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Details of Pakistan’s strategy!Pakistan’s conventional deterrence capability

O' you like to read in the toilet factory. Do you read in break time.
Says a person belonging to country where water car engineer is a hero.
Says a person whose country's population is 7th in world but in terms of books published it's rank is 55th below srilanka.

Yes. Muslims took away Bangladesh, in particular Pakistanis. We ruled over them for more than 2 decades too.

Wth is an "international link" lol. Facts are facts. In 1947, we took roughly 40% of Kashmir that otherwise would have been yours. In 1965, we halted your invasion in little over 2 weeks and reversed it. In 1999, we took Point 5353, the dominating feature in the region.

I'm not the idiot who didn't know most Punjabis write in Shahmukhi rather than the Tamil scribbles used on your side of the border lol.

They did, multiple times. The total count was about 353 if I remember correctly. Indians might claim it was significantly higher, but that's a claim you can't back up.

Lol what? Islam is the 2nd biggest religion in your country and is on the rise. The Azaan echoes throughout India, and numerous Masajid have been established over the ruins of your temples (Babri was just one of hundreds). Your Akhand Bharat wet dream was shattered because most of the Muslims from British India decided to separate from the rest of you lol. Even now, Islam is growing rapidly everywherem including India which is why your Muslim population is catching up with ours and surpassed Bangladesh's.

You might think your Muslims are loyal to Bharat, but I can guarantee you the majority of them are Muslim first. If they loved India so much, they'd serve in it's armed forces, but it's quite evident that they're significantly underrepresented because most of them just aren't willing to take up arms against Muslim majority Pakistan.

Lmao most Muslims from the sub-continent are either descended from the invaders, or converts who assisted them in their campaigns of expansion. Do I really need to bring up all the Rajputs who worked in the Mughal army?

No, rape is haram and nobody converts to another religion just because someone raped them. As per your logic, all the rape victims in Kashmir should have become Hindu, but they clearly haven't.


Since when did these words have a religion? And when did Malik become Indian in origin?

No, they burnt Bharat with them by fighting in their army. It's pretty well known that Muhammad Bin Qasim, Mahmud Ghaznavi, Babur, etc all had people from the Indus fight for them. We're one Ummah, all of us come from Adam (peace be upon him) and all of us are Muslim first and foremost. We're not caste-obsessed Hindus.

View attachment 535178

إِنَّ اللَّهَ قَدْ أَذْهَبَ عَنْكُمْ عُبِّيَّةَ الْجَاهِلِيَّةِ وَفَخْرَهَا بِالْآبَاءِ إِنَّمَا هُوَ مُؤْمِنٌ تَقِيٌّ وَفَاجِرٌ شَقِيٌّ النَّاسُ كُلُّهُمْ بَنُو آدَمَ وَآدَمُ خُلِقَ مِنْ تُرَابٍ

Verily, Allah has removed from you the pride of the time of ignorance with its boasting of ancestors. Verily, one is only a righteous believer or a miserable sinner. All of the people are the children of Adam, and Adam was created from dust.

Source: Sunan al-Tirmidhī 3955, Grade: Sahih

He is not one of us who calls to tribalism. He is not one of us who fights for the sake of tribalism. He is not one of us who dies following the way of tribalism.

Source: Sunan Abī Dāwūd 5102, Grade: Sahih

Al-Nu’man ibn Bashir reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “The parable of the believers in their affection, mercy, and compassion for each other is that of a body. When any limb aches, the whole body reacts with sleeplessness and fever.”

Source: Ṣaḥīḥ al-Bukhārī 5665, Ṣaḥīḥ Muslim 2586

Grade: Muttafaqun Alayhi (authenticity agreed upon) according to Al-Bukhari and Muslim

عَنْ النُّعْمَانِ بْنِ بَشِيرٍ قَالَ قَالَ رَسُولُ اللَّهِ صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ مَثَلُ الْمُؤْمِنِينَ فِي تَوَادِّهِمْ وَتَرَاحُمِهِمْ وَتَعَاطُفِهِمْ مَثَلُ الْجَسَدِ إِذَا اشْتَكَى مِنْهُ عُضْوٌ تَدَاعَى لَهُ سَائِرُ الْجَسَدِ بِالسَّهَرِ وَالْحُمَّى

5665 صحيح البخاري كتاب الأدب باب رحمة الناس والبهائم

2586 صحيح مسلم كتاب البر والصلة والآداب باب تراحم المؤمنين وتعاطفهم وتعاضدهم

How is it "confused" if we're Muslim and our ancestors fought for and formed these empires? One of our founding fathers was even a Mughal (Syed Ahmed Khan) you dummy.

Ummah is nothing but OIC!
I agree with you.
But its pak who always back stab
They intruded in kashmir in 47 using tribal
In 65 pak intended again , operation jibraltor.
71 india had to take 10 million refugee so had to intervene, but official war was started by pak.
In kathor pak sent it's troops n said it's kashmiri mujahidin. N intrusion was going on when vajpayee was in lahore. Perfect definitions of back stabbing
India is ready for peace, but is pak army ready?
They never ll be as if peace comes they no longer needed.
In 47 when we attacked kashmir, it was not part of india.
but in 47, when you attacked junagargh, it was part of Pakistan. Thats called back stabbing.
In 65 we did operation in the area which was claimed as disputed by nehru himself. Infact rann of kutch was backstabbing by india, which led to operation in kashmir.
Attcking international border was back stabbing.
In 71, using terrorists to create chaos, which led to 10 million refugees and deaths of thousand of Pakistanis was the real back stabbing and introduction of terrorism in the modern world. Thats why we call india "terror mata".
Kargil was part of siachin war, which was caused by indian back stabbing when they captured unoccupied Pakistani land.

Pakistan always wanted peace but, is indian army ready for it too? It was indian army which sabotaged siachin resolution and fruitful 2004-2005 dialogs.
Says a person belonging to country where water car engineer is a hero.
Says a person whose country's population is 7th in world but in terms of books published it's rank is 55th below srilanka.

Ummah is nothing but OIC!

So you like to engineer water cars, that's interesting. Good luck with that.
In 47 when we attacked kashmir, it was not part of india.
but in 47, when you attacked junagargh, it was part of Pakistan. Thats called back stabbing.
In 65 we did operation in the area which was claimed as disputed by nehru himself. Infact rann of kutch was backstabbing by india, which led to operation in kashmir.
Attcking international border was back stabbing.
In 71, using terrorists to create chaos, which led to 10 million refugees and deaths of thousand of Pakistanis was the real back stabbing and introduction of terrorism in the modern world. Thats why we call india "terror mata".
Kargil was part of siachin war, which was caused by indian back stabbing when they captured unoccupied Pakistani land.

Pakistan always wanted peace but, is indian army ready for it too? It was indian army which sabotaged siachin resolution and fruitful 2004-2005 dialogs.

Indians and their fantacies of rape.... U won't leave your mom alone if u got a chance.... So bad wont satisfy her though
Says the person who belong to community where sister marriage is part of culture.

In 47 when we attacked kashmir, it was not part of india.
but in 47, when you attacked junagargh, it was part of Pakistan. Thats called back stabbing.
In 65 we did operation in the area which was claimed as disputed by nehru himself. Infact rann of kutch was backstabbing by india, which led to operation in kashmir.
Attcking international border was back stabbing.
In 71, using terrorists to create chaos, which led to 10 million refugees and deaths of thousand of Pakistanis was the real back stabbing and introduction of terrorism in the modern world. Thats why we call india "terror mata".
Kargil was part of siachin war, which was caused by indian back stabbing when they captured unoccupied Pakistani land.

Pakistan always wanted peace but, is indian army ready for it too? It was indian army which sabotaged siachin resolution and fruitful 2004-2005 dialogs.
U just agreed that pak attacked kashmir, which was still in process of decision making. It was not part of pakistan then why did pakistan attacked kashmir.
When pakistan attacked ,king of kashmir asked india for help then india entered kashmir and cleaned 50 % of kashmir by killing the invading cockroaches.
65 war. Really you won?
Pak entered kashmir with intention to take it.
India started war with intention to get the cockroaches out of kashmir.
Now tell me who was successful in achieving the target.
We sent our troops towards lahore not to capture it but to reduce the pressure in kashmir by opening new front.
Watch the truth

In 71 , u saying that india introduced terrorism leasing to 10 million refugee.
Then why these refugees were coming to india when india was spreading terrorism?

In kargil ur PM went to USA uninvited on their independence day begging USA to urge india for cease fire. Ur army chief was in China asking for support. So plz tell me when ur army was winning the war then why these pol were seeking help?

Ur last line is funniest.
Pak always wanted peace. Really?
First u say that pak captured kargil hill then u say that pak wants peace.
Remember kargil operation started when vajapaye was in lahore on BUS diplomacy and at the same time u were sending troops across LOC.
May be in pakistan this is defination of peace but world have other definition.
Plz talk logic not bullshit.
I have linked the interview of nazam sethi on all 4 wars.
He is a senior journalist, was cabinet minister, punjab's caretaker chief minister, well known columnist,hsaded PCB.....
So I think he speaks truth.

Says the person who belong to community where sister marriage is part of culture.

U just agreed that pak attacked kashmir, which was still in process of decision making. It was not part of pakistan then why did pakistan attacked kashmir.
When pakistan attacked ,king of kashmir asked india for help then india entered kashmir and cleaned 50 % of kashmir by killing the invading cockroaches.
65 war. Really you won?
Pak entered kashmir with intention to take it.
India started war with intention to get the cockroaches out of kashmir.
Now tell me who was successful in achieving the target.
We sent our troops towards lahore not to capture it but to reduce the pressure in kashmir by opening new front.
Watch the truth
We attacked for the same reason you attacked hyderabad deccan, sikkim and junagarh.
We attacked for the same reason you attacked hyderabad deccan, sikkim and junagarh.
Only difference is we got Deccan sikkim junagadh and 60 % of kashmir and was able to disect pak and create new nation and on top of that become one of the major economy in world where all countries respect india.
In case of pakistan it took I think 18 bail out package from IMF ,still begging for money from UAE SAUDI CHINA TURKEY MALAYSIA and IMF. Lost half of country. Plagued by terrorism not only in pak but also spreading it in world, is safe heaven for all terrorist from around the world. Probably only country where literacy rate declined from 60 to 58%. Where patient lineup in front of indian embassy to come to india to get better medical facility....
Now pak members will say it's a propaganda.
History is full of battles where the paper tigers have been thoughly thrashed.
Why dont you come for a cup of tea at lahore or maybe icc 2017 cup final...now who is your daddy.
History is full of battles where the paper tigers have been thoughly thrashed.
Why dont you come for a cup of tea at lahore or maybe icc 2017 cup final...now who is your daddy.
When was the last time we came face to face in cricket?
Can you remind me what was the result?
If u can't remember tell me I ll remind you.

When was the last time we came face to face in cricket?
Can you remind me what was the result?
If u can't remember tell me I ll remind you.
We have thrashed you in past. We are thrashing you now n we will keep thrashing you in future.

I am talking any cricket here

Event after if ur captain thinks and says
Boys played well... Boys played well..
conventionally speaking..... we are toast in case of a war.
Ummah is nothing but OIC!

Lmao then why is it that whenever Muslims get into trouble, others from all over the world flock to help them? Just look at Bosnia. You had Bosnians, Arabs, Iranians, and even Pakistanis going over as well as providing financial assistance. The same can be said for other places too like Chechnya or Syria.

Just because it doesn't exist at a state-level doesn't mean it's not a thing that most Muslims believe in. My map proves it:

U really consider itself as descendent of invaders?

Not me, many Pakistanis do and it can be pretty easily proven. Our ancestors are a mix of people who came with the conquerors and indigenous people who assisted them. This is historical fact. We just happen to typically identify with our paternal lineage.

Regarding name yes these names are used by indians.

Lmao "Malik" is not one your Tamil names, keep your paws off it.

It's a disproof the descendent of invader theory.

No it's not lol. Languages mix over time and people eventually assimilate.

Another proof of conversion is u guys still say that I am rajpoot and jaat.
These are also subgroups in hindu. How can you be muslims and rajpoot/jaat.

It's very simple. There are Rajputs and Jats that converted to Islam lol, just like how Rajputs, Jats and others converted to Hinduism and some also to Buddhism.

And I'll say it again, many of them fought for the Muslim conquerors which was one of the catalysts that facilitated their conversion.

Babur had Jats and Gujjars fight in his army:


Muhammad Bin Qasim had Buddhists and Gujjars fight in his army:

https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=J4ZlDwAAQBAJ&pg=PT186&dq=Muhammad+Bin+Qasim+Gurjar&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwixt9vI9YfgAhUVonEKHXBtDOIQ6AEIKDAA#v=onepage&q=Muhammad Bin Qasim Gurjar&f=false

Many of them even established their own dynasties, here's a list of Muslim Rajput dynasties:




Ruhullah Khan was a Muslim Gujjar who defeated Ranjit Singh three times in battle, and ruled over land in Kashmir:

https://javaidrahi.files.wordpress.com/2018/02/the-gujjars-vol-1-ed-dr-javaid-rahi.pdf (page 33)

Sikander Budshikan was a Muslim Gujjar who ruled over Kashmir and earned the title of "idol-breaker" for all the Hindu temples he destroyed:

https://books.google.co.uk/books?id...Q6AEIKDAA#v=onepage&q=Shah Mir Gujjar&f=false

And it's evident that these Muslim Rajputs, Jats, Gujjars, etc all intermarried with the conquerors to some degree.

https://www.harappadna.org/2012/05/harappaworld-admixture/ (SW Asian admixture comes from Arabia, as the name would suggest):

Kashmiri Paharis (overwhelmingly Muslim): 2% SW Asian admixture
Kashmiri Pandits (overwhelmingly not Muslim): 0% SW Asian admixture

Punjabi Arains (overwhelmingly Muslim): 2% SW Asian admixture
Punjabi Muslim Jatts: 2% SW Asian admixture
Punjabi Brahmins: 0% SW Asian admixture

Gujarati Muslims: 4% SW Asian admixture
Gujarati Patels (overwhelmingly not Muslim): 0% SW Asian admixture

This Pakistani Gujjar obtained 3% SW Asian admixture:


Muslim Gujjars from NW India are shown to be pretty distinct from their non-Muslim counterparts:




Pakistanis as a whole have far more Eurasian ancestry than Indians, even the ones that come from neighbouring populations:

Rosenberg 2006.png

And of course, Muslims from north India have been proven to have traces of ancestry from the Middle East and Central Asia that their Hindu counterparts don't have:


"we observed a certain degree of genetic contribution from Iran to both Muslim populations"


“The correlation between the admixture contributions from Arabia and Iran is positive, with significant correlation coefficient values”

If u are logical then

If you are logical then you wouldn't make such stupid points thinking they're actual logical defeaters of what I'm saying.
Malik is not tamil name it's hindi name originated from sanskrit.
If not they tell me which other muslim nation has this title except pakistan. Just like rajpoot, raja, chaudhary, randhawa, jaat , pandit also.
May be tomorrow u ll say that pandit is also non indian name.
FYI tamil is not the but one of the major official language of india.
Unlike pakistan we respect all languages. I am not a tamil but I am proud that we have a language as rich as tamil.
Regarding links that u gave and graph you are proving my point that invaders raped the women in what is called current pakistan, and their family today brand those rapist as their hero.
But the fact is the country from where those invaders came ,tell once those pol that those invaders were our hero they will ditch u faster than spit.
Tell afaganistan that gauri is ur hero ...
Tell irani that bin qasim was ur hero...

Why go in past.?

U have a stadium names after Gaddari. Tell any lybian that gaddari is pakistan hero.... How ever it was lybian ppl who killer gaddafi on road.
This is called delusion..

Now comment back..
U guys accepted invaders once and you will do it again in front of another power which is evident.
Its in pakistan blood to submit / surrender when ever a powerful nation is comment.
That happiness when muslims came in past and happened in 71 in near paat.
You guys submitted in front of america now in front of china.
So no wonder tomorrow you will have huge percent of chinese DNA also. Cause china is not only intrested in land but also to exams its population in world. Just like ghengij khan where ever he went he almost killer the entire population.
China will do same to you.
Good luck.
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