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Destroy muslims community by banning beef trade yet allow hundus to export the same beef.

First its carabeef and not cow meat. In some states calf, oxen culling is allowed.

Second Pakistani Muslims expecting Indian Muslims to agree to their thought process or being called slave is one of worst humiliation a fellow human or Muslim could do to one another. He has his own mind, thought process. Betraying the ideology... Jeez... There is a reason why Pakistan is in the current state cos of that ideology. Leave Indians alone, and that includes our mausalmans.
First its carabeef and not cow meat. In some states calf, oxen culling is allowed.

Second Pakistani Muslims expecting Indian Muslims to agree to their thought process or being called slave is one of worst humiliation a fellow human or Muslim could do to one another. He has his own mind, thought process. Betraying the ideology... Jeez... There is a reason why Pakistan is in the current state cos of that ideology. Leave Indians alone, and that includes our mausalmans.

Relax your imaginary ego. Just Seeing one or two Pakistanis posting there own belief opinions here. And now your talking and thinking this is a pakistsni state policy. That’s just stupid on your part. Truth be Said majority Pakistanis are completely neutral on Indian Muslims and on Bangladeshis Muslims affairs.

Gujarat massacres and royinga suffering I don’t see mass pakistsni hysteria anywhere

If your hurt by what’s being said in this topic respond to them in kind. Don’t bring Pakistan into this mess. Majority of Pakistanis have nothing in common with your Indian Desi stuff.

Indian farmers in UP, are suffering from stray cows. Cows don't discriminate in comunnal lined when comes to eating produce. Yogi has made hindu and muslim farmers poorer. Modi did not help with note ban that hurt rural folk more. UP farmers are angry.


Don’t bother brother with logic with these suspicious race. Balloons crossing border been arrested by Indian police as ISI and pigeons. God help Pakistan bordering nutcracker land
How many Indians even know that BJP is a money making machine of certain communities who are using the Hindu-Muslim enmity to earn billions and grab power? This party is controlled by RSS. RSS has it's core ideology imported from Italy (Yes Sanghis, the same Italy where Madam Sonia came from). When a Hindu fanatic called Balakrishna Shivaram Moonje lived with Italian fascist Mussolini to learn "fascism", so as to bring back "Hindu rule"(Brahmin/FC rule) and re-enforce caste system. The best tool for that is fascism - use fake propaganda to create riots, destroy the co-existent nature of the society. That's how these Dar-ul-Kuffar, Dar-ul-Harb, Joshua project preaching RSS pracharaks evolved. The Godhra genocide are all inspired from the same Hedgewar, Golwalkar, Savarkar slaves. They are using whatever resources available to polarize Hindus. Be it holy cow or boycotting infidels in businesses. Indeed, RSS Hindus are Deeni Musalman sans the Kalima part.

The gun that is used to kill Mahatma Gandhi was from Mussolini's time. Need to say anything more?
You are unnecessarily giving rss a bad name without understanding their ideology or what tgey stand for.
Lots of silly statements in your comment. Gun used to kill Gandhi was from Mussolini time.. of course - both lived in the same era.
Godhra genocide? What's that? There is Godhra train burning and Gujarat riots as a result.
You cannot simplicistically say rss is bad or Islam is bad and evil.
And now your talking and thinking this is a pakistsni state policy. That’s just stupid on your part.
Good...one should never make sweeping comments on an entire state..because some lonely souls said something...
Don’t bother brother with logic with these suspicious race. Balloons crossing border been arrested by Indian police as ISI and pigeons. God help Pakistan bordering nutcracker land
what...WTF happened to you and that too in the same post? :o::o:
The hypocrisy Selling momas meat.


I get along well with @Starlord, but this is the same use of a proverb as mine. And the implied insult, strangely enough, is exactly the same.

So what's your decision?

Don't you think that we can not change the words of phrases commonly used in our society ? I am sure you have used this " Dhobi ka kutta na ghar ka na ghaat ka " one way or another ? so what's the fuzz about me using it for Indian Muslims ? they can call my Leader Jinnah , Satan .. and what not ? and i can't refer to them for what they become in Modi India .. and when i used such words for Indian Muslims that include around 50+ members of my distant family .
Don't you think that we can not change the words of phrases commonly used in our society ? I am sure you have used this " Dhobi ka kutta na ghar ka na ghaat ka " one way or another ? so what's the fuzz about me using it for Indian Muslims ? they can call my Leader Jinnah , Satan .. and what not ? and i can't refer to them for what they become in Modi India .. and when i used such words for Indian Muslims that include around 50+ members of my distant family .

It's not about you, it's about a view taken some days ago by the moderators. I'm putting it to the test.
It's not about you, it's about a view taken some days ago by the moderators. I'm putting it to the test.

Oh , sorry my mistake .. but you do know that anytime you disagree or didn't like something you can always mention me directly :) Always takes your critics/suggestions seriously :tup:

have a great day
Its buffalo meat not cow meat

So Muslims are so stupid that they were only in beef business? A cow is hardly used for meat consumption in Pakistan.

A professional Joe Shearer liked your post.

How desperate are Indians these days?
Oh , sorry my mistake .. but you do know that anytime you disagree or didn't like something you can always mention me directly :) Always takes your critics/suggestions seriously :tup:

have a great day

I neither disagreed nor disliked it - OK, that's not accurate, I don't agree with your characterisation of Muslim Indians, but to be honest, your post represented an opportunity to ask the Mods how they would view your use of a proverb that could mean an indirect insult to an individual or a community. I had written 'Dogs bark but the caravan moves on', and that was frowned upon. So I now want to see if they will be consistent.

Generally my views, I notice, overlap yours pretty closely. Obvious differences, considering that you are strong for Pakistan and I for India, but I don't feel any personal differences, only differences of opinion.

I neither disagreed nor disliked it - OK, that's not accurate, I don't agree with your characterisation of Muslim Indians, but to be honest, your post represented an opportunity to ask the Mods how they would view your use of a proverb that could mean an indirect insult to an individual or a community. I had written 'Dogs bark but the caravan moves on', and that was frowned upon. So I now want to see if they will be consistent.

Generally my views, I notice, overlap yours pretty closely. Obvious differences, considering that you are strong for Pakistan and I for India, but I don't feel any personal differences, only differences of opinion.


I won't mind if my post is deleted , its not an insult to me , actually it makes me happy that MODS are up to their job , and so we don't have lose more good members like @django and others .
I won't mind if my post is deleted , its not an insult to me , actually it makes me happy that MODS are up to their job , and so we don't have lose more good members like @django and others .

Completely agree with the point about the Mods now being a pro-active, strong team. But I was not convinced about a proverb being taken to mean an insult, because of one of the words in it. That's what I'm testing; again, nothing about them, or about you.

Django was a shock. What caused it, AUSTERLITZ flying off the handle, was an equal shock.
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