital, and the salt in the wound was that he used his influence to prevail upon the police to avoid registration of case against him or his driver. Without going into the details of whether it was the fault of car driver or of motorcyclist, it is very easy to conclude that the heartless attitude of the chief secretary was reflective of his arrogance and insolent frame of mind.It's high time that these persons should be cut to their proper size. It's neither the Mughal period nor the Imperial Rule, the Public Servants should start behaving like the servants of the public. We, the people of this country pay them through the skin of our teeth not to witness display of their arrogance but to facilitate us in resolution of our problems. Even otherwise it needs a most brutish mindset to leave a person dying on the road after seeing him fall off the motorbike. The law is also very clear on this, if the accused flees the scene of the accident, there is enough reason to believe that he is guilty. Had the deceased not been a retired army officer, the might of the chief secretary might have prevailed. Another lesson to be learnt is that a retired col of Pakistan Army was on a motorbike, what do the critics of army have to say !
2.The second event was the huge procession of LAWYERS accompanying their brother in arm, accused of murder of a 12 years old child. The kindest word one can use for this attitude of so called CUSTODIANS OF LAW is "SHAMEFUL". We've stooped so low, is difficult to comprehend, yet it's painfully true. Whether the lawyers were there out of their 'trade union' psyche or because the deceased child belonged to a religious minority, their position is devoid of any moral ground. Such incidents are just the indicators of the level to which we as a society have descended.May Almighty help us!
I would earnestly request the worthy members of this forum to raise their voice in full volume against these gory incidents, not just because we've to seek justice in these two cases, but to harness this treacherously savage attitude which will further tarnish our already tainted image in the world.
During Musharraf's era it was not neccesary to go to police station for registering FIR. It could be done over internet.
Once i needed birth certificate in Musharraf era and wrote email to union council that i cannot visit and they droped the said certificate at my doorstep.
This was state of affairs just two years ago. even during elections all complaints were visible for every one on web site of election commission.
Today, election commision website display false statistics.
Pakistan was doomed the day they vote against a progressive and reformist govt.
During Musharraf's era it was not neccesary to go to police station for registering FIR. It could be done over internet.
Once i needed birth certificate in Musharraf era and wrote email to union council that i cannot visit and they droped the said certificate at my doorstep.
This was state of affairs just two years ago. even during elections all complaints were visible for every one on web site of election commission.
Today, election commision website display false statistics.
Pakistan was doomed the day they vote against a progressive and reformist govt.

In his time we were titled among the top ten reformers worldwide and Number one in Asia, and our economic growth was at 6.5% and was suspected to touch 8.4% by 2009 but all the mess happend in the middle, we were growing strong economically and militarily and we did the most in his time.

But as per one famous writer said about Pakistanis, We are not a nation to be provided with facts & figures, give us beutifully decorated and politically motivated slogans, we understand them better. And we are always ready to go against the one in Power, no matter who.

PPP & Zardari are an exeption to above comment and they being in power is a shame for our nation.

(My comment is strictly limited to our behaviour regarding Pakistan's inner political issues)
In his time we were titled among the top ten reformers worldwide and Number one in Asia, and our economic growth was at 6.5% and was suspected to touch 8.4% by 2009 but all the mess happend in the middle, we were growing strong economically and militarily and we did the most in his time.

Sure, after 9/11 Gen. Musharraf was given solid political and economic support. Harsh sanctions imposed on Pakistan to the eyeballs after 1998 Nuke Tests were lifted and debt payment service rescheduled. This rescheduling coupled with financial assistance resulted in artificial swelling of Forex Reserves. Then Shaukat Aziz introduced consumer credit model whereby creating an artificial buying power of consumer which resulted in export of billions of dollars of Pakistani people in purchase of foreign cars, phones, equipments, appliances etc.

Where as the vital infrastructure to support this artificial boom was lacking, electric appliances were imported but what about electricity consumption support? Billions spent on CNG kits and CNG stations but what about gas supply line?

Gen. Musharraf's economic bubble burst right on his face during 2008 when Pak GDP came down to 3%-4% from 9%.

High GDP indicators of Musharraf time are misleading as almost 60% of GDP input was bank profits due to consumer loans.

I wish if Musharraf had invided telecom, car, electical etc industries in Pakistan to open up industries, not just import everything.

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